London Gov is Falling Down. Stockholm against liberal green. ESG mocked. Fusion. Anal chess
Brittiska bruttan brölar. Stockholm dumpar liberalgrönt. ESG hånat. Fusion. Snecker (V) i Skäggetorp
🇸🇪 Dagens tvättande svenska video. Lite svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English laundry video
I had to put snow from the freezer in the casing of my mobile to get it to work as it got overheated by recording the Swedish video.
If I ever participated in a psychological experiment, I would do it as the mice in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and do experiments on the ones thinking they do the experiments.
That is how I use Facebook, Twitter, and... Yes, even Minds. I don't think like that on the other platforms.
If you want to understand women, don’t let women teach you about women! If you want to understand men, ask men.
Western puppets: Why invest when you can spend?
GBP has fallen to its lowest level against the Dollar since 1985. UK is doing everything it can to get ahead of Germany, Netherlands and France into total collapse.
New UK PM Truss To Lift Fracking Ban, Climate Activists Crushed (However, while this has been politically positioned as 'pro-consumer', it's really an indirect (or direct) bailout for energy traders and producers.)
Sounds good for the energy production, but that is the problem with the Tories, they talk, and then deliver nothing useful: Low Confidence In Liz Truss On All Key Issues
And the Queen is about to retire.
Does having a World Reserve Currency always create a huge trade deficit?
The idea with the Petrodollar is to use the Cantillon effect to make the ones closest to the Fed rich and tax everyone else with inflation.
To keep that going, they need to bomb every central bank that has less inflation and a better product than The Fed.
But CBR can't be bombed.
Stockholm is turning Social Democrat, anti-Green and anti-liberal
A party needs 3% to enter the city hall, and this is the last election 2018 with the shadows showing the result from 2014, so the “right”-liberal M and the Green MP have been losing a lot of support the last 8 years:
It’s clear that the voters in the Swedish capital are not happy with the liberal-green government, and the Feminist party is pretty much dead, while the Christian Democrats (KD) never was a real thing in the godless city.
This will likely result in an S+MP or maybe pure S government, but it’s an interesting trend that the Greens are doing so badly in Stockholm, while doing quite well in the rest of the country.
The interesting part is that this will change the Social Democrat party, so this might actually be the voters moving “right” despite voting “left”, because there is no way to unglobalize M, whose mayor Anna König Jerlmyr who was one of the three Swedes who took a trip to Davos (the two others were ministers).
How long before ESG gets mocked out of existence?
Fusion is too expensive
I’m not sure what Elon Musk is talking about when it comes to “source fuel”, but a fusion reactor will be much more expensive to run and maintain than a modern fission reactor, and even though the fuel for a fission reactor is expensive, the fuel is a small part of the cost to run the reactor - even for pre-generation-4 reactors that only use a fraction of the fuel’s energy. So building a more complicated reactor that costs even more to maintain makes no economical sense.
🤡 Professor of Strategic Studies
Chess is an anal sport
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Om jag någonsin skulle delta i ett psykologiskt experiment skulle jag göra det som mössen i Liftarens guide till galaxen och göra experiment på dem som tror att de gör experimenten.
Det är så jag använder Facebook, Twitter och... Ja, till och med Minds. Jag tänker inte så på de andra plattformarna.
Om du vill förstå kvinnor, låt inte kvinnor lära dig om kvinnor! Om du vill förstå män, fråga män.
Rektor Hamid är tillbaka på Twitter, vilket är bra, men han tror på myten om att rika länder är rika för att de har bra ledare:
Frihetsnytt: Linda Snecker (V) skrämmer upp utlänningar i Skäggetorp
Att svenska myndigheter kidnappar barn är ingen konspirationsteori, utan soc begår regelmässigt grova övergrepp då de tror sig veta bäst, trots att de är narcissistiska skitar som inte ens skulle kunna uppfostra och nära en tomatplanta utan att ge den ADHD. Dvs soc består till en viss del av precis sådana som Linda Snecker.
Medan Hanif Bali går ut och vill droga ner alla ADHD-barn till zombier så de inte begår våldsbrott, men han vägrar ta det ett steg till och fundera över vad barnstackarna äter i form av socker, D och B-vitamin-brister, samt för mycket inflammatoriska omega-6 fetter (matoljor) och ständigt bröd/pasta-ätande som ger zink-brist.