Pfizer believes in heart problems. Youtube panics. Germany vs Germany gas war goes on. Dementia
Pfizer tror på hjärtproblem. Youtube har panik. Tyskland fortsätter gaskriget emot Tyskland. Demens
Pfizer and Arena
Just a note about Pfizer buying Arena: Why is Pfizer overpaying ($100 for a stock that was worth $55 before the bid) that much for a company that sells stuff against heart problems? Must be all that post-pandemic stress, climate change and other things that make Pfizer predict a sudden explosive increase in heart problems?
Yeah, so it turns out those "facts" are nothing more than "protected opinions," Facebook quietly admitted in a court filing. Learn More:
“This claim is disputed by partisan opinions” would be better.
And the “people” working for Facebook are the less bad ones… Youtube and Twitter commit crimes against humanity in censoring, destroying and killing children in a desperate try to save the holy narrative:
YouTube Censors Bombshell Joe Rogan Interview With Cardiologist Peter McCullough
Doctor urged that COVID treatments are being sidelined in order to “create acceptance for, and then promote, mass vaccination.”
Billionaire Christian Angermayer Says Social Media Is "Toxic To Our Brains" And That Magic Mushrooms Can Help
“I do psychedelics twice a year in a country where it’s legal. They give me faith, they show me purpose, and they show you the importance of love.”
Germany Won't Approve Nord Stream 2 Until July; EU NatGas Soars To New Record High
“Putin bad! Must be Putin forcing Germany to not buy Russian gas!!!”. How hard can the occupation forces push the German people before they realize that their government is at war with them?
Wanker news - Looking good
When the arrests ramps up…
I don’t see how anyone will be able to calm down the people as soon as the arrests are getting more plentiful. Too early to say where, but this will spiral out of control into some sort of reign of terror because all that hate that is now misdirected to everywhere will be directed at the former rulers. This was a clear warning boo from the Zeitgeist:
During Sunday’s event, Trump also said he wouldn’t investigate President Joe Biden’s son Hunter if elected.
“I don’t want to hurt a family. I’ll be honest,” Trump said, receiving a boo from the crowd.
Fauci Sets Stage For Omicron Panic, Warns Hospitals Could Be 'Overwhelmed' Within Weeks
Fauci is scared shit (?), because people aren’t afraid, and then he will need to wear a face mask that actually works and let no air through. The only way “vaccinations” might help against omicron is by killing off people, because the variant seems to prefer the jabbed ones in Danish data
Omicron won in London now, so rest of Europe will follow soon:
Yes, that can make sense, and it’s what is happening in every epidemic: First the very weak get the virus and then the virus gets more and more aggressive until it even infect people with good immune systems, but they aren’t at risk of getting severely sick. But for us in the civilized world, it doesn’t matter as omicron will be mild for us, regardless if the reason behind that is the virus or our health and partial immunity.
The question is what happens when the omicron hits New Zealand or rural areas that have little immunity. By slowing the spread of the virus, it has time to get way worse, but for this particular virus, it has little reason to cause the allergic reaction on the 8th day as that doesn’t help the spread.
Keep track of your level of vulnerable narcissism:
2 jabs, formerly fully vaccinated. Normal Dalek level
1 booster, programmer level
2 boosters, politician level
3 boosters, celeb level
4 boosters, journalist level
5 boosters, corpse level
Let's go booster!!! 💪😸💉
Eh… Really? Sort of? Maybe? WTF?!? Why didn’t I know this? I might have more amazing hair and being smarter than Newton, but damn - I don’t want to be another Isaac! That sudden knowledge was a laser through my feels!
Follow the link to the video if you know English!
Förebyggande av demens
B1-vitamin är extra viktigt om du äter mycket socker, gluten och alkohol. Fixa sockersjukan, ät groddar (bättre än fröna de växer ifrån), och såklart mindre omega-6-fetter men mer fisk/riktigt kött/ägg, få i dig alla mineraler och stressa inte bort sömnen. Man kan sova väldigt lite och ändå må tiptop, men sov så mycket du behöver, och sedan kan du fixa resten. Om du har problem med hälsan så hjälper ofta sömn, varmbad, långa promenader, fasta, mm.
Ginseng hjälper också, och även om korsord och sånt sägs hjälpa, så är det bästa att använda hela kroppen i att göra något komplicerat som får psyket att lägga mineralerna och vitaminerna i nervsystemet i stället för där de gör nytta för kroppen medan hjärn- eller nerv-funktionerna monteras ner.
Vi får se hur det går för Jan Ericson (M) som är kritisk emot vaccinkraven och nedstängningar. Jag kommenterade:
Vi (även jag som personligen känner Marcus Wallenberg är bannade ifrån Twitter) är inte emot vaccinpass. Vi vill diskutera om det handlar om avrättningar, fängelse eller bara avskedanden av dem som som har som jobb att läsa medicinska studier, inte kan läsa hur Pfizer helt ärligt (det händer) säger att du dör och blir mer sjuk om du tar sprutan.
Steve Kirsch ska alla Moderater följa! Han kan medicin sådär, men han kan korruption, korrupta myndigheter och så uppfann han den optiska musen bara för att han var så irriterad på att musen med kula i bara inte fungerande bra. När han blir irriterad på att skit inte fungerar som det borde, så hyr han de han de bästa experterna ifrån hela världen.
RCT-studien ifrån Pfizer: Bara 4 gånger mer sjuklighet och 43% mer död.
De som godkände sprutan efter denna studie tycker jag behöver avrättas, men vad tycker ni är lämpligt straff? Jag överdriver lite? Kanske de bara behöver bli avskedade?