Become LGBTQR? Gestures: Putin, Italians & Brand. Liz Truss last UK PM? CCP vs blowing stuff up
Bli HBTQK? Gester: Putin, italienare och finnar. Liz Truss sista ledaren av UK? Kina vs bomba saker
🇸🇪 Dagens svampiga svenska video. Lite på svenska längst ner, men se engelska delen!
Today’s gesticulating English video
How to not be discriminated against as a Republican
Declare that you are a part of the LGBTQR community, where R stands for the minority sexual preference of being a Republican that likes sex in line with traditional family values. You can also use C(onservative) instead of R.
Speaking absolutely not like Giorgia Meloni, or any Italian
Putin is using only his right thumb to make the important gesture, and the lifting turning the left hand to say that he is open for dialog or that he might be wrong about that.
The right thumb is to show some people that his business hand is still working, but he is not using the trigger finger…
I know people people from almost any culture of the world, and if you haven’t, you will believe that they have some sort of medical problem in the way they use or not use their arms while talking. Putin can look just like an Italian in a photo, but when he talks, he looks disabled to an Italian, while a talking Italian would look like they have MS or are just crazy to a Russian.
That is NOT how English people speak with their hands. That is how the English speak on a theatre stage? When Russel Brand is interviewing someone he has a much lower energy to make the other person become the star of the show.
My point is to make you think of if you have the right body language for the situation, audience, the message and what fits with your personality.
So here is how average Giorgia Meloni is in English:
Giorgia was a so-so speaker in English in 2019, and in early 2022 Giorgia Meloni believed the lies about Ukraine. She’s a beyond great speaker in Italian, she’s still mediocre in English as she has to look at the teleprompter all the time even if her English is good.
And she fell for the Ukrainian hoax as she fell for the covid vaccine passport, but she is allied with Silvio Berlusconi, who has a lot of experience and is a personal friend of Putin and I think he’ll correct much of this bullshit.
So the language problem is making her not speak from her heart in English, and she needs better advice - but also not so good advice that USA and EU will nuke her…
Global Times (CCP’s English media) thinks John Brennan and Ursula von der Crazy are lying
I on the other hand, think that we can also blame CCP for what their puppet in (or near) the White House is doing. Clearly China is benefiting too, so the Chinese dark money will continue to flow into the US deep state.
Let me clarify: CCP is not blowing up infrastructure and it is not even trying to make USA do it for them as this is just not something CCP does, nor is Sweden, Norway and maybe not Poland. All I say is that if CCP had a big interest in Nord Stream 1&2, CCP would have cut the fentanyl sex slaves supply to the DC kleptocracy elites at once and campaign donations - CCP can influence big donors to not donate to the enemies of China. CCP infiltrates, while US/5eyes deep state also blows up stuff.
Also note that CCP is benefiting domestically from pointless theater actions from the Democrats like the Pelosi-visit to Taiwan, and the Democrats have WORDS to say in media about that they are tough on China - while Putin and Modi actually are tough on China, but not like bullies. While the Biden administration is an imploding klepocracy, that is now desperate on making sure their allies in Europe and Asia have a worse economy than USA, so they can stay in power by fooling the 30% most moronic people in the country that USA is doing fine because it’s less bad than in the allied countries.
So far there is no proof CCP, the Democrats, Wall Street big banks, WEF and City of London aren't still allied. Mostly theater fights and of course real internal competition.
Take another booster, actress!
You destroyed your body living in a fantasy world and you wanted to destroy other people’s freedom and health too, so while I really thank you for posting this, but for the good of the world, I will have no sympathy what so ever for you. YOU MADE SURE TO NOT LISTEN TO ME OR ANYONE LIKE ME JUST TO PROTECT YOUR EGO!
This guy is continuing to crush big tech! 😍
I’m still not sure who he is, but he said he is “whasapbal you know, come on man!”
Liz Truss, the last prime minister of UK
Big and downward UK economy data revisions today: GDP 0.2% below pre-pandemic level. But the Brits are still forced to work hard, and there is a 50 year low unemployment, so what is happening is that the people is working hard while the government is stealing and destroying more than ever with ever more sadist policies.
With these numbers, we can be sure that there will be no election until 24 January 2025, and I doubt there will be a UK then. Liz Truss probably step down this winter, as soon as the Tories have found someone even more stupid.
Also in the cards: UK applies to EU and gets denied due to lack of democracy, too much corruption and some other bullshit excuse as EU wants to see UK split up and getting totally humiliated before accepting it. The Yugoslavia, Soviet and Czechoslovakia principle.
Can you think of any regime that wants to help UK survive? Ukraine, New Zeeland, maybe Australia? I don’t see Canada or USA caring, nor any European country, even if Spain is totally against the idea of countries splitting up… But taking Gibraltar from UK would give any Spanish politician a triple orgasm.
These predictions are built in the assumption that the rulers are acting like spoiled annoying stupid brats.
More photo evidence from the Nord Stream pipelines bombings:
🤡 Expert thinks Putin is making desperate propaganda
You can read the same bullshit in all Western media:
The expert (= a moron who gets paid to be wrong about a specific topic in the media) Katarina Engberg was in the late 1960s chairman of SECO, the Swedish Students' Central Organisation (today the Swedish Student Unions). She was then a member of KFML(r) (A Swedish Hardline Communist Party). She has previously worked at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and in the Armed Forces She is a member of the Royal Academy of War Sciences.
The "liberal democrats" of the West are stuck in the mud of their own feces, and Putin is in a slow-moving tank heading in their direction.
Putin is becoming increasingly popular in Latin America, Africa and Asia, Saudi Crown Prince MbS and enemy Iran love him, and support for Putin in Europe doubles every month as it dawns on more and more people that the Western rulers are an enemy we have in common with Putin.
California is less progressive than Linköping
In Linköping, a criminal gang blow up a bomb in an electric cargo bike, so we are way ahead of California.
Hur högerfolk undviker att bli diskriminerade
Bli en del av HBTQK-gemenskapen! K står för att du tillhör minoriten som har en sexuell läggning som är förenlig med Konstervativa familjevärden. Om någon identitetsaktivist kritiserar dig för något, så begår de i princip våldtäkt på alla lesbiska kvinnor och män, och du kan be kränkt å deras vägnar också.
🤡 Expert tror Putin gör desperat propaganda
Experten (= en dumbom som får betalt för att ha fel om ett specifikt ämne i media) Katarina Engberg var i slutet av 1960-talet ordförande för SECO, Sveriges Elevers Centralorganisation (idag Sveriges Elevkårer). Hon var sedan medlem i KFML(r) (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti). Hon har tidigare arbetat på Utrikespolitiska institutet och i Försvarsmakten. Hon är ledamot av Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademien.
Västvärldens "liberala demokrater" sitter fast i leran som består av deras egen avföring, och Putin sitter i en långsamt rullande stridsvagn på väg i deras riktning.
Putin blir alltmer populär i Latinamerika, Afrika och Asien, saudiska kronprinsen MbS och fienden Iran älskar honom och stödet för Putin i Europa fördubblas varje månad, då det går upp för allt fler att härskarna i väst är en fiende vi har gemensamt med Putin.