Liar faces. Weather minister. 1% blobbers' spread. Putin-Tucker reactions & reflections
Ljug-ansikten. Väderministern. 1%-blobbisternas spridning. Timbro och SD-Bolsjeviker. ISW?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner, men den engelska texten ej översatt idag 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
Democrat lying face
Even with the sound turned down you can tell the moment she tells a lie. Watch her eyes go wide for the lie, chin goes up, smile doesn't match rest of face.
"The way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated."
Whom to blame for the over-educated rich Bolsheviks?
In USA it is the universities and then that brainwashing continues with media, as they are so into their bubble and feel so superior than “the people”, than they don’t even care to listen to them.
Then there are 300 000 Chinese students in USA, and many of them will surely bring back the woke mind-virus even to China, and demand more diversity, perversions and less wealth for the people “beneath them”.
In EU there is a filtration through the political parties, so that only narcissists and yes-people get to the top, but often they are far from over-educated except in France with its liberal Bolshevik aristocracy.
Former WHO/Trump White House advisor:
"There is a Depopulation Agenda"
Some people say: “But I have never met anyone like that, and I talk to a lot of rich powerful people” - Sure, but you have not talked to THESE 1%, because they refuse to talk to malinformers like your.
Ed Dowd: The Covid 19 jab math 3rd rail political issue that will only become bigger as we approach November.
Netanyahu: “Total Victory”
Egypt threatens to suspend the peace agreement if the Israeli army invaded Rafah.
An Israeli teacher was put in solitary confinement for not supporting Israel's genocidal war on Gaza.
"They wished me to die, they wished my children to die, they threatened to rape my daughter."
'The only democracy in the Middle East' they say:
The military causes election chaos in Pakistan
I can’t make sense of it now.
Tucker Carlson’s The Vladimir Putin Interview “180M views” (plus 100M on other sites)?
Note that “a view” is not the same as if 1M is watching a TV-channel at the same time, so Carlson isn’t 300 times bigger than CNN, but the 1% Bolsheviks are making fools of themselves and are basically saying “Putin speaks deceptive propaganda, but not as well as us, now look at how smart Joe Biden is!”.
Video: The Alliance of Trusted Media releases statement regarding Tucker Carlson-Putin interview 😂
Tucker Carlson’s 5 Key Takeaways from the Putin Interview:
#1 - Putin is “very wounded” by the rejection of the West.
• “That’s the whole point of NATO, I guess, is to contain Russia. And Putin is wounded by this.”
#2 - “Russia is not an expansionist power.”
• “You have to be an idiot to think that. Russia is too big already. It’s the biggest landmass in the world. They only have 150,000,000 people.”
• They’ve Got more than enough natural resources. They’re swimming in natural resources. They don’t have enough people, in their view. So, the idea that they want to take over Poland, why would you want to do that? They just want secure borders.”
#3 - Putin likely wants peace in Ukraine
• “He was willing to admit that he wants a peace deal in Ukraine and sort of give it away and just say that out loud. He said it a couple of different times. Again, maybe he’s lying in ways I didn’t perceive, but he kept saying it, and I don’t know why he would say it if he didn’t mean it.”
• “As a matter of fact, there is evidence, overwhelming, that there was a peace deal, or part of a peace deal with the beginning of peace talks, a settlement of some sort on the table a year and a half ago that the former prime minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, scuttled on behalf of the Biden administration and convinced Zelensky and the Ukrainian government not to enter into these talks. I mean, that’s kind of an established fact. The Israelis were there. They revealed this. That happened.”
#4 - Demands for Russia to relinquish Crimea are insane.
• “U.S. officials have said on the record and have said to me and are telling a bunch of people that part of the terms have to be Russia giving up Crimea!”
• “Putin would go to war, nuclear war, if it came down to Crimea.”
• “If you really think that a condition of peace is that Putin is going to give up Crimea, then you’re like a lunatic!”
#5 - The U.S. has a poor track record with regime change.
• “We are run by nutcases. The President and that poisonous moron Victoria Nuland. ‘Oh, we’re going to depose Putin.’ Well, then what happens?”
• “What happened in Libya when we deposed and allowed, you know, Qaddafi to be murdered? What happened in Iraq when we brought Saddam to justice? Those countries fell apart, and they never been rebuilt again.”
• “In Afghanistan, we took out the central government, and they came back. It’s still run by the Taliban. So, our track record of knocking out the leader, which is very easy to do, is spotty at best. Things don’t always get better. And to do that to Russia, the largest landmass in the world with the largest nuclear arsenal, you’re on drugs if you think that’s a good idea.”
Was Stalin in charge?
George Kennan did not know who was in charge of the Soviet Union in 1946.
Watch Matt Orfalea Bitch Slap Those Who Said The Ukraine Invasion Was "Not About NATO"
Notice: Bojo didn’t deny that he stopped the peace! He has a brain of 3 Joe Biden, and the lying will of 1/3 Adam Schiff.
Year 2021: Scientist explains how the planet is dominated by humans and our agricultural production In a forum for children Boris Johnson suggests “We could feed some of the human beings to the animals.”
That "scientist" is part of the 1% Bolshevik human-hating monsters, and there are a lot more mammals in Europe lately, but instead the children are taught they are evil for existing.
Sweden Democrat threatens to leave EU group if Orbán's party is admitted
If Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party joins the Sweden Democrats' ECR (“conservative”) group, the SD could leave the group. This is what the party's MEP Charlie Weimers told Politico.
Bolsheviks like Charlie Weimers have a particularly strong hatred of Ukrainians, Germans, Hungarians and Swedes, even though they hate all people and their freedom and prosperity.
That's why Weimers thinks it's so important to support avowed "Nazis" in Ukraine that he throws the whole idea of positive nationalism on the trash heap Björn Söder (SD) who wants to make me a second class citizen with a vaccine passport.
People, learn to recognise the Bolsheviks even if they call themselves Liberal, Nationalist, Conservative or something else: They don't hide!
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Engelska texten ej översatt idag.
Svensk politik
Timbro är också en Bolsjevikisk ljug-Gongo:
SD hotar lämna EU-grupp om Orbáns parti släpps in
Om Viktor Orbáns parti Fidesz går med i Sverigedemokraternas partigrupp ECR så kan SD lämna gruppen. Det uppger partiets EU-parlamentariker Charlie Weimers för Politico.
Bolsjeviker som Charlie Weimers har ett speciellt starkt hat emot ukrainare, tyskar, ungrare och svenskar, även om de hatar alla människor och deras frihet och välstånd.
Därför tycker Weimers det är så viktigt att stödja uttalade "Nazister" i Ukraina att han kastar hela idén med positiv nationalism på skräphögen Björn Söder (SD) som vill göra mig till en andra klassens medborgare med vaccinpass.
Folk, lär är känna igen bolsjevikerna även om de kallar sig för S, SD, M eller något annat: De gömmer sig inte!