Lick the world! Satanic NASA. Comical anti-Polish Jews. 100% wrong judgers of character. Rich Russia
Slicka världen! Satanism-NASA. Komiska anti-Polen-judar. 100% fel personbedömningar. Rika Ryssland
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On this UK election day, listen to these magnificent words of NATO’s Supreme Commander
Biden: Thank you all, God bless you all. Let's go lick the world, let's get it done.
Do not, I repeat, do not lick metal outside when it's way below freezing. And never ever give that advice to kids, because they will get their tongue frozen stuck!
Make the kid do it, get stuck and have a way to heat up the metal, because they will try!
French election: I told you so!
Le Pen's RN getting 190-220 of 577 seats, well short of the 289 needed to form a government.
But: It’s totally possible that the leftists get pissed, and vote for Le Pen’s party. But that needs an event or something.
The SHOCKING Satanic Origins of NASA | Candace Ep 18
The Jews only had a problem with the great man Wernher von Braun.
Video in English with Polish subtitles:
The Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland has a meeting in 2022
Citizenship to all immigrants in Poland
Reintegration tax to cover the cost of moving 3.3 million Jews to Poland
Hebrew as the second official language of Poland (not even Jiddisch)
Dismissal notice of the Polish state concerning the concordat with the Vatican state - each religious institution should act on the same level
Minorities House instead of Senate in Polish Parliament
I and Grzegorz Braun recommend the foam variant, but CO2 works too:
Jew facts and why people do not want to hear them, video:

Michele Obama and celebs with good capability to judge the character of a person: Harvey Weinstein is a really good person?!?
We will do the same about every one who trusted Joe Biden, Geert Wilders and so on. We all have done mistakes when it comes to trusting individuals, but there is something very wrong with those who constantly support corrupt people in power. On the other hand, we might be able to almost trust them to always be wrong.
The World Bank says Russia is once again a high income country
The sanctions actually helped Russia, as the oligarchs had to take they money back to Russia and invest there, instead of in USA and Europe.
Ukraine can’t join NATO because it’s too corrupt?!?
Translation: Ukraine hasn't purged everyone who can't be corrupted, so they could expose the corruption in NATO.
No country is denied NATO because it's corrupt, possibly the WW-III problem has influenced the decision, but EU+NATO are pouring tonnes of money into Ukraine precisely because of the corruption. No, NATO is afraid that someone in Ukraine's military is honest and impossible to corrupt, so that their corruption is exposed. posts:
Kaja Kallas needs to call Ghostbusters!
Such a cute little teddy bear she is, but she doesn't seem that impressed by him
Quite a size different between male and female grizzly bears: video.
As she made him walk away, I think I better not ask her if I can cuddle with her cubs though... She’s probably tougher than she looks.
That tiny little lady should be easy to beat in a fight… If you’re a lion? OK, no, that doesn’t work. Maybe a tiger? I think you need to have horns or a gun, actually.
NATO ratar Ukraina pga korruption?!?
Översättning: Ukraina har inte rensat ut alla som inte går att korrumpera, så de skulle kunna avslöja korruptionen i NATO.
Inget land blir förvägrat NATO för att det är korrupt, möjligen har problemet med WW-III påverkat beslutet, men EU+NATO gödslar tonvis med pengar på Ukraina just pga korruptionen. Nej, NATO är rädda för att någon i Ukrainas militär är ärlig och omöjlig att korrumpera, så att deras korruption avslöjas.
Vad är det för vänster-nazism (hon höll micken med högern) Zara Larson och Carola predikar?
MEMIS noterar: Få vet detta men Sverige har redan en återvandringslåt. Framfördes här av Zara Larsson & Carola i Augusti 2020. Vad gör Zara vid 1:06 t.ex?
Kort därefter dök Zara upp på P3 Guld i en Burzum-klänning och Carola kritiserade invandringen i skarpa ordalag.