Might the covid vaccines be safe & effective? Fun, interesting stuff and life advice
M blev ett terrorparti. Kan covid-vaccingen vara säkra och effektiva? Råd om livet och skoj
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A wild conspiracy theory: The covid vaccines are safe and effective
At this time if might sound crazy to suggest that the covid vaccines are safe and effective, but that wasn’t ruled out by the RCT that did show increased all causes mortality at first, but after that we do not know what happens. The vaccines might have improved general health
But what we are seeing now can be explained with that the vaccine producers have no incentive what so ever to care about quality of their product as the contracts are written like that. They could and should just ship saline water in the jabs to save money, but instead they seem to skip the quality control and ship poison (unless they do this for a much more sinister reason like doing experiments):
I’m not trying to argue that the Australian government is the enemy of their own people and humankind. They are, so end of that discussion:
People who push vaccine passport will never be welcome back to society
If you are a nurse, you do not have to take shit from your employer. I know a nurse Michael Zazzio https://www.bitchute.com/video/r13iVZ0CWCAu/ (You should be able to find him speaking English too)
He has a company selling colloidal silver, he has a clinic where they treat patients with new effective technologies, and he is in a tribunal that have convicted the Swedish Prime Minister to 15 years in prison - Not something the Swedish state will enforce at the moment, but Zazzio has legal expertise and has won a lot of cases like some sort of Dr VA Shiva.
So if you think that "I'm just a nurse, so I have to take a job" - NO! You are way better than that! You can also be an Elon Musk, but with less asperger’s! ❤️
Believers of the a-gas-can-act-as-a-blanket idea are hard to convince of anything
But I’m trying:
Bowling is more interesting than you thought
PewDiePie gives seriously good life advice in a fun way:
Try out many hobbies, and see if you really want to work with them. Might be better to just keep them as hobbies?
Keep on trying, and eventually you will be comfortable doing stuff you are afraid of.
Remember to encourrage others, because that will make them better at everything from public speaking to math
Also notice how PewDiePie by laughing awkwardly at the wrong times, just makes himself more interesting to listen to! He has a talent for sounding honest, fun and great, but you can also get this talent.
Prova många hobbyer och se om du verkligen vill arbeta med dem. Kan det vara bättre att bara behålla dem som hobbyer?
Fortsätt försöka, och så småningom kommer du att trivas med saker du är rädd för.
Kom ihåg att uppmuntra andra, för det kommer att göra dem bättre på allt från att tala inför folkmassor till matte
Lägg också märke till hur PewDiePie genom att skratta pinsamt vid fel tillfällen, bara gör det mer intressant att lyssna på honom! Han har en talang för att låta ärlig, rolig och fantastisk, men du kan också få den här talangen.
Vaccinpass-Moderaterna har blivit ett skitparti
De få bra Moderater som finns blir överkörda av de sadistiska kräken:
Varför vill M bli som de värsta mest sadistiska fascist-regimerna? Topplocket har definitivt flygit av.
Bara för att man är död så är man inte säker emot covid och bör därför ta vaccinet! 🤡
Detta kanske hjälper kvinnor att förstå män lite bättre: