Assange birthday. State and rioters against the French. Winning the war on drugs. Lindsey Booham
Assange fyller år. Stat och ligister mot fransmännen. Vinna kriget mot droger. Expo:s inkomster
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
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Today’s English video (Rumble)
13 minutes video: Max Blumenthal explains to the U.N. what is actually happening with the war in Ukraine.
“Happy” birthday, Assange!
France to shut internet services to control riots
So not only are the people in some areas attacked by vermin, but also by the government. I’m not saying that the French government is on the same side as the rioters, but until the state has proven it isn’t creating and benefiting from the problem, we should assume the state is guilty.
And then hand out guns and training to the people. Imagine the riots happening in Austin: Two rioters shot, and then the rest would would try to steal buses to go to Portland or something…
Compare with the liars BBC: Not one single day passes without BBC spreading lies that promote wars, dangerous medical procedures, corruption and oppression.
Mercy for terrorists? French woman begs the police to ‘show mercy’ on the rioters.
The Telegraph: How Russia is using French riots as propaganda
Russian press reports unrest in France spreading to other countries is proof that Western liberalism is destroying Europe.
The graph below shows infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) for Cuba and the United States. World Bank Data. Over the past 20 years, 84,495 infants in the USA have died because of mortality rates in excess of Cuba's.
Be careful, USA! Russia might use the failures of your government in their propaganda, as The Telegraph warns Europe.
The idiocracy plandemic explained
They failed to create a deadly virus and had a non-working cure ready for the non-existing deadly virus, and then they tried to cover up how they failed to create this deadly virus, because they thought they had succeeded in that.
Then they pushed lockdowns that would not have worked against the deadly virus that didn't exist. And they got rich from selling the non-working vax against the non-existing deadly virus.
Best anti-drug government in the world?
Use the US military that will protect their drug lord friends to bomb Mexican cartels? Vivek and Trump should say that they will pay the Taliban to do the job. They did it before USA invaded and after. You might not like the Taliban, but they seem trustworthy unlike the US Federal government agencies.
To be fair: El Salvador has had even more success the last 5 years, and they speak Spanish and often English, so just call
president Nayib Bukele and he'll help USA bomb the crap out of the DEA, CIA, FBI and other alphabet soup offices all across USA that are pushing fentanyl.
Brian’s vision:
AI that helps you find your wisdom
As I’ve dunked on Brian and men doing 2+ hour podcasts, here’s Brian Roemmele on why you (yes, you) have far more wisdom than you think you do in 41 seconds.
Lindsey talking to MAGA outside of a boutique
That didn’t go well!
I read that Lindsey Graham got booed at, on the Trump rally, but I didn’t get how bad it was and that Trump then made fun of the warmonger in its own hometown
Alex Christoforou shows a short clip and talks about Lindsey getting totally booed
6 minutes booing at the warmonger gay demon
Idiokratins plandemi förklarad
De misslyckades med att skapa ett dödligt virus och hade ett icke-fungerande botemedel redo för det icke-existerande dödliga viruset, och sedan försökte de mörka hur de misslyckades med att skapa detta dödliga virus, eftersom de trodde att de hade lyckats med det.
Sedan drev de igenom nedstängningar som inte skulle ha fungerat mot det dödliga virus som inte existerade. Och de blev rika på att sälja det icke-fungerande vaccinet mot det icke-existerande dödliga viruset.
Expo, en halvstatlig terrororganisation utklädd till “journalism”
Expo är delvis finansierat av skattemedel. De får flera hundra tusen genom länsstyrelsen och så vidare. Det är olika bidrag som man hittar på. Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF) med flera.
27 JUNI 2023 11:39: Anne Ramberg ny ordförande för Expo.
Clown-video: Irrelevant underårig kärring försöker göra sig relevant
Märta Stenevi är född 30 mars 1976, 47 år gammal. Tur att hon bytte bort Wallin som sitt efternamn i alla fall.
MPs största problem nu är att de inte hittar någon man som vill språkberöra Märta. Hon är så uppenbart en manipulativ gnällig satkärring med offermentalitet (sårbar narcissist) att ingen vill vara i närheten.
Twitter appears quite broken (for non account holders like me). All the links I've tried (from various sources, including yours) today fail to show anything, other than a message saying "Something went wrong. Try reloading". Sounds like a great reset is required! ;)