Live 2 PM EST on Sunday! Gettr +1.25. Trying to pronounce psoriasis cure. Vaxx killed children
Live söndag kl 20:00. Gettr +1.25M. Försök att uttala psoriasis-botemedel. Ihjäl-vaxxade barn
Note: No dog walk video tomorrow, but I will be live on Odysee at 20:00 Swedish time (2 PM EST) on Sunday. You can start doing comments now!
How many Americans see media as the enemy of the people?
You want to compete in guessing? I guessed that 57% of Americans Believe ‘The Media Are Truly the Enemy of the People’ - How close are you?
Youtube’s crimes against humanity continue
Gettr update
I finally found out that I got some reactions to a comment:
Rebel News: CEO of new social platform GETTR on what makes it better than competitors No beheading photos allowed there…
“GETTR’s Incredible First Week: 1.25 Million Registered Users”
Psoriasis tip
Dr Eric Berg keeps on coming with tips that might really help some people:
Of course it got sold out after Berg’s video.
17 children dead, More Than 2000 Suffering From Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome Due To COVID Vaccine
From a vaccine with no benefits what so ever for the children. Everyone involved in allowing this should be executed:
Some people say that these problems were due to covid, not the vaccines, but even if that is true, which there is no evidence for, covid vaccinations lead to an increase of the risk of getting covid with 35% the first week according to data from Scania, and it will probably lead to more severe covid also:
It’s pretty insane to think that the Indian children died or got badly hurt of covid:
Ugly grey German houses get a facelift
Freely translated: Greta with degenerated rap from the ghetto, the climate hoax, the covid hoax, criminal immigrants and marionettes to the globalists. Time to put the sleeve down, and not up, and stop being a sheep on the way to slaughter.
Har majoriteten av svenska folket glömt vad Läkemedelsindustrin är?
Redan i mitten på 90-talet hörde jag Astras VD som helt klart sa att de bara är ute efter att utveckla mediciner som inte botar något utan som man måste ta resten av sitt liv. Det här är inga konspirationsteorier utan det står för sjutton i årsredovisningarna!
Läkemedelsverket och Folkhälsovårdsmyndigheten
Vad innehåller ett PCR-test? Folkhälsomyndigheten vägrade svara:
1,4-9 miljarder har Sverige köpt in PCR-tester ifrån Kina för.
Länstyrelserna är byråkratträsk där offentlighetsanställda kan gömma sig så långt ifrån väljarna och skattebetalarna det bara är möjligt förutom på Sidas Sydostasiatiska kontor.
Nu har Sossarna fått erbjudandet i alla fall…
Lite konkurrens här dock: