Light water. Ursula nice lady? Liz was worth it! Ukraine and western regime changes. Climate gluing!
Lätt vatten. Ursula snäll dam? Ukraina och regimskifte i väst. Bristande (V)andel och M-idiotier
Dagens korta svenska vovve-video. Bara lite på svenska längst ner, men jag översätter i dagens direktsändning kl 21:00 på (Videon på Swebbtube)
Today’s short English doggie video. I’ll be live in an hour (first in Swedish) on (21:40 Swedish time)
The live mirrored to Odysee.
Reminder about light water: Preventa
The body’s machinery doesn’t work well with hydrogen atoms with an extra neutron. But if you get water from animal fat - one kg of fat results in 1.1 kg of water, and have a well working body, it will filter out the heavy water. On the other hand: The plants put their heavy hydrogen into sugar to they get rid of it.
Maybe Ursula is a nice lady?
No, this is not a joke or sarcasm. The question is if how much of real information is flowing into her, and what on Earth can she do about anything - Her husband is a big pharma mass murderer, so maybe a booster for him? But this is not “Putin must go!” talk:
Ursula can’t admit to herself that she is married to a big pharma mass murderer, and neither that the organization that she is set to lead and she seems to love, is mostly filled with corrupt, selfish, sadist kleptocrats with the sole mission in life is to get as much status as they can, and to make the lives of others miserable. All great leaders understand this, and this is why the shadows put naive people like Ursula or Yeltsin into power.
Must of the politicians and “people in power” are just “actors” = “narcissists”, who are good at climbing at to the top of organizations as they always say “the right thing”, but they are horrible “humans” and more like demons and can never admit that they are wrong about something, so they themselves can’t be leaders. So either it has to be a demon that can play a human like Obama, or a human that can play and somewhat is a demon like Trump, or the acting leader has to be someone with no clue.
Notice how honest and formerly sensible politicians have been turned into sheep with the Ukraine narrative - Who are the easiest to brainwash? I guess in this order:
Medical doctors
Uninformed common people
The ones hardest to trick:
Traders with 40+ years of experience
Business owners
Actors and scientists can fit into the best and worst of these groups. Actors mostly because like journalists though.
45 Days As PM Qualifies Truss For $129,000 A Year For Life
“That should soften the sting of her utter humiliation”
At first glance this might seem like a bad deal for the UK tax-payers, but Liz did break Bojo by explaining that women can be as great leaders as Putin, and she made the pedo-wanking Tories look just as useless incompetent morons as they are, so I’ll give her reign a 5/5 kiss-globalism-arse-”accidently”-biting-it-bitemarks.
In 45 days, Liz Truss accomplished more than Joe Biden did in his first year. However, I’m pretty sure Joe Biden will sniff out the final great victory of totally humiliating that part of the deep state - Just to calm down any demon reading this: The new fair world order will be packed with demons too - Just not the clownish demons.
CDC Director Infected With COVID, Despite Max Vax And Boosters
I don’t wish her to get badly sick in covid. I wish her to have long rubber-bands dragged out of her carcass by Dr Ryan Cole. But I don’t trust anything of this. Did she actually take the real shots and is she even sick, or was it just a false positive? And she will get the best treatments that hospitals are refusing to give common people.
Now the demons will spin this: “Thanks to the vaccines, her sickness became very mild.”. Their narrative will only change when they die.
If you believe the map below, I have some Ukrainian bonds to sell you
Higher inflation in Russia than in UK?!? That is not what shoppers in these countries report. No big inflation in Norway or Japan?!?
NATO is trying to make sure none of their mercenaries or allies are surviving to tell the tale?
The Russian in the Tweet below:
When will crests realize that they are being driven to the slaughter?
Another attempt to advance on Kherson turned into a failure with human casualties.
US policy is to leave no trace behind.
Do you think Assange was imprisoned just like that?
Шведы обучают украинских хероев в Англии.
Чему они научат это вопрос. Видимо пониманию команд на английском.
So Swedish officers teach Ukrainians commands in English. Like this command:
The “Ukrainian” attacks on Kheron confirms what I’ve been saying about using tanks or even worse, personal carriers, to attack a fully operational army that has superior artillery can’t be done. Ukraine’s attacks are problematic for Russia, but mostly for Ukraine that is now wide open for Russia to cut off the supply from the west. The New Atlas explains:
The big question is: What looks good in the US Midterms (8th November)? I guess Russia will just continue to drone the Ukrainian grid and supply-lines to not rock the boat, that will be rocked when NATO collapses. That humiliation will make the politics in many Western countries wide open. But it will take some more time before all Russian reinforcements are ready, so no big reason for Russia to act as long as NATO is getting depleted faster - When NATO (USA) starts to produce more than Russia, then it’s time to panic for Russia, but USA’s huge military budget isn’t directed at fighting a war like this.
Rally Against 'Child Mutilation' Draws Thousands Of Supporters
Sure, have your pronouns, but no castration of children.
I don’t know why they hate children. This is something worse than just ordinary vulnerable narcissism that I’ve seen on social media for 20+ years that is more like this:
Is this an attack on the entire healthcare industry or are they doing this to their own credibility?
And super-smart scientists clued themselves to a VW show room, and then the VW staff just left them there over night. Maybe their narcissist behavior gets them good positions at the university, but the car sales people weren’t impressed 😂
The climate cult will wake up glued to the floor as cold as a still existing glacier.
Extra important to test yourself during Halloween times, as you might be dead without knowing about it:
Today’s quiz. Right answer will be revealed next millennia:
Det som strider emot narrativet hamnar bakom betalvägg på Expressen och Aftonbladet
Det går att komma åt via dock:
Också Expressens publicering av de första bilderna attackeras.
Riktigt bra svar av en vänsterpartist som inte kan språket!
Jag talar inte om svenska utan om hur konservativa pratar. @AwadNadja är helt ursäktad av mig även om jag hyser vissa tvivel om att hon förståd vad hon sa, och kanske hon trodde hon gav något elakt trigger-ord, men hon verkar som en botbar narcissist - Annie Lööf blev ju frisk och vem är partiledare för C nu?
Elftown har skapat hundratals giftemål, så detta är bara en till våg i alvhåret för mig:
Inga bra diskussioner på Twitter, men man får i alla fall inspiration:
Och så kan man hata sadistiska Moderatkräk som tror de är bättre på sjukvård än sjukvårdspersonal:
Ingen som ville påtvinga vårdpersonal sprutorna ska få visa sig offentligt utan att skämmas.