Long covid treatments. Ivermectin Norway. Ronaldo cures narcissism. Dog vinegar. Vaccine insurance
Behandling av lång covid. Ivermektin Norge. Ronaldo botar narcissism. Hund-vinäger. Vaccinförsäkring
She didn’t want to leave the shadow and just go home, so I had to carry her towards here, until she realized that she was going here, and then she ran in the sun to get here as fast as possible to all the fun stuff in the sheep pasture.
Main take-aways:
Long covid is due to badly treated covid
Ivermectin takes away lingering spike proteins
Mobeen: Vitamin D might make macrophages inflammatory?!? At first this makes sense, but promoting vitamin D deficiency is like not fixing broken feet because working feet might lead to brain damage because people do dangerous things then. Or say that you have an ATM and you install an anti-virus program on it. If your ATM needs an anti-virus program, you are doing it wrong.
We can treat and research at the same time!
Long covid can be treated similarly to mast cell activation syndrome even without ivermectin.
Ivermectin penetrates Norwegian media
Opinion piece in Norway’s biggest newspaper: Vi må ta debatten om ivermectin
The 61% people answering right make sense because you can fix obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems, but if you get dementia, you can't learn about how to fix that.
Ronaldo is good example of a non-narcissist
All the other celebs are behaving like pathetic narcissist robots, so when someone suddenly doesn’t, it stands out:
He also moved away Coca Cola bottles because he thinks people shouldn’t drink that shit even if they sponsor the football. This clearly shows that you can think highly of yourself without getting narcissist traits like group-think, attention seeking and pushing the official narrative and hating on everyone speaking up against it.
But when someone (of course a narcissist) calls you a "conspiracy theorist", try out the answer
"Narcissist! Ha Ha!"
Dr Eric Berg now on Odysee
He also says that apple cider vinegar can help dogs with tics, and stomach problems. I’m a skeptic, but it would be great if it works:
Media is scripted propaganda
Narcissist clowns just repeating what they are programmed to say: jamesperloff.net/caught-in-the-act-of-being-scripted/
Vaccine problems in England
Note that unvaccinated and vaccinated people are not comparable groups, but any thoughts of that the vaccines are a silver bullet should be thrown in the trash.
In my region in Sweden, covid is following the same procedure as last year:
Vaccinations don’t seem to help Mongolia:
Or the Seychelles:
A Swedish company actually sells insurance against covid vaccine side-effects
Varför skulle man vilja sänka taket på ersättning om ett vaccin är säkert att ta?
” Vårt ersättningstak kommer från den 1 januari 2021 därmed vara 20 mkr gällande en eventuell serieskada orsakad av pandemivaccination. Tidigare har vårt ersättningstak för sådan serieskada legat på 150 mkr. För alla andra serieskador är ersättningstaket fortfarande 150 mkr.”