Sunday live about Sweden's upcoming shockingly competent prime minister & stuff
Magdalena Andersson är både chockande kompetent, vettig och verkar ärlig. Hur fick hon jobbet?!?
🇸🇪 Kort svensk skitvideo med vovven. Svenska länkar i den engelska texten, och på svenska längst ner. Se automatöversättning här.
Link to the English live broadcast on Facebook 20:00 Swedish time (2 PM EST):
🇸🇪 Länk till den svenska live-sändningen på Facebook kl 21:00:
Magdalena Andersson who will be elected prime minister tomorrow is shockingly competent, reasonable and seems honest. How on Earth did she get the job?!?
Born 23 January 1967 as the only child is a village just outside of Uppsala. She is married with 2 children, a 19 year old daughter and a 21 year old son.
The not so great stuff:
She is grown up in the Social Democrat party and have little experience of doing business, but she has ton of academic experience and good contacts with the private sector.
Mag (They do call her Magda, but even that is too long for me) is talking about the importance of low taxes on work and the freedom it gives to ordinary people and women in particular. She even quote research from people who has gotten money and a fancy dinner party from (The Swedish Central bank) Riksbanken (“Nobel prize winners”, but not really as it isn’t a real Nobel Prize). She is a little boring to listen to though, which is expected from a finance minister, so it might change when she becomes the prime minister. People didn’t even know who she was a year ago even if they are going to study political science.
She usually says “climate and environment” instead of just “climate” and I haven’t heard bullshit like “climate emergency” from her.
She doesn’t seem to know about 2 tricks that big companies do though:
If big corporations want to fire some people, they rearrange the structure of the corporation and put everyone they want fired in one company, and then they shut that down. So you have no job security in a big company regardless of what rules a small company has to follow.
If something like a school needs to be run as a non-profit, that is no problem for the big corporations, as they just create the NGO and as they control it, the NGO will buy stuff, rights and pay back the for-profit company in other ways.
She is giving the big Swedish companies/Wallenberg everything they can possibly ask for. Open up for a lot more mining, promising massive investments the electrical grid and electricity production (See now why the anti-nuclear Greens had to go? It had nothing to do with the wrong budget won.) giving the big companies continued right to employ foreign experts (while cracking down on low paid immigrants that mostly work for small shady companies), and the Swedish labour unions are basically controlled by the big corporations, so they get some more benefits.
🇸🇪 (
The great stuff
She had great grades, but a 2 (5 is the best) in gymnastics, which is odd as she was a great athlete. I suspect that it had something to do with that she as the only child in her family had some personal issues with her teacher being a stupid wanker. I had the same issue with my Swedish teacher in grade 10-12, and despite me being best at Swedish grammar in the entire school, I got grades 2 (writing) and 3 (grammar plus literature that I just hated).
She is on a keto diet and eat her daily eggs as snacks, just like me, and she’s active, find sleep important and loves being out in the nature. If you are on a keto (Or LCHF Low Carb High Fat, as we call it in Sweden) diet in Sweden, you do not trust the sick care or the agencies. She has therefore likely heard some alternative media, and as safety at the working place is an increased focus for the party, how does that fit with forced vaccinations at the working place?
She is said to be the worst miser in Europe, and is proud of it. She even whines about the coffee being expensive in one of her videos. Being careful with money is a clear sign of not being a vulnerable narcissist.
She is a nationalist and doesn’t seem to give a crap about that socialists generally are scared shit to call themselves nationalists after a nationalist socialist with a tiny mustache lost a war.
She is not a vulnerable narcissist or a useless moron, which makes it extremely strange that she become the party leader in S. Every S-leader surround themselves with people dumber than themselves to look smart. I suspect a Wallenberg put her as the finance minister and then prime minister.
The biggest problem with Mag is her security. A lot of powerful interests really don’t want a competent and not corrupt prime minister anywhere.
My predictions
I’m probably wrong at the moment as I’ve been surprised since yesterday, but:
The previously do-nothing government will improve economy, crime and migration. The useless Social Democrats in the regions will continue to run the healthcare badly, but if Mag just drops some truth-bombs, there will be a huge improvement.
There is a big chance for a Sweden Democrat plus Social Democrat government next year, but then the Zeitgeist must change a lot, which it is doing.
And big investments in mining and electricity is almost certain now.
Israel Moves To Ban All Foreigners From Entry Amid Omicron Variant Fears
Defense official: "Authorities are scrambling to locate 800 Israelis who may have been exposed to the new Omicron variant of COVID-19."
This is mental illness! If you are going to shut down any travel, you have to answer: When will we open up (they say 2 weeks, but only a retard believes them) and how much worse is the virus and public health then?
World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola"
It may be necessary to keep "vaccinating the world for years."
Everyone in WMA should be locked up. It’s the only way to teach them anything.
UK Health Authority Slammed By Watchdog For Misleading Claim That Unvaxx'd Have "32 Times" Risk Of COVID Death
The clown authority compared people dying in the winter when no one was raped by the bioweapon to people later in the summer that probably had natural immunity. A great example who governments lie to you for a bonus from Pfizer, or they are just bad at statistics like Alex Berensson, but that is less likely. They present figures that show what the want to show.
I personally drink lime, not lemon, water, but I assume you can get similar effects with for example lingonberry water, and an apple a day keeps the doctor away (quercetin etc) and apple cider vinegar water has a bunch of benefits too.
A thought
Do you think that someone who flies with a private jet to climate meetings and is most interested in looking good is better at being able to do things and network effectively than you are?
En tanke
Tror ni att någon som flyger med privatjet till klimatmöten och mest är intresserad av att se bra ut är bättre på att kunna saker och effektivt nätverka än du är?
Sluta döda barn genom att tillåta D-vitamin-brist! Ivar Arpi behöver följa upp med en vänster-knock-out!
Yngsta dottern inlagd på sjukhus
Sedan i onsdags är jag på sjukhus med min yngsta dotter. Produktionen på Rak höger måste ta en paus.
Ivar Arpi Nov 27
Det här är inte något vanligt nyhetsbrev. Jag skriver i all hast från min telefon. Min yngsta dotter blev under en vecka allt sjukare. En lymfkörtel blev alltmer svullen och gjorde till slut så ont att hon inte kunde sova på nätterna. Vi åkte in till barnakuten som skrev in henne. Hon fick snabbt antibiotika intravenöst, för att få ned svullnaden i lymfkörteln och attacker eventuell bakteriell infektion.
I går bekräftade läkarna dock att hon har Kawasakis sjukdom
Tänk om jag hade liksom en läkarmottagning och kunde ha förtroende ifrån patienter i stället för att väckas upp yrvaken eller svara på saker när jag bara vill ligga i badet och dricka lättöl för länge?!? Nej, jag vill inte vara läkare, ingenjör, kanske inte ens politiker eller vad det nu är jag gör, men jag vill rätta folk som gör något uppenbart fel som de som inte är involverade i just den där verksamheten ser om vi bara tittar lite noggrannare på det. Så jag svarade snabbt nu, och det blev nog inte så bra, men snabbt är bra:
Ursäkta om jag mest är förbannad över hur sjukvården och media mördar barn, men jag vill hjälpa:
Din dotter behöver stora mängder D-Vitamin i aktiverad form: calcifediol eller calcitriol, men droppen borde ge tillräckliga mängder B-vitaminer, zink, och omega-3 så det tror jag svensk sjukvård gör bra för dropp är helt klart bättre än sjukhusmat.
Hon ska åtminstone kortsiktigt ligga över 200 nmol/l "D-vitamin" calcifediol (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) i blodet. Svara doktorn: Det är brist på K2 och mineraler som gör sådana nivåer giftiga. Vissa i en brasiliansk studie hade över 1000 nmol/l och deras enda problem var att de var friska.
Om läkarna inte ens mätt detta (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D test) så är det dags att läsa på vad sårbar narcissism är, och varför de flesta läkare har personlighetsstörningen som hotar livet på din dotter: Tror läkarna inte på makten klarar de inte studierna och de får inte jobbet.
Om du lär dig om sårbar narcissism så förklarar det 80% av vad du inte begriper i världen.
Och använd Yandex och Duckduckgo för att söka på Kawasaki disease! Google Search vill hellre döda barn än ha fel om något. "vulnerable narcissism"
Kämpa för barnen!
Cancer-kunskap ifrån Hälsingland
Eftersom jag har mycket släkt ifrån Hälsingland, så tror jag en skogsbonde ifrån Gnarp kan få er att börja ifrågasätta vissa saker. Sven-Erik kommer med via ljud, men ni hör hans underbara dialekt, även den är lite fel i er del av Hälsingland.
LBRY/Odysee-länken har fördelen att där kan du enkelt ladda ner video och lyssna på mobil när du inte har så bra uppkoppling, medan Rumble-länken oftast fungerar bättre: