Magpie-food. Holocaust New-Greek. Eurovision fun, but the Sun more angry. Fixing blind spots
Skatmat. Holocaust nygrekiska. Eurovision kul, men solen ännu argare. Blinda fläckar och svetsbok
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner, men den engelska texten ej översatt 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Magpies are like crippled dragons with only two legs, broken feathery wings and perfect teeth
The term "pica" for the human disorder involving a compulsive desire to eat items that are not food is borrowed from the Latin name of the magpie (Pica pica), for its reputed tendency to feed on miscellaneous things
The magpie is omnivorous, eating young birds and eggs, small mammals,[40] insects, scraps and carrion, acorns, grain, and other vegetable substances.
Viral video: Why is there no “holocaust” in the Britannica 1968?
That is actually explained in newer Britannica:
The 6-million Jews hoax had a different name before: "Hurban" (Yiddish) or "Sho'ah" (Hebrew), but the hoax is even older than than WW-II, so it just got new words on it.
The very real starvation of Ukrainians Holodomor was usually called something else until the last decades, even if голодомор (golodomor) already appeared in a Ukrainian New Jersey newspaper in 1925, many times in 1939 and again in 1952, but in Soviet or else in the world the word didn’t appear until 1988 and much later in common usage.
And of course World War I was not known as that before WW-II.
This is a photo is from Buchenwald by Elie Wiesel April 16 1945 of prisoners who had managed to flee from the Red Army, as US troops took Buchenwald on April 11.
The Russian PoW who were “liberated” by the Red Army were sent to Gulag, as they had surrendered, and were considered traitors by Stalin.
Eurovision second semi: Much more fun and healthy, and the most entertaining music show I’ve ever seen
68 years music show - worlds longest, soon they will invite random countries
Notice how the machinery of an organization works: On Tuesday Luxembourg got a lot of attention for returning to the contest, and now they invited Turkey’s vinner to lead a sing along sing after Greek winner and a Greek-Swedish winner -
Note, the Sun did make another x class solar flare, but that was 1 hour before #Eurovision Semi Final 2.
I think the Sun will be much happier with this semifinal. Image below is Greek, Greek-Swedish and Turkish Eurovision song contest winners who sang along with millions of people. ☺️🇸🇪 Turkey is no longer competing, but will be again, and so will Russia and Belarus, because politics < grifting.
Best music show I ever seen: Fit, fun, crazy, family friendly sexy and aggressive, and the visual production is amazing again. Eurovision has been complete garbage some years, but now they just went all in to entertain people - for good and bad. They must have had an "Oh, shit!" moment last year, and realized that to keep their jobs as entertainers that feed on tax-payer money, they need to be fun.
I wonder if people outside of Europe-Israel-Australia can relate to this, but I predict random invites to countries in the other parts of the world.
Note, the Sun did make another x class solar flare, but that was 1 hour before Eurovision Semi Final 2.
And: SIX solar storms are on their way to Earth:
A marketing tip that doesn’t scale down?
Just compare how Elon Musk is giving away his and his friends’ money, with how freaking parasites give away taxpayers’ money or demand more regulations that are just corruption.
Many other businesses do charity for marketing too, but it’s really hard for a small business. 35 million read Musk’s post and people involved will indirectly get information.
On the other hand, Elon Musk is accused of millions of crimes he couldn’t possibly have done, and 5% of his beliefs are just stupid, like the insane idea that Ozempic is making people healthier just because Ozempic makes people less fat, and less fat people are healthier - That is retarded thinking, but I’m 100% sure I also believe something just as retarded, but I worry about that while Musk is building stuff, so maybe listen to the guy who is wrong?
Where I disagree with Peter Navarro, who still is in prison for no good reason
An organization of secret criminal scientists cannot succeed in their goal. Everyone is lying to everyone and making things up, so how is the boss supposed to know they've developed that bioweapon they claim to have succeeded with?
To pretend they've succeeded, they leak information!
If “@ShankaraChetty” is correct, they did succeed in creating a bioweapon covid virus, but like all viruses it will die out and never come back and it will not be deadly without bacteria, fungi, toxins or deficiencies.
So following the principles of @ScottAdamsSays they faked it:
The idiocracy plandemic explained
They failed to create a deadly virus and had a non-working cure ready for the non-existing deadly virus, and then they tried to cover up how they failed to create this deadly virus, because they thought they had succeeded in that.
Then they pushed lockdowns that would not have worked against the deadly virus that didn't exist. And they got rich from selling the non-working vax against the non-existing deadly virus.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Skatorna är som förkrympta drakar med bara två ben, trasiga fjädervingar och perfekta tänder
Termen ”pica” för den mänskliga störningen som involverar en tvångsmässig önskan att äta föremål som inte är mat är lånad från det latinska namnet på skatan (Pica pica), för dess ryktbara tendens att livnära sig på diverse saker
Skatan är allätare och äter fågelungar och ägg, små däggdjur,[40] insekter, rester och kadaver, ekollon, säd och andra vegetabiliska ämnen.
Biovapenlab - kan de ens fungera?
Pentagon erkänner att de under de senaste 20 åren haft 46 biolabb I Ukraina. Vad tror ni Ryssarna tyckte om det när de forskade på ras-specifika biovapen, USA-diplomater åkte fast för att samla in blodprover på Ryssar. Covid-vaccinet har drag av att vara ett sådant biovapen
Ja, jo, men en organisation med hemliga kriminella forskare kan inte lyckas med sitt mål. Alla ljuger till alla och bara hittar på, så hur ska chefen veta att de utvecklat det där biovapnet de säger sig ha lyckats med?
För att låtsas som de lyckats så läcker de information!
Idiokratiska plandemin kan förklaras såhär och inget motbevisar denna hypotes:
De misslyckades med att skapa ett dödligt virus och hade ett icke-fungerande botemedel redo för det icke-existerande dödliga viruset, och sedan försökte de dölja hur de misslyckades med att skapa detta dödliga virus, eftersom de trodde att de hade lyckats med det.
Sedan drev de igenom nedstängningar som inte skulle ha fungerat mot det dödliga virus som inte existerade. Och de blev rika på att sälja det icke-fungerande vaccinet mot det icke-existerande dödliga viruset.
Hur TV4’s Kalla Fakta ljuger som som vanligt
Klipptaklipp förklarar: Började kolla på Kalla Faktas Undercover i trollfabriken och till en början så verkade granskningen säkert vettig. Spännande med undercover-journalism. Synd att det spårar ur när (mitt) parodiklipp börjar användas som argument. Den här omklippningen: påstås för det första felaktigt vara gjord av sd. Presenteras som från “sd:s trollkonton”. Sanningen är att den är publicerad transparent på en yt-kanal ämnad åt humoristiska omklippningar. En kanal som driver om alla möjliga personer med upphöjda positioner i samhället. Det finns inget uppsåt att sprida misinformation, bara att skapa humor/satir/rent trams eller vad man nu vill kalla det. Om ni tvunget vill titulera kanalen är den snarast liberal.
Så LUF är alltså precis så lättlurade, korkade narcissister som jag talade om igår.
Tomas Tobé har fått självförtroende och går nu efter Sveriges mest misslyckade partiledare
Mitt svar är inte bra utan mest en brainstorming:
Av 43 tusen visningar, så gillar 75 Ursula
Jag fick 12 gilla på 308 visningar
Har Löfven verkligen lyckats svetsa något?
Eh, va? Jag trodde Stefan Löfven aldrig lyckats svetsa något, men att LUF använde Löfven’s påhittade kunskap om hur en svets fungerar som ett tecken på att han inte är en fin liberal utan sådana kunskaper om verkligheten:
Re: This is a photo is from Buchenwald by Elie Wiesel April 16 1945 of prisoners who had managed to flee from the Red Army, as US troops took Buchenwald on April 11.
Horrible to see these walking skelletons. Now i want to know how Israeli keep their Palestinian Prisoners No pictures to be found anywhere.