BBC says children dropping dead is normal. Russia promotes alternative physics. Yale = Mao = CCP
BBC normaliserar plötsligt döda barn & SVT klimatljuger. Ryssland fysikutbildar. Mao gick på Yale
I’m a little too proud of this image…
Everyone who isn’t waking up will be killed:
How China Will DESTROY The NWO… & Itself
A good overview of how evil the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is, and also how it is destroying itself and how it’s fighting with the other globalists. And the background about that Mao was Yale educated, and in the 1970ths Rockerfeller loved Mao and his wonderful social experiment that killed 100 million people.
Correction: Man in America has Rumble channel, but new videos aren’t posted there for some reason. Watch on Odysee instead.
Spot the propaganda!
Amid Swedish state TV just like CNN, BBC etc is spreading factoids and pure lies about the climate. No facts in context what so ever, just pure brainwashing:
🇸🇪 SVT-propaganda om klimatet
🇸🇪 Elsa Widding berättar hur SVT enbart sprider propaganda och ingen fakta om klimatet de första minuterna. Sedan är det djupdykning i FN-rapporter som är skrivna att ljugande clowner, vilket inte mindre viktigt.
Russia promotes alterative physics
The birth of the Universe (sub).mp4
Features Pierre-Marie Robitaille that you definitely should listen to if you’re remotely interested in Science: (And you know the drill: Tell him to mirror his channel to Odysee!)
Swedish anti-Islam artist died in a strange car accident
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪