Pfizer did good, but Omicron better. No bonds & meaning, but anxiety & anger => mass psychosis
Pfizer gjorde bra, men Omikron bättre. Inga vänner & mening, men ångest & ilska => masspsykos
Gårdagens svenska direktsändning. Lite svensk text längst ner.
Pfizer Buys Pharma Rival Arena In All-Cash Deal Worth $6.7 Billion
Pfizer's Mike Gladstone didn’t said buying Arena would complement Pfizer's expertise in lobbying, propaganda, disinformation, threats, bribing, and specifically racketeering allowing it to better take avantage of the suffering of patients with immuno-inflammatory diseases.
The Baptist Memorial Hospital in Yazoo City murders covid patients on an industrial scale
Treating very sick covid patient with remdesivir that does nothing except harm at that stage against the allergic reaction is just a way to murder them. Worse is that they refuse to use ivermectin or antihistamins and high doses of steroids as Dr Shankara Chetty and many others have explained, and the hospital just follow the guidelines made by people who have never treated a patients, but get huge kickbacks on selling expensive drugs.
That is how mass formation looks like. There is obviously corruption at the hospital, but most of the people there probably think they are helping people by following the narrative like Daleks.
If this hospital and all like it was blown up with all the staff an patients in them, it is likely that this will be a net saving of lives at the end of the year, when people start using other doctors and search for their own information. You might need to blow up Pfizer and some media too. On the other hand: We don’t need to blow anything up, just stop supporting the enemies of humanity.
Don’t jab and fly?
Steve is causious though: OK, so at first glance, that looks pretty incriminating, doesn’t it? Especially the huge number of deaths in July (39) as compared to a pre-jab month like January (1) or March (1). However, they only list the “new” deaths they heard about in each issue. So let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. We have a team of 40 people looking at all the back issues of the magazine and researching all the deaths.
Omicron should end covid by Christmas
There will still be a sniffle going around, but as it doesn’t seem to have the horribly allergene spike protein, but a mutated version of it that is better at making viruses, but worse at causing the allergic reaction. Good for Pfizer that they are trying to diversify when it will start to get obvious that covid will not be a problem anymore (until some more gain of function is done, which they are working on).

We the people just need 2 years to flatten the government spending!
Let us do that and we promise that so you can get your budgets back!
Arrest Of Surveillance Officers Shows Denmark Is Washington's Lead Eye Into Spying On Other EU Allies
Danish military intelligence has been systematically spying upon its own citizens for United States economic profit and political interests...
Did anyone think that any spy agency didn’t spy on its own people using foreign secret services? But this case is different as the Danish military spied on their own people directly instead of spying on the Brits and ask MI6 to give them the surveillance they can’t do themselves in Demark as it’s usually done.
From yesterday’s live and about mass formation:
Biden's Swedish "right wing" party M wants vaccine-passports, and the Greens blame Putin for their own energy policies policies
Yes, it’s retarded and like in most of Europe. These people are so trained by the narrative that they just enjoy saying insane shit that should give the a nice life in a concentration camp as they are clearly a threat to themselves and others. Note: I’m not calling these people stupid, just insane. They are obviously very smart and good at leading society to destruction by mass formation. If you prefer seeing a crazy man rambling about mass formation with his dog… You can see my earlier videos or watch The Dollar Vigilante who has some crazy clips about people close to death after the jab, but they are so happy they got it!
Professor Mattias Desmet talks about his work that connects past historical episodes of what is called “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events. The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say “I don’t agree!” history suggests that we will end up with a fully totalitarian outcome.
Mass Psychosis “Mass Formation” – Mass Hypnosis needs the following criteria to emerge.
1. Lack of Social Bond or connectedness of other people – emotional or social bonding
2. Lack of Meaning – feeling of meaning and sense
3. High Levels of Free-Floating Anxiety – anxiety not connected a mental representation
4. Free-Floating Frustration and Aggression – don’t know why feeling that way
A narrative is created to connect to the Free Flowing Frustration and then create a new social bond. All that aggression is focused on the population that does not want to participate in the Mass Formation Collected Hypnosis.
Once they feel connected and they satisfy the 4 conditions, rituals and sacrifices emerge that make the collective more important than the individual.
I should start to compete with Pfizer? Who can refuse this jab for their children?
The Hedd-Jab > 💉 for children
100% protection against all viruses, cancer and life!
The only known side-effect is death
Protect your child today!
If you don't get your child this virus protecting NOW, it might die later in life!
🇸🇪 Jag borde börja konkurrera med Pfizer? Vem skulle kunna tänka sig att förvägra sitt barn denna behandling?
Hedd-Jabben > 💉 för barn
100% skydd emot alla virus, cancer och liv
Bara en känd biverkning (död)
Skydda ditt barn idag!
Om du inte ger ditt barn detta virusskydd NU, så riskerar det att dö senare i livet!
🇸🇪 Söndags-direktsändning igår, extra länkar
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