Stone climbing. Anxiety => Mass psychosis. Trump & the jab. Fairmore is better than fairness
Busktrassel. Ångest => masspsykos. Trump och sprutan. Mervisa är bättre än rättvisa
The English stone-climbing video
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska buskintrasslande video - Svensk text i slutet
Yesterday’s English live & gårdagens svenska direktsändning
So what if I wipe out vitamin D deficiency, get Youtube out of business, and teach everyone about vulnerable narcissism?
Then I’m out of work, so I have to prolong these problems? No, my passion is to seek out new problems that aren’t noticed and then give a platform to the people with the solutions.
One of the things I often say is that there is a lack of imagination that is the biggest threat to you. So please tell me: Is there any change what-so-ever that there will be no new problems that aren’t noticed? OK, There might be too many me? Good point there me, and I wish you my readers could have warned me before I wrote this, but I guess you aren’t as smart as me and as well informed about what I’m writing right now before you read it.

Huge New Study Shows Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids
Serious illness was also extremely rare...
Plandemic 3 Official Trailer
I mentioned this yesterday, so here is a Dr Eric Berg video about fasting, cancer and SCOT:

Nigeriens don’t make that many Nigeriens?
I thought 8,5 children per women, but it’s data so it’s probably bullshit. The trend seems clear though: Government is starting to hit Nigeriens “hard” so they almost have as few children as my father’s mother.
Mass formation / psychosis
This is a way to look at vulnerable narcissism on a society scale:

The big problem seems to have been that people were really anxious but they didn’t know why, and that people aren’t feeling connected to each other. Solutions are to fix that and to keep on speaking against the narrative, and mention things like all causes mortality.
Talking about “fairness”
If you hear someone talking about “fairness”, it’s just a vulnerable narcissist doing emotional reasoning. It isn’t an argument and it doesn’t mean anything. You can talk about “fairmore” instead, which isn’t fair, but when everyone gets more as they are free to prosper without being oppressed in the name of “fairness” (which isn’t a thing)
🇸🇪 Moderater och “rättvis”
"rättvist" är ett ord som folk som inte kan argumentera om något säger. Som Joe Biden's senila Moderater, och stor vän av de flesta Moderata väljare så är det här bara trams som jag tror ni inser när jag pekar ut det.
DET ÄR BARA KÄNSLOR i bilden. Självklart vill vi ha ett system där det lönar sig att arbeta och förbättra sig själv, men manipulatören och vaccinpassfascisten ovan använder Joe Biden-stil av emotionell manipulering. Är det vad "högerväljare" vill ha?
Jag kan rätta två saker statsministern får fel, som Moderaterna inte klarar av att sprida:
1) Storföretag behöver inte bry sig om ansvar för slavar/arbetstagare då de kan placera dem i ett dotterbolag och sedan lägga ner det.
2) Direkt kriminella storföretag vill ha vinstförbud i skolan då de då skapar "välgörenhetsorganisationer" och stiftelser som ger dem avgifter, köper in läromaterial och annat ifrån de vinstdrivande monopolkapitalisterna.