Government & media hate your health & supply chains. Metals, clown science and hope
Stat, kommuner & media kämp emot folken. Metaller, clownforskning och hopp
Dagens svenska kattlunch-video
FLCCC daily update
The covid research charity FLCCC had their daily update. What was clear from the first 20 minutes (you can skip the Joe Rogan clip) is that FDA, CDC, social media and the media are enemies of the people and they do everything they can to kill as many people possible. They lie, distort, commit crimes and murder children for sport:
Some comments from me:
I think the main three health problems in the western world are Vitamin-D, zinc and blood sugar. Dr Shankara Chetty has treated thousands of patients without ivermectin, and I and others finally got Dr Zelenko to embrase other ionophores like quercetin and EGCG, that also have antiviral properties (and combine star anise with quercetin, and even low doses destroy the "life" of viruses).
There are other issues like vitamin Bs, iodine, rarely copper, some protein deficiencies, too much omega-6 (Hey, Kory! Stop eating that shit-fat! Grassfed butter and seafood!), but if only D, Zn, sugar, plus flavanoids, curry, etc are used to stabilize the immune system, no one needs to be sick due to the sugar virus, and in worst case there are nasal sprays and mouthwashes:
FLCCC should really have a talk with Dr Shiva Ayyadurai ( and how to use computer models to predict how different substances work together. Warning though: Do know that Shiva is really not a fan of Robert F Kennedy Jr, but I think those two should just bury their differences by now (Dr Shiva despises lawyers, and RFKjr has been full of himself instead of talking about early treatments, but both have improved a lot the last year):
I also think that RFKjr and Dr Shiva don't agree on Fauci. RFKjr thinks that Fauci is a demon from Hell, while Shiva thinks Fauci is retard. I think they can come to an agreement there... 😏
You can’t find workers in much of USA
This is a world wide problem, and I suspect that people are realizing that the government is a huge parasite that hates them, so they take as much handouts as they can, and then they do undeclared work outside of the system. They ones sustaining themselves outside the official system are just a few percent now, but the collapse has started:
I can’t see the supply chain problem i California as anything else than created by the terror regime there:
Update: They have removed the restrictions so they can pile up to 6 containers now. Someone just had to point out the problem, and the useless eaters didn’t dare to not fix the problem.
That’s a lot of iron:
What might be surprising is the manganese. I bet you never though that you used a lot of that metal!
This is people making fun of Joe Biden:
This is Joe Brandon let’s go: (Let’s go Brandon origin)
Alec Baldwin now has a bigger body count than the “violent insurrection” on January the 6th:
Strike for the climate: “This demonstrates that it is not quirky”
Being a little annoying 🤡bitch for the globalists shows that you’re a wimp. There is nothing brave about working for the most powerful financial and criminal organizations in the world. Also note that people will only remember “quirky” and not the “not” part. Never use a word you don’t want to be associated with!
🇸🇪 Att vara en liten irriterande tik för globalisterna visar att man är en fjant. Det finns inget modigt med att arbeta för de mäktigaste finansiella och kriminella 🤡organisationerna i världen. Notera också att alla kommer att läsa “inte töntigt” som “töntigt”, och att man aldrig ska använda ord man inte vill associeras med.
Hopeful: A small town in south of Sweden run by the Sweden Democrats seems to prosper and the voters enjoy their rulers from 3 years back
Vad händer när någon som faktiskt vill lösa problemen tar hand om styret i en kommun? Det verkar inte som om Sölvesborg direkt lider av att en massa parasitiska chefer slutade i protest…