Prime minister clowns. Talk about the new golden age and never about back to the old normal
Premiärministerclowner. Tala om den nya guldåldern, men aldrig om tillbaka till det gamla normala
Gårdagens live-sändning på svenska med Björn som gäst på slutet.
Dagens svenska gräsmattevideo (Ingen svensk text idag)
Today’s English video from the lawn
Retard not in charge is doing horribly
Just a note as I always says about Epoch Times on their anti-CCP-bias, but for me: Everything about the Opium-pedo-empire, I despise, which might have made me very fast turn on the Prime Clown because he is a useless wanker. I like his clowning, but it’s the “ruling” part that is a mess. Lockdowns, insane statements, just pure sadism and he has no clue on how to get good health advice - He isn’t a criminal, I think, but he is totally useless. I do respect Jeffrey Toobin for having a different opinion on how useful wankers are though…
States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18–49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 | ZeroHedge

There will be a harsh awakening for some in the mass formation when they realize that everyone they know are sadist monsters, except the ones they have hated.

But at least SARS-CoV-2 might be natural… Not great odds though:
Ivermectin works - Who could have guessed that before this study?
Dr Desmet agrees with my important point: We do not want to go back to the old normal that got us in this mess to begin with. We want a new better more human normal. A new golden age.
Another prime minister clown, this one from NL
Gideon van Meijeren makes a complete fool out of prime minister Rutte