𝕏-money. Jewish mafia 1917-now. Macron controlled how? Clown Shapiro. EU-Bolsheviks. Israel peace
𝕏-pengar. Judisk maffia 1917-nu. Macron kontrollerad? EU-bolsjevik-sionister. Folkmördare Ivar Arpi
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 Inget översatt, men svensk text längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
A fringe (well, 191K followers) parody account can make $1500 half a month? It is not even a parody account, but basically a fan-account saying what MTG can’t say herself, but the word “parody” is due to 𝕏-rules, which are good - one word to define that this is not the real person.
BBC: Lots of Oil in Guyana will result in a lot of CO2. Thoughts?
President of Guyana: You, the UK, and the world have destroyed millions of acres of forest, Guyana has protected it - and you're asking me about CO2 emissions?
Putin warns the west about the Talmud Bolsheviks
Fredrick Töben about the “6 million Jews”
Shorter older clips (How Stalin dressed up Soviets as German killing Jews). Between 1933 & 1948 Xtians reduced by 100 million worldwide, 60 million of those in Europe. In the same period Jews increased by 2.5 million worldwide, & reduced by 0.1 million in Europe, most of which was migration to Palestine.
Jeffrey Sachs seems to confirm that Macron is controlled
Sachs knows Macron personally, and knows that Macron knows that NATO is behind the war in Ukraine.
Steve Jobs on the benefits of hiring top talent
If you manage to get a small team of super-talented people together, they will love working together as they have never been able to do that before, and then they will not allow some B-talent to work with them, but will attract more super-talented people.
A small team of dedicated geniuses is more efficient than all financial muscles in the world.
Ben Shapiro, the most obnoxious victimhood Jew ever, is blaming you for playing the victim
I’m not here to take sides, but Candace Owens is wonderful, wise and sharp. Ben is sharp, toxic and deranged.
But the Daily Wire Matt Walsh: Greg Abbott signed an executive order calling for “punishment” for “antisemitic rhetoric.” Here’s why that is absurd, wrong, and un-American
Fat Ben Shapiro didn’t like that one bit:
“3,700 Abrams of the earliest modifications are aging in long-term storage sites and likely Never to be used”
OK, it seems like many people do not know how an Abrams tank works like:
You put some foreign mercenaries in it, if you can find them.
Then you drive it against the Russian mine field where it will blow up, unless Russia spot it and blow it up, or it gets stuck in the mud.
Russian tanks work similarly except the getting stuck in the mud part. As soon as they are spotted, they are droned.
3700 Abrams would be an easy to spot slaughter feast for Russia.
Peace for Palestine
MbS, Lavrov and Medvedev would be my team to pick, if I was a Palestinian. Medvedev would verbally take the Golan Heights, level the trans-perv-town of Tel Aviv to the ground, and do a total naval and land blockade of Israel. MbS made peace with Iran, and he has futuristic ideas like Elon Musk. Then Lavrov can be diplomatic.
Israel Mounts Largest Attack On Syria In Years, Over 40 Dead
Syria's defense ministry alleges 'terrorists' in Idlib were also involved... The attack was against Aleppo in the north of Syria.
Much of the Syrian populace has meanwhile become frustrated and expressed growing anger that the Russian military, has has long had a significant presence inside Syria (especially since 2015), has not done more to try and intercept inbound Israeli jets.
Israel is not going to stop until the country is a smoking ruin. The Talmud mafia is planning to provoke a response and then use their media to say it was an unprovoked attack - Again and again, they do the same thing.
Keith Olbermann - His existence is an insult!
Stochastic automatic control technology
If you understand what I just said, you understand that humans are months away to be 100% AI-controlled, and the question is which AI with which goals.
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Avstängning för misstanke - Så tänker demontant
Voice of Europe har kopplingar till Ryssland, och vi vet vad det betyder: Sanning kan råka sippra in, vilket Talmud-bolsjevikerna inte kan tillåta, för de vill folkmörda Europa i fred.
Jag misstänker Heléna Fritzon (bolsjevik under S-beteckning) har tagit mutor ifrån Putin (hon nämnde både Putin och Kreml i ett inlägg), så medan vi utreder bolsjeviken Heléne så låser vi in henne och befriar Assange. Utredningen kommer att ta 100 år. Låter det inte mycket bättre?
Sanningen är något Satans flickvän hatar:
Om hon fortsätter att ständigt göra reklam för Putin, så måste hon arresteras.
Men vad göra när de kallar alla de ogillar för köpa av Putin? Tja, man får väl bli nationalsocialnationalist och stödja dem när de ogillar Geert Wilders och Björn Söder
Riksbanken ber om kapitaltillskott
Om ni tror detta är en dålig nyhet så vet ni inte hur sunda pengar borde fungera. Verkar som om Wallenberg fått nog av att agera knähund till The Fed när t o m Mexikos peso kan dominera.
Stokastisk reglerteknik
Stokastisk teknik för automatisk styrning
Om du förstår vad jag just sa, förstår du att människor är månader bort för att vara 100% AI-kontrollerade, och frågan är vilken AI med vilka mål.