UK falling apart, demolishes the military and attacks Russia. Fun with Moscow Street names
UK faller samman, avvecklar militären och attackerar Ryssland. Kul med Moskva-gatunamn
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English video
Humor video: Biden Reality and what Trump predicted
Can Farage become a kingmaker in UK?
Farage is good, but not great. Note: This is NOT about Farage, this is about that YOU should think about having ALL THE SKILLS to accomplish a perfect job. For example: Farage didn’t do the Bolsonaro when it came to the injected covid bioweapon, but he went with Trump and Putin. That isn’t good enough, and the butchered Brexit and the totally failed Bojo-government should never been supported by Farage who now thinks that his failures will create better opportunities to changes the Tories to the better. Maybe, but UK might be smoking ruin at that time.
I had to troll the empire though, and commented Farage with:
Why don't you English have a parliament like the Scots have? Entire NATO is out of ammo now (according to your Royal think-tank), and 87% of the world is allying with Russia, so it's time to rethink what it means to be English, or it will be done by a drunk like Boris Yeltsin (Some English still honor the drunk Churchill that starved millions of Indians to death and bombed 6 million Jews to starvation - Not that Churchill was ever in charge) that will let England be plundered by EU kleptocrats and every ruthless oligarch from anywhere.
Do like Czechoslovakia and all the English, Wales, Scot and Irish people will be fine! The Queen will love it on Gibraltar, The Falkland Islands or Cyprus!
Notice that UK isn’t starting the war against Russia to win it - The technocrats are starting the war to lose it:
Troop-Cuts Will Put British Army At "Breaking Point": Former Army Chief
Dannatt urged the government to reverse the cuts, as the army will have to play its part in "deterring Russian aggression"...
Dutch Farmers Bring Tank To Fertilizer Protest; Cops Shoot Tractor
My tip to the Dutch farmers: Don’t bring a tank to a protest! Contact Saab, and they will send you a squadron of JAS jet-fighters that will paint in the sky with wet cow farts over the Dutch parliament. That should be the stunt that makes India finally buy the planes.
By the way: If you cover the government in manure, isn’t it going to grow better then? I think that cutting off their food is a better action.
Correction about embassy streets in Moscow
Turns out it was Donetsk, not Lugansk, the US embassy was to be situated at, but Lugansk is now the street outside of the UK embassy:
Here are my suggestions to Moscow regarding names:
Blackface Street and Sulky Liver Sausage Platz (To remind the Germans of what Ukraine’s ambassador called their chancellor)... Poltava Street outside Sweden’s and Finland’s embassies. No, don’t do the last, that would be boring and just mean. Name it Ulofa Palme Street (Swedish spelling is Olof Palme, the very destructive former prime minister of Sweden that got murdered, or so the say) to honour gay sex, the destructive municipality reform in Sweden, PKK, communism, and it would be like naming the Street outside the American Embassy “George Bush street” to make the Americans fight each other.
Oh, OK, The Ulofa Palme Street is already next to the Swedish embassy, which should piss off half of the Swedes:
The embassy of Finland in Moscow is interestingly situated just next to the shop that sells bras to their Russian girlfriends…
But finally after all the trolling, Moscow should rename the street outside of the Polish embassy in Moscow “The Winged Hussars”, and Poland will censor it because it must be a trap somehow…
I write and speak in Swedish and English every day, and yet I get a Facebook message "Do you speak English?". Can't they write better AI programs than this or are people really that stupid? You get a bit discouraged if you think like that, but look at life in this way:
You can't even trust yourself, and everyone else is less to be trusted. However, you can decide to like playing the game of reality and then it's all up to you.
Define what your game goals look like, do your best and should you still lose, you’re having fun in the meantime! One tip though: don't set goals that you can achieve or fail at, but have vague goals of going in a certain direction in life where you can never succeed or fail completely, but still rejoice if things go well, and experience the thrill of maybe failing a little bit.
Notera att UK inte startar kriget emot Ryssland för att vinna det - Teknokraterna startar kriget för att förlora det:
Trupp-nedskärningarna kommer att nästan knäcka den brittiska armén enligt fd armé-chefen
Dannatt uppmanade regeringen att upphäva nedskärningarna, eftersom armén måste spela sin roll för att "avskräcka från rysk aggression"...
Jag skriver och talar på svenska och engelska varje dag, och ändå får jag ett Facebook-meddelande “Do you speak English?”. Kan de inte skriva bättre AI-program än detta eller är folk verkligen sådär korkade? Man blir ju lite uppgiven om man tänker så, men se det såhär:
Du kan inte ens lita på dig själv, och alla andra är mindre att lita på. Däremot kan du bestämma dig för att gilla att spela spelet Verkligheten och sedan är allt upp till dig.
Definiera hur dina spelmål ser ut, gör ditt bästa och skulle du ändå förlora så hade du kul under tiden! Ett tips dock: Sätt inte upp mål som du kan uppnå eller misslyckas med, utan ha vaga mål om att gå i en viss riktning i livet där du aldrig kan lyckas eller misslyckas helt, men ändå glädjas om det går bra, och uppleva spänningen att kanske misslyckas lite grann.