UK, USA covid stats & faking. Chlorine dioxide. Drawing with Gimp. Bitcoin trends. Mother tongue
Statistik & förbannad lögn UK+USA. Klordioxid. Rita i Gimp. Bitcoin-trender. Modersmål & liberalism
Dagens svenska video. 13 minutes in “we” saw a samoyed, but:
I keep on saying “virus” when I mean “vaccine” or vice versa, both in Swedish and English. I hope it’s clear anyway, because I’ll continue to that apparently.
UK cases going down and/or were fake all along, but why not a new model 😆

Chlorine dioxide
A town in Bolivia has fought covid with great success with for example chlorine dioxide. Just one of many things that do wonders on the viral load in the body, but how to sell ever more useless vaccines and oppress others if virus treatments are well known?
Science here:
Vaxxed US people aren’t tested for covid?

Note: They still test covid sick vaccinated, but there will be a lot of false positives among the unvaccinated, and when they then go into the ICU with heart problems, cancer, etc, then they will be marked as “covid”, while vaccinated people will just get heart problems, cancer...
Mastering the free drawing program Gimp
I am getting better at Gimp, but I still can’t do everything I want, for example doing an outline so that it’s much easier to read the text:

Found some stuff… But not what was needed:

Got it confirmed: I just need the newer version. Great free answers from GIMP_Official! I expect this from a product I bought for $1000, but not from free software, so I can only recommend it a lot. 😍
I’m always too early on financial advice!
I thought ethereum would dominate Bitcoin a long time ago, but the Bitcoin cult was stronger than imaginable.
But it is Tether, the USD pegged crypto asset, that is dominating the trading market. The amount of trade doesn’t tell you how useful the asset is though, it just tell you that the market thinks it’s useful for trading.
Why wouldn’t you teach your children your language?
För er som känner mig personligen så är förstås detta också en känga till någon som förtjänar det. Jag känner mer än 2 handfull ryska mammor, och alla deras barn pratar ryska trots att de aldrig ens varit i Ryssland och att flera av deras mammor inte kommer därifrån. Inte undra på att Ryssland fortfarande har ett imperium, om än mindre, medan kurderna inte ens har ett land, och på sin höjd lite självbestämmande i Syrien och Irak nu?

“Presschef @Klarna. Tidigare närings- och arbetsmarknadsdepartementet och bitr. presschef hos @moderaterna. Twittrar om allt möjligt” säger:

Klarna har som affärsmodell att lura av kunder pengar, och föga förvånande sysslar de som jobbar där med att lura på folk farliga medicinska behandlingar på fritiden.