Human motivation, the left doesn't get it. The right doesn't get that facts don't matter. Sweden
Vänsters blinda fläck: Motivation. Kärnavfallet finns? Plasmateknologi. Ivermektin var?
Today’s English video. Some news I didn’t talk about below.
Leftist don’t get that people generally eventually will do what is profitable for them
One way of explaining this could be:
If everything is free for those who need it, 1% of the population would take way more than they need, and then 9% would start to hoard too, and then most people will follow, just because everyone else is doing it. But do not try to lecture leftists about this, but instead ask them about the details! They generally realize that these 1% need to be policied, but who will do that? How do you pick police officers that are not criminals? And continue to ask about details about how their system should, just like Harry Frank did to his engineers until they themselves realized that their idea was stupid, but then they came back with a better idea later:
The right thinks that people can be convinced with arguments and facts
Maybe you think that only leftists are unreasonable, but no: Extremely few people can get convinced with reasoning and facts, and that happens to them very rarely. People will believe in what-ever insane shit as long as it is profitable for them. Why go through a painful process of reconsider your believes when you profit from having them? That’s why you need to make people who have believes that threatens you suffer.
Plasma technology should in the furure be possible to use for efficient mining:
They are trying to start a civil war in Oz
I’m open to other explanations, but when evil pieces of government shits go out and kill dogs, it’s pretty clear they just want to make the people really hate them, isn’t it?
🇸🇪 Ivermektin
Svenska läkare får skriva ut ivermektin, men det är väldigt dyrt och svårt att hitta läkare som vill skriva ut det. I stället skulle jag rekommendera att fixa D-vitamin-nivåerna, blodsockret och se till att ni inte har zink-brist och lägg till lite extra quercetin och gröntteextrakt. Vid sjukdom så 1 gram curry (och t ex vitlök, så mycket ni tål så fort som möjligt) två gånger om dagen, och nässprej och munskölj.
Covid-läget i Östergötland
“Av 16-17-åringarna i Östergötland har hittills 49,3% (5213 st) vaccinerats med dos 1.” - och hur många fick hjärtskador och hur många blev sterila? Barnen matas med farliga fröoljor, socker och processad skitmat, men bara de får en spruta med lite mer autoimmuna problem, så blir det bra?
Manligt Mys Med Mogge
OK, jag är lite fan-boy till Mogge
… men var exakt har jag fel här:
Möjligtvis fick jag något namn och musikhistoria fel, i stort sett korrekt, är jag ganska säker på.
Oddsen på Magdalena Andersson sjunker ifrån 2,5 till 2,15.