Musk management. More Tainanmen. Czar Regicide. US war plan: Genocide everyone! How Swedes protest!?!
Musk management. Tainanmen 2. Tsarmordsritual. USAs krigsplan: Döda alla! Hur protestera mot staten
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
A flood of blood has been spilled to give you this content
Examples of how Elon Musk goes around and fixes bottlenecks to get things done.
Imagine if most bosses were like this!
Chinese state media’s report about mostly peaceful Tainanmen insurrection with English subs thanks to Nik Stankonvic, and ChatGPT
This organization of thugs to fight a losing battle that then can be used for propaganda to escalate into a bigger war is exactly the same tactics as the bankers use to drive countries into war that they will lose.
The Chinese propaganda here smells bad for us, but it isn’t disgusting:
Should be possible to translate on Youtube? I don’t have a verified account there, so I can’t even watch it, and while I downloaded the movie, it looks too copyrighted for X, so I don’t dare to upload it there.
Russia is starting to use ground drones to take out enemy positions
These drones can carry heavier explosions and attack from another angle.
The great success of Brexit?
Nothing gets better if you still have the same asshats as rulers!
Brexit “success” Farage: "I Do Know One Thing, A Woman Can't Have A Penis"
Renegade politician vows to be “a bloody nuisance” to the political establishment...
6 minute video: The Ritual Regicide of the Romanov Dynasty
Saint Czar Nikolas II and his family were ritually murdered. Talmud followers can always be trusted to be evil.
The WW-III war plan
USA’s war plan is to kill everyone in the world so that the 30% of USA that remains will be the biggest country in the world after the nuclear war, according to William Polk who was close to JFK.
Yea, that is how Loxists think.
While the Loxists are allowed to destroy Europe:
Glenn Diesen: Russia is now the 4th largest economy in the world (PPP), which suggests a successful decoupling from the West:
Jensen Huang thinks that manual work has a future despite robots and AI
Some others just want to get them replace with robots already.
So much going on in this image:
Tomorrow is Sweden’s national day, and we will be protesting the government by posting the flag upside down.
If you immigrate to Sweden because you like Sweden and Democracy, it seems to make sense to join the Sweden Democrats
Om Svenska Dagbladet (Schibsted) ljuger om USA, hur mycket ljuger och förvrider de om Sverige?
Fredric Monenius: Det som egentligen skett är alltså att Republikanerna presenterade en alternativ lista med elektorer efter valet. Vilket är helt i sin ordning att göra ifall det finns skäl till det. Vilket det gjorde iom att det fanns klara bevis för att Demokraterna fuskat. Detta rör sig alltså om politisk förföljelse av hederliga människor, som SvD istället framställer som brottslingar
Varje gång man vet hur det ligger till och ser en artikel om det, så stämmer det inte. Bara att anta att resten är ljug också.