Pegasus&Khashoggi. Proxalutamide alternatives. Greene Twatted. Google Search kills. Covid in Sweden
Twitter bannar & Google Search dödar. Antikroppsläget. Ivermektin i Dagens Medicin
Dagens svenska myggfria video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s mosquito free English video.
Not one single mosquito today!
The Pegasus spyware outside of The Guardian
The Guardian and the other hacks definitely has some sort of agenda behind this:
“After checking their claims, we firmly deny the false allegations made in their report,” the statement said. NSO said its technology was not associated in any way with Khashoggi’s murder.
Seems like The Guardian is going after the people who murdered the terrorist writer Khashoggi. That makes sense.
Israel: The more vaxxed a town is, the more covid

Left-leaning Off-Guardian about the UK freedom day
Not so much opening up in reality?
Dutasteride / Bicalutamide ~= Proxalutamide?
As I reported about -91% hospitalizations with proxalutamide yesterday:

Greene got a red light from Twitter (12h)
Rep Greene got banned (Twatted) from Twitter for 12 hours. The fascists are scared of her:
Do not use Google brainwashing Search!
Google Search is literally trying to kill you. Pravda was never this bad:
Do you want to see my sword? My sword is amazing!
Yea, I do have an axe too, but that isn’t cool. And I can’t really whistle anything like a tune - I used to be able to, but that was the last millennium.
My sword is Italian, so I had to decorate it, but it is quite deadly even without being sharpened, so I haven’t done that yet…
Reading tip
Swedish media and covid fear-porn
Just to clarify: No, the covid panic fear porn is not over in Swedish media just because of one article in that direction. From today: “The infections increases!!! A third from travels abroad!” (“Stay at home, you sheep!” / Klaus Schwab)
Can you see the spike in cases, people in ICU and deaths?!? Swedish media can!
30% of Swedes 11-19 years old (all unvaccinated) have anti-bodies
Note that more than this are probably immune without anti-bodies:
🇸🇪 Mia Brytting har fel: "Även om våra undersökningar visar att drygt 30 procent av ungdomar har antikroppar så visar detta också att två tredjedelar sannolikt inte har något skydd mot covid-19"
De är sannolikt immuna fast anti-kropparna har försvunnit nu.
Medical magazine in Sweden is starting to debate ivermectin