Friday ramblings. I do propaganda, sorry, but I'm not sorry about that. Here comes more!
Fredags-babble i Ryd. Ursäkta att jag spred propaganda, men jag står för den, och här kommer mera
Today’s English video from my suburb
The huge problems of getting banned from Twitter
I haven’t even had time to contemplate my ban from Twitter or what to do about it. I’ve been too busy reading your comments, using Gab, wondering f I should check out Gettr and Parler, answering my ever growing crowd on Minds or seeing if I can get banned from Facebook (or Meta as it’s called now?!? Your favorite social media expert will talk more about that on Sundag live!) or Odysee/LBRY. I’m totally working harder on the later, and I’ll love it if my content has to make a blockchain content database to reverse its last months… I’m a selective sadists, as I’ve said. And no, one can’t get banned from LBRY. Only from the app and
Halloween costume tip:
Dress up as a Pfizer salesman. That will even scare the shit out of the ones dressed up as demons from Moderna:
This is how Öystein Rönne dress up for the coming slaughtering of the globalists:
Well, I know who is scarier!
Cuomo under the bus
Just one example of how the deep state, the army of narcissist robots, don’t give a shit about their own when they aren’t useful:
What is more surprising is actually how seldom this happens. You can’t build a good army if you keep all the worst soldiers, but that is exactly what the deep state has been doing until now when they are starting to murder the most weak and/or naive people with jabs and other medical lies.
Fauci puppy torture is fake news?
It might be fake news that Fauci was connected to the horrible puppy experiments, so I should explain: I don’t give a shit! This is pure propaganda from me to destroy Fauci, because few seem to care that he supports jabbing children to death or the exploding all causes mortality and general vaccine passport sadism of “rulers”. The people “in charge” that are controlled like robots by the actual power in the shadow, and these shadows (humans, algorithms or what-ever they are) that have learnt to control narcissists and basically created a Dalek army of them, so despite that narcissists hate narcissists, they work together as if they were one huge very stupid sick brain.
Only vaccinated people get covid in Victoria, Australia!
Again: Is this true? I don’t know. I don’t care. This is my propaganda, because what we know is that the sadistic child raping Daleks “in charge” in Victoria refuse to be transparent:
“They” are just killing off all gullible people. If you trust their narrative, you will die.
But OK: It might be me that is lying and flying around in my Vitamin D profit powered private jet that want to kill you because I’m either crazy or corrupt. I wouldn’t trust me about any one decision, but on the other hand, I would never ever not consult me, because I know stuff that you might be unaware of.
👍 Californian In-n-Out Burger refuses to enforce vaccine passport fascism
Interesting how it works:
If a business discriminates against non-vaccinated, they get into deep shit trouble.
If a restaurant refuses to serve Biden supporters, they get flooded with customers.
I think there are a lot of good people in the world that are sadists and enjoy hurting others. But as they are good people, they don't do that. But now they more and more realize that enjoying to hurt people who enjoy hurting innocent people is OK...
The health problem with burgers is the wheat, especially in USA according to Dr Eric Berg, and the fries with too much carbs and really bad fat with too much omega-6 and in restaurants often trans-fats that aren’t even HBTQ-friendly, but just poison. This should be a fixable problem. At least use well fermented good wheat, but there are a lot of low carb low cost nutritious vegetables that should be possible to make bread out of if you just use cheese or something to get it stick together. It should be possible to make bread out of beer too. Companies should work on “impossible bread” instead of Frankenstein’s “Impossible meat”.
And if you have a good enough healthy fat dip, you can use cucumbers and carrots instead of french fries.
One size jab fits all!!!
The Dollar Vigilante presents a seriously hard punching music video at the start. Why are the jabs one size fits all? You know why: They don’t care, they don’t care about you, they don’t care about children and they don’t care about puppies, and the few who do care: They just enjoy hurting innocent people. And Jeff (The Dollar Vigilante) showed this smart kid too
Kamala Harris has never ever looked this good
It looks like she is a loving caring lady in this town-hall meeting, but unfortunately it was from CNN, so of course fake news. But it made me love her a little bit more. 🥰
Hur man gör appelcidervinäger - Förhoppningsvis
Det var ont om äpplen i år eller så letade jag för lite, men äppelcidervinäger går ju alltid åt, även om jag glömt dricka min på ett bra tag, men lite till middagen blev väldigt bra för matsmältningen och det blev bokstavligt talat skitbra.