Daleks losing is inevitable! Latvia ended democracy. German bureaucrats use gas on the people
Dårarna fall är oundvikligt. Lettland avskaffade demokratin. Tyska byråkrater använder gas på folket
Today’s wind protected English video
I’m still suffering from the overdose of narcissist bullshit from Kyle Rittenhouse’s prosecutor Thomas Binger who seems totally out of his mind talking about facts from an alternative reality while showing images of something else. What was infuriating was not the fool Binger, but that he was taken seriously, with some pushbacks but he belongs as laughingstock in a zoo or as a defendant in court.
Now think of how journalists are selected. The propaganda media wants really good convincing liars, so they hire people who believe their own lies (of course Scott Adams yet again says almost the same thing an hour after my recording - he hasn’t understood the bioweapon yet, but his friend Dr Drew talked to Steven Kirsch, so that is coming). The media could also hire really good actors, but… I would estimate that about 99% of these have a severe case of some form of narcissism. One can be a great actor with a personality, but it’s hard for these to go full retard, which is what the media is looking for. They don’t want to get stuck with some Tucker Carlson or even Bill Maher - That must be a narcissist’s nightmare as he is almost impossible to fire now.
Planned jabbing genocide or inevitable?
The thing is that when the people in charge are mostly people unable to admit for themselves that they are wrong about anything, they will kill themselves. This is the first time this has happened on a global scale, but from the Bronze Age Collapse to every damn empire: Sooner or later effective manipulator that are also insane narcissists will dominate the society, and they either kill themselves, get killed or destroy the entire society together with themselves.
UK Supermarkets Lining Store Shelves With "Decoys" To Hide Supply Shortage
Why is it that only places like UK and California seem to have this problem? It looks like something in the leadership…
Latvia Bans Unvaxed Politicians From Voting, Suspends Pay
Starting next week, the country will enter a "green mode" with different rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Only 53.6% of Latvia's 1.9 million population is fully vaccinated, well below the EU average of 64.9%. The country is currently categorized as of "high concern" by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Civil war has started. Just so that the lunatics can push a useless dangerous bioweapon on each other. And what happens when only 15% of Latvia is “fully vaccinated” as they need that 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17th booster?!?
Brits Will Need 3 Jabs To Be Considered "Fully Vaccinated": UK PM Johnson
But always remember that there is no way the Daleks can win! The people can just park a jabbing bus outside of the parliament (that the enemy will gladly pay for with other people’s money) and they will jab themselves to death. Throw in some statins and other health pills from big pharma with it, and the process will be short.
The problem is if people snap, so I recommend that you take the narcissism vaccine and watch Thomas Binger even if it’s as painful as Crowder’s heart surgery (80 minutes in), and you’ll be more prepared. Getting angry at these Daleks only gives them narcissist supply, so what you want to do to hurt them is to not get triggered, and of course not follow their orders or give into their threats.
German Regulators Suspend Nord Stream 2 Approval; European Gas Prices Surge
Is there any chance that the insane 🤡 🤡🤡 will not blame Russia for this? 😏
Where are the NATO troops that should protect the German people from threats like this? Oh, there are 40 000+ of them in Germany building nuclear missiles aimed at Russia just in case the German government and bureaucrats can’t cause enough energy crisis, lockdowns and jabbing deaths.
We know that when it comes to hurting people with gas, Germany has so much more know-how, that not even genocidal UK dared to use gas against The Third Reich, and Russia (that is pressuring Belarus to send more gas to EU) will surely not go that path.
There are just too much different things happening for this to be a grand plan: It must be something like a pandemic of narcissism and the worst lunatics have risen to power, and now they get narcissist supply by destroying others’ lives and they are incapable of relearning anything.
Are Biden and Harris working for Trump?
This is crazy-talk by Cohen (It is really interesting that some people haven’t seen the similarities of the slogans though. For example: I’m totally for a great reset and it will even have many details similar to Klaus Schwab’s vision, but with different kind of thinking in charge), but even before reading Cohen’s comment, I thought that everything that Biden and Harris have done so far is destroying the entire Democrat party and supporting Trump’s agenda. It is clear that Trump did think of ruling a term, let the enemy only seemingly “take back the power”, and then come back way stronger. Might have happened by chance, but Trump had surely thought about it and embraced it.
But Cohen shows typical Libertarian narcissist behaviour by “Both parties bad! I’m so much smarter!” (No solutions, just wishing that every sadist could accept his Libertarianism.). This talking does not help you in your life nor does it predict anything. It’s just making people give up as you try to say that you are smart. Useless.
Trump on the other hand is great at manipulating and tricking narcissists. That will be a pretty useless talent when they have jabbed themselves to death, but it’s very useful at the moment and there will always be some of them left. And you don’t want to turn into one, because they are not happy people even when they are “successful”.