Narcissist Thor lessons. Ivermectin didn't kill Congress parasites. Central banking systems failing
Lär er av narcissist-Tor! Ivermektin dödar inte politikerparasiter. Centralbankssystemet spricker
Dagens svenska video om hundhatande narcissistiska Tor. Elak och rolig sågning av lite svenska narcissist🤡🤡 längst ner.
Piike explains how to tie knots in today’s English video:
The narcissist expert Rebecca Zung is really fun to listen to
Is Thor a narcissist? Probably, so here are some advice for all dogs on how to handle that god of thunder piece of proto-Fauci dog hating shit (having a chariot dragged by goats, just because he has tortured the dogs to death with insect - That isn’t god-like, is it?):
What did Thor do when Loke tricked him to win in competitions? Strongest god of them all, but Thor is the victim? He sounds like a Muslim, said Tyr.
Narcissist Twitter loves people promoting covid jabs, but when I said “Take your jabs and die!”, that is somehow wrong?!? It was the wrong way to say it according to the obvious narcissists:
Or as the top Swedish narcissist said:
Rebecca Zung: Narcissists' 7 weak spots:
Their words do not match their action.
They value the opinion of strangers over family.
They stare at you.
They are weird about gift giving.
They are like chameleons.
They take credit for your ideas.
They act like they are strong but they also play the victim.
I do some creepy staring, but I also just want to see people’s faces instead of of being a shy little puppy that can be tortured to death by Fauci. I am really weird about gift giving so that is me being a narcissist in that way. The rest… I think it’s more true for the average human than me. I’m definitely not a chameleon nor do I take credit for others ideas - ideas are worthless, so why would anyone do that?
Rebecca Zung’s content is really useful as social media seems to have triggered a pandemic of narcissism as people get trained like dogs to argue emotionally or else the platform will give them no friends. This makes it hard to talk about any subject unless you know which of the others that are just sadists that want to cause as much harm as they can. We have seen people who “think” like this: A vaccine mandate destroys my business, but it's worth it because I can make the people who work for me and my customers suffer, and people I don’t know will get impressed about that I follow the narrative!!!
Do not take the anti-parasitic medicine ivermectin - You aren’t a parasite in Congress, are you?
More about the US Congress taking ivermectin: These are lying manipulative sadist narcissists almost all of them. They ENJOY seeing people getting bad medical treatment, while they want it for themselves:
The Australian Central🤡Bank blew up its credibility
This means that the financial markets will never trust RBA (the Australian Central bank) and probably neither other central banks again. It’s one thing to do like the Swedish Central bank and give free loans to the managers’ companies, because that can be argued to be a good thing for everyone (which it isn’t, but it can be argued). But when a central bank surprises the market (because they had positions that would make them rich after this move, most likely) like this, no sane money manager wants to go close to that market again because they know that it’s a rigged game where they are guarantee to lose.
What this means for ordinary people is that we need to continue to prepare for a world without these central banks that will only become more and more corrupt and destroy themselves.
And the corporate-big-government system as a hole is continuing to collapse:
You need to learn ways to sustain yourself outside of that system!
A tip to 🤡governments and 🤡NGOs
Well, we can’t just solve any problem because then we’ll lose our jobs, but what if we provide private jets for everyone? No one is starving in a private jet! OK, there are some overdoses, too much cosmic rays and quite a lot of malnutrition due to free drinks, but no starvation. #PrivateJets4StarvingChildren
😋 Trump is back, Gabbing at full speed!
🇸🇪 Ännu ett exempel på emotionellt resonerande ifrån 🤡Moderaterna
1) En tysk tidning skriver något som passar narrativet, så då är det helt sant. Inga nyanser eller något.
2) 🤡Regeringen attackeras, men inte deras politik.
3) 🤡Grupptänk. Du är för oss eller emot oss!
🤡Forssell sysslar med emotionellt resonerande som de andra clownerna i M. M tror sig kunna få makten genom att vara en aning mindre klimatgalna än MP, och sedan kan trycka till folket med vaccinpass och ge "klimatpengar" till sina korrupta vänner i utlandet.🤡
M🤡🤡 kan inte ens förklara en dieselmotor eller förstå vad den har med troposfären att göra. Bara en handfull M-pampar har en aning om något. Resten litar på tysk propagandamedia, låter MP styra narrativet, och agerar som småbarn. 🤡
Men Moderaterna lovar: Till skillnad ifrån Bildt och Reinfeldt, så kommer Ulf Kristersson verkligen inte att få ett mutjobb efter att han tvångsvaccinerat alla svenskar och gett bort våra skattepengar i “klimatbistånd”.
Roligt ifrån Riks och Rebecka även om jag inte litar på SD. Men detta är ett mysigt exempel på hur man förlöjligar narcissister:
(Varning: Du får inget bra svar på den frågan!)