Colour propaganda. Some billionaires and the people versus technocracy. NATO shitshow and more fun
Gult är? Kungar/biljardärer+folket mot teknokraturen. NATO-kalabalik. Sara halvvägs till Skyttedalen
Fun fact: The indoor (especially if the camera isn’t in my hand) or even balcony videos become less than half the size per minute than the ones in the forest when compressed.
Today’s colorful English balcony cat video
🇸🇪 Dagens färgstarka svenska video med balkongkatt
🇸🇪 Se automatöversättningen av denna Substack. Bara lite text om Sara Skyttedals artikel om EUs solsting längst ner.
🇸🇪 Kom ihåg att färger har mening (Google översätter, men vägrar sedan fortsätta visa sidan? Ni kan klistra in texten till i alla fall) när du gör dina bilder eller tittar på andras propaganda.
Notice: Symbolism of colours - One of the small things you might not think of, but still get manipulated by.
In case someone like me doesn’t respond on Facebook etc…
This is general for busy people, but I can only speak for myself even if this isn’t about me as I don’t mind yet another message to ignore:
If you aren’t a close friend, I don’t care if you’re Elon Musk, Trump, Putin, the local mafia boss, a supermodel or a Nigerian princess wanting to give away your fortune, if you start the conversation with “Hi, how are you?”. If you want to have someone’s attention, start by giving them some value by saying something that at least might interest them. If you just demand attention by trying to make someone answering you, you are draining energy, and will be ignored by people interested in improving their and others’ lives.
Even bragging about yourself or trying to sell something is better. But busy people hate to waste time - unless they themselves decide to waste time in the way they want to waste it:
- Where did your huge fortune go?
- I spent it on wine, song and women, but the rest I just wasted.
So yes, I rather spend time on writing this than responding to those who demand personal attention - Unless it’s a close friend or even just a curious neighbour - Totally different if it’s one of billion people who know how to contact me. So even if you just wish that anyone would ask you how your day is, understand that many people aren’t like that, but it isn’t because they don’t care about people, but often just because they do care about people and therefore want to do something productive 🛠
Billionaires and the people together versus the technocracy?
Historically the self-owning farmers and businessmen have allied with the king against the ever more corrupt establishment nobility. Andrew Jackson did a similar thing in Republican 19th century USA too.
But now it seems like billionaires like Musk and maybe Bezos are starting to see the technocrats both as a threat and as a losing side they don’t want to be on anymore. We’ll never see Rockefellers and Rothschilds give up on their technocracy, but all proto-fascist-like European financial dynasties might not feel as comfortable in Klaus Schwab’s theater play as they show outwards.
So just prepare for and look forward to serious infighting in the ruling class! Hopefully this will be one of these nice wars where they just kill each other instead of innocent underlings (As in when the king, dictator or new rulers execute all the opposing nobility, or even nicely just kick them out of power).
Elon Musk: "Political attacks on me will escalate dramatically in coming months"
Jeff Bezos: "It's a competition?!? Just like our space race! I'm in! Let me explain inflation to the Biden administration!"
Mark Zuckerberg: "It was supposed to be ROBOT mules! This election fraud organization zucked!"
George Soros: “Whom should I elect after Trump’s second term?”
Bill Gates: “OK, Elon was right. I’m pregnant.”

Seems like the Democrats and Big Pharma have started to attack Elon Musk by tricking him to eat unhealthy popcorn made with toxic seed oils…
Not that funny meme… Except that Elon Musk Tweeted the image. 😁 (
Missouri Bill Prevents Doctors Being Disciplined If They Prescribe Ivermectin Or Hydroxychloroquine
"A pharmacist shall not contact the prescribing physician or the patient to dispute the efficacy of ivermectin tablets... With a convincing 130–4 vote in the House, HB 2149 passed both chambers on May 12 and currently heads to the office of Gov. Mike Parson to be potentially signed into law.”
So the ones who just love to censor others just got a gag order! They can still debate ivermectin’s efficiency in public - But they don’t want to that because their arguments are bullshit! They want to take people into backrooms and threaten them like this (but without a photo, of course):
And it isn’t over with this minor anti-bullying bill. Now the hunt is on to make the sadist lockdowners pay for their crimes, starting in Michigan: Michigan Businesses Sue Whitmer For Losses Due To COVID Lockdowns. Just wait until this “plague” of justice (it’s more of a live vector vaccine, than a plague 😉) hit Canada, China and Australia! That will be bloody.
And media should pay for the harm that they caused, but hard to do this without threatening freedom of speech. Except punishing the media by ignoring it 😉
🇬🇷: “If Turkey gets what it wants, I want it too!!!”
Every NATO country now has an opportunity to ask for things to let Sweden and Finland into NATO.
😂 So in one corner of the ring we have vulnerable narcissism and following the narrative, and in the other corner nationalist egos, corruption and opportunism. This is going to be the greatest shit-show that not even Elon Musk can rocket past with with a poop emoji.
The question is when the central European NATO members will start to put out their wishing list. Hungary is sanctioned by EU and want their money back, Croatia’s president doesn’t want Croatians defending Finland’s border, and Poland feels like Sweden’s government+media (and the West in general) is talking crap about it.
And Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania: Don’t they want some money-love from the narcissist NATO establishment that is in a desperate need of an expansion to get a “win” in their narrative = the only thing that is important in their empty lives?
If Turkey’s demands on Sweden are met, that will totally crush any support from the 1% Swedish-Kurdish voters, and I also see very pro-NATO advocates that say no entering into NATO as long as Turkey is a member. But the Swedish parliament is united, so they think they are safe from being punished in the election in September. But on top of NATO, the shitheads in parliament wants to add medical tyranny in the constitution:

Freud was wrong about everything except the F slip
Now add that to all you profile images!
Truth Social - Good idea to start with USA only?
It kind of makes sense to start with USA as they want to see what kind of policies work there first before they are letting trolls from other countries in. If the platform suddenly get flooded with Nigerians and a great platform for them, US users might feel alienated. This happened to Orkut that became dominated by non-English speaking Brazilians so English speakers avoided it. (On top of that is explaining that the shithead behind it loved censorship. If everyone just was nice towards the technocrats, then everything would be great?!? FU Klaus-tard!)
But Truth Social surely is slow on the roll-out and it's annoying me that I'm not invited. I've run social media sites for 20 years and is exactly the kind of person that they need to beta-test it.
Consolidation of the opposition platforms?
I think the only way to have great social platforms that benefits humanity is letting the platforms fight it out. There are always unexpected consequences from policy and technical decisions that might break or make a platform great.
The consolidation of power was what got us into the current situation.
Hunting Hunter:
Not all leaked and published emails are there though, but most of them.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Lite reklam för Sara Skyttedal:
Bra skrivet av Sara Skyttedal, men tyvärr är hon bara halvt rödpillrad för det handlar inte om klimat, miljö eller något försök att göra något bättre. Det handlar om folk som har som livsstrategi att sabba och förstöra så mycket de bara kan, och sedan visar det sig att någon tjänar på att de förstörde något, och satarna blir då rikligt belönade. Många av satarna kan vara rena stolpskott, men så länge de håller sig till strategin att förstöra så mycket de kommer undan med så belönas de.
Tills precis alla lär sig att det är såhär det fungerar redan i vaggan. Det är så lätt att se vilka som bara vill sabba: Vilka sa nej till att avskaffa Sommartiden "pga covid"? Sortera bort dem ifrån all makt, och vi löser det mesta annat skit dessa sabotörer orsakar som bieffekt även om vi slänger ut ett och annat barn med skitvattnet.