NIH proven corrupt. The neoliberal right. Can you be programmed? Reframing good, wordthinking bad
Kommunisthögern världen runt. Man, kvinna eller person: Ominramning eller ordtänk? Diska vs bajsa
Lock them up!
OK, making them organ donors works for me too.
Do not trust NIH or similar organization, and get a new doctor if your doctor trusts them! Or you might die.

It’s about oppression and brainwashing
It’s not even much about the vaccine profits. The shithead rulers want to train you to obey.

Who wants to go to the Mengele’s concentration camp Israel anyway?

The globalist right
The Boris Johnson style of corrupt right-wing parties across the globe need to be destroyed. They are neoliberals run by Xi and his spies. A good tip is to talk to some other communists, and they will explain why they don’t trust communists and people who use their tricks of emotional reasoning, propaganda, sadism and brainwashing.
Only one party in Canada opposes the vaccine passports, while the “former communists” in Sweden is the only party here that opposes them.

“Fuck Joe Biden” chanted across football statiums 👍
Optics are important, and it seems like that is breaking down for the Democrats. Without the young and ever fewer blacks and latinos, the empire of insane corruption is falling apart:
Can you be programmed? I must be a broken moist robot, because this didn’t work at all for me.
Quiz: What did I guess? What did you get?
Swedish lesson
“Klägget” (the something sticky and disgusting) is a not yet popular Swedish branding of “The Swamp” that the last honest Social Democrat party leader Håkan Juholt we have had has coined, so “Diska Klägget” is “Drain the swamp” (Clean the unclean). Chang Frick on the other hand thinks that we should forcefeed the establishement media with their own shit right up their noses, because that is justice. But both these opposite images describe the same thing: The people need to take back the power:
Globalistiska kommunistkräk
Sverige ska alltså “rädda klimatet” genom att skicka pengar till Moderaternas kompisar runt om i världen. Vad sägs om att säga nej tack till det?

Man, kvinna eller “person”?
Min kommentar: Intressant vinkling, men det är lite "ordtänk" över att bry sig om huruvida man benämns "person". Man kan också säga: "Ta ingen skit ifrån staten för det är en kriminell organisation!". Det finns många sätt att uttrycka det på, och även om ord kan få oss att tänka på nya sätt, så bör diskussionen inte bli en diskussion om ordet.
Om staten vill ha skatt eller allmän värnplikt, så måste den skriva ett kontrakt med medborgaren. Man kan inte ha ett "samhällskontrakt" som ena parten inte skrivit under på. Då är det bara maffiavälde.
Lars Beckman var bra på Twitter, men inte ens en Miljöpartist får såhär mycket hat nu: