Nerd professor pick-up tip. The left's crazybitch-problem. Infiltrate the left? Persuasion
Ragga som en dataprofessor. Vänsterns tokbrudproblem. Infiltrera S? Hatstorm mot M för transtrams
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Persuasion lesson from Elon Musk
Please forward links to 𝕏 posts to your friends so they know what’s actually happening. Some people still believe the legacy media!
By using “still” Elon is talking beyond the sale, and no one want to be the last rat on the sinking ship. If it’s just a matter of time before one leaves, why not do it right now?
Why isn’t the right infiltrating the left?
Wall Street Silver noted: Democrats register as Republican to run for office in conservative areas, then betray our values when voting. But for some reason, Republicans don’t do the same in Democrats areas.
Bolsheviks always infiltrate everything, but their organizations should be just as easy to infiltrate too.
Moscow Terror Attack Suspects Hauled Before Court, One Literally Unconscious
1) Dalerjon Mirzoev - Confessed - 32, Illegal Immigrant from Tajikistan, overstayed work visa, father of 4 young children.
2) Saidakrom Rachabalizoda - 28, allegedly born in Tajikistan, lives in Moscow.
3) Shamsiddin Fariduni - 24, Born in Tajikistan, factory worker, father of an 8-month-old baby.
4) Muhammadsobir Fayzov - Hairdresser, wheeled in on a stretcher to court. All have reportedly been charged under Russia's "Terrorist Act" for their alleged involvement in the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack.
This looks like men who were desperate for money and maybe for help to immigrate to Europe and/or to get drugs.
Some people say there where 5-6 gunmen.
“Boeing CEO to step down as 737 Max crisis weighs on aerospace giant”
I wonder who is brave and stupid enough to take his job.
Dating advice from nerd professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Professor Jonathan Shewchuk pointed the student to prospects “out of the Bay Area.” He explained that “you’ll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco.’.
I thought all dating advice sucked, but then a computer professor speaks...
I will only consult dating and relationship gurus when I have problems with my computers!
A song about that you’re a worse racist than Winston Churchill (who arguably was even more racist than the negro-hating Franklin Delano Roosevelt) if you say stuff like Martin Luther King said.
As you all know, Stalin was the only antiracist leader during WW-II, because he genocided all ethnicities as much as he could.
James Carville, a strategist for Bill Clinton’s campaign in 1992 says that the Democrat party has too many batshit crazy bitches
The Democrat party, CIA and the Blob have too many batshit crazy bitches:
Over 50% of young Liberal Women have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.
Elon Musk: Hormonal birth control and no kids to care for would make any mammal sad
The cost of language interpreters in the Swedish health service has risen sharply in the last ten years.
It would be cheaper and, unfortunately, better for everyone if those who cannot speak Swedish/English went to vets instead. At least vets are not as much bought by drug companies, and can communicate non-verbally, and they would prefer patients they are not allowed to euthanise.
Lilo has only attacked one vet…
Laughter: The New Weapon Of The Far-Right
It’s so funny that they don’t want us to make jokes.
If you run social media, you will get drunk on power, and there is nothing better!
Övertalningslektion ifrån Elon Musk
Vänligen vidarebefordra länkar till 𝕏 inlägg till dina vänner så att de vet vad som faktiskt händer. Vissa människor tror fortfarande på föråldrad media!
Genom att använda "fortfarande" pratar Elon bortom försäljningen, och ingen vill vara den sista råttan på det sjunkande skeppet. Om det bara är en tidsfråga innan man lämnar, varför inte göra det direkt?
Dejtingråd från nördprofessor
Jonathan Shewchuk, professor i elektroteknik och datavetenskap, tipsade studenten om möjligheter "utanför Bay Area". Han förklarade att "du kommer att bli chockad över de stora skillnaderna i kvinnors beteende på platser där det finns gott om kvinnor jämfört med deras beteende inom artilleriavstånd från San Jose och San Francisco.".
Jag trodde att alla dejtingråd var värdelösa, men så talar en dataprofessor...
Jag kommer bara att konsultera dejting- och relationsgurus när jag har problem med mina datorer!
Kostnaderna för språktolkar i sjukvården har ökat kraftigt de senaste tio åren
Det vore billigare och hemskt nog bättre för alla om de som inte kan prata svenska/engelska går till veterinärer i stället Veterinärer är i alla fall inte lika mycket köpta av drogbolag, och kan kommunicera icke-verbalt, och de skulle föredra patienter de inte får avliva.
Lilo har bara attackerat en veterinär…
Du vill inte vara en Moderat på 𝕏 nu
Det spelar ingen roll vad du postar om, för folk är fly förbannade på transsexualism-vansinnet.