News-mix: Drug-combo cures 4000/4000 before covid hospitalization. Solutions and people against them
Nyhetsmix: Drogkombo botar 4000/4000 covidsjuka före sjukhusinläggning. Lösningar och hoten emot dem
Time for a big deep breath, because a lot of small interesting stuff is happening! We have cures for covid, cancer and communism, and some inspiration.
De svenska länkarna längst ner.
DeSantis does what is right. Looks so easy when he does what others can’t do.
In Sweden, our minister of social issues Lena Hallengren is babbling around and seems to be waiting for orders from the people’s enemy, the media, about what to do with the covid-restrictions. And the Sweden Democrat leader Jimmy Åkesson just said that Sweden should keep the restrictions until the autumn “because of variants”. Last year there were almost no covid during the summer and all risk groups are vaccinated or immune now, and they have a hard time finding people who want to get the experimental treatments. Åkesson should know that the people have a better protection against the variants if there is more natural immunity that people can get safely during the summer when few get severely ill for many reasons. But it’s media that is 100% responsible for that people think that 2020 was the worst pandemic since 1918, despite that the dying in Sweden 2020 were older than in any year in history except 2019 (and 2018 for men)! The agencies’ reports aren’t without propaganda, but why would anyone link to enemy media’s version of them that are filled with misinformation, fear mongering and lack of context?
Dangerous spike proteins
America’s Frontline Doctors warns that the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) make the vaxxed spread spike proteins that are dangerous. But note that getting a lot of spike proteins will not be a growing problem like a virus can be! And a well working immune system will take care of spike proteins too, even if they are way more plentiful than viruses generally are.
End of castrating young children in Sweden
Hormonal treatment (“pre castration treatment”) of children under 16 is now stopped at Astrid Lindgren’s hospital because of the ruling in London and from science that so do not support this treatment. 16-18 old children might however still be experimented on in trials despite this being a clear violation of the Nuremberg code.
Great news on covid treatments
Dr. Chetty has achieved zero hospitalizations in 4,000 South African Covid patients, with a multi-drug therapy uniquely including Promethazine. That drug came 3rd out of 7,811 candidates in a recent, large, in silico quest for repurposed drugs from China. (anti-histamine /anti-allergic) (anti-bleeding / immunosuppressive) (anti-cancer)
Dr Shankara Chetty interview which is very enlightening:
Vitamin C in vitro and from previous studies Very high doses have been proven safe, even up to 4gram/kg-bodyweight/day, and should be effective.
Zinc is very protective against severe covid:
Not easy to understand from that image, but factors on the left side are predictors of good outcome, factors on the right side of bad outcome. The further from the dashed vertical line, the more important the factor. The same reasoning applies with up and down (up = bad, down = good). The second axis is usually a bit less predictive but I don't know by how much in this particular case. I would add that good zinc levels probably also means that you aren’t deficient in other minerals and vitamins, and don’t have diabetes, cancer etc, but fixing the zinc level is a must.
Cleaning out the psychopaths in charge
Jüri Linas will be releasing a new book called “Psykopaternas herravälde” (The dominion of the psychopaths”) which explains the obvious that we need to remember at all times: The more knowledge we have, the less power the oppressors have!
Olle Wästberg is a typical example of a well networked libtard that doesn’t care about freedom of speech until his friends in media are getting lame threats and might possibly lose their jobs in the future. He doesn’t give a shit when free media gets deplatformed and threatened. Glen Greenwald explains how media in the same way doesn’t give a shit about truth and just report the narrative they are fed.
But obsessing about persons and see them as the problem is very seldom a useful tactic for the people (Unless you can kill the king, and that would make all his soldiers then go home, but when did that happen the last time?). So I’ll not waste your time on speculating on what Bill Gates’ divorce is about, and instead we learn and build systems that help you.
Interesting stuff
We’ve had more lightning than “ever before” in 2020, but the good news is that the lightning is cleaning up the air, so think about that while you make your house secure against lightning.
Facebook banned the Swedish anti-pedophile group - Obvious on what side Facebook is on now?
Immigrant child gang burnt defenceless 68 year old lady to death in central south Sweden. If any politician or legal official says that people like her have not got the right to arm themselves and shoot any person that threatens their home, read Jüri Linas book about psychopaths mentioned above when it comes out, so that you know what you’re dealing with. In civilized societies, barbarians are shot. Unfortunately the heads of the people in charge of creating the problem don’t fall off often enough though.
Psychiatry and infectious disease doctors are more than 75% leftist! If you want to control and oppress people, surgeon isn’t what you want to become.
Ghada Chehade is gives a great explanation about why cosmology is close to a paradigm shift now, and you can apply this exact method to almost any field of science and even politics, and get the same result:
And some great news: One only needs 1000 of these tidal turbines plus energy storage to replace one nuclear reactor: They are at least trying to solve problems, so thumbs up!
Do you want to eat delicious food instead of crap that makes you sick for the rest of your life? You can do the change even before a 4x bypass surgery, and it isn't hard as Eric Palmer showed:
~"Low carb, whole foods, mostly meat, eggs, cheese and stinky fish for omega-3. Walking, resistance training and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Off 4 meds."
De svenska länkarna
Nyhetsmix: Drogkombo botar 4000/4000 covidpatienter innan sjukhus. Lösningar och hoten emot dem
Är inte alla restriktioner borta vid midsommar så har regering och Riksdag förlorat sin legitimitet:
Jimmie Åkesson borde också veta att bästa sättet att minska faran med de nya SARS-CoV-2-varianterna är att öppna upp helt under sommaren och se till riktig immunitet byggs upp hos så många som möjligt när risken är minimal:
mRNA-vaccinerade sprider farliga spikprotein:
"Astrid Lindgrens barnsjukhus tar intryck av domen i London samt vetenskapen,förbjuder hormonell behandling av könsdysfori hos barn < 16 år o de 16-18 år måste då ingå i klinisk studie,då behandlingen är experimentell."
"Dödlighetsmönstren under 2020 motsvarade alltså ungefär vad som historiskt rådde för män under 2017 och för kvinnor under 2018."
DN väljer ut data utan att sätta dem i något sammahang, så varför någon skulle läsa deras manipulativa dynga i stället för FHMs rapport begriper jag inte:
Sedan är såklart FHMs rapport inte helt fri ifrån propaganda heller, men de är inte lika bra på att ljuga.
Dr. Chetty has achieved no hospitalizations in 4,000 South African Covid patients, with a multi-drug therapy uniquely including Promethazine.
That drug came 3rd out of 7,811 candidates in a recent, large, in silico quest for repurposed drugs from China. (anti-histamine /anti-allergic) (anti-bleeding / immunosuppressive) (anti-cancer)
Dr Shankara Chetty interview:
Vitamin C in vitro and from previous studies:
Very high doses have been proven safe, even up to 4gram/kg-bodyweight/day
Zink fungerar jättebra förklarat med ett obegripligt diagram:
Factors on the left side are predictors of good outcome, factors on the right side of bad outcome.
The further from the dashed vertical line, the more important the factor.
The same reasoning applies with up and down (up = bad, down = good). The second axis is usually a bit less predictive but I don't know by how much in this particular case.
Jüri Linas kommande bok - ”Psykopaternas herravälde”
Ju mer kunskap vi har desto mindre makt får förtryckarna!
Fin sågning av den typiska politrucken Olle Wästberg:
Han sket i när @SwebbTV, @exakt24 eller jag drabbades. Men när hans nätverk gnäller lite så är det mest synd om dem:
Tänkte skriva något, men tycker inte han förtjänar uppmärksamhet
Det finns viktigare saker att ägna sig åt än att lägga sig i folks privatliv, och hitta på konspirationsteorier om det:
Det blixtrar "mer än någonsin" under 2020, men blixtarna renar luften:
Anti-pedofil-gruppen blev utkastad ifrån Facebook:
Då har Facebook bestämt sig och valt sida, dom har stängt vår Facebookgrupp 2forty2 utan förklaring och svarar inte då vi kontaktar dom med konstens alla regler, dom har tagit bort bilder på våra sidor och lagt in genus anpassade och pk-godkända bilder som gillas på Söder.
Folk som bor ensamma ska vara beväpnade med skjutvapen och självklart ha fritt fram att skjuta vem de vill som hotar deras hem - Möjligen kan de få en medalj för det:
Psykiatriker och läkare för smittsamma sjukdomar är till 75% vänster, medan kirurger mest är höger. Folk som vill tala om för andra vad de ska göra blir inte helst kiruger:
Ghada Chehade förklarar tecknen på att ett paradigmskifte är på väg i kosmologin, och exakt de här tecknen ser man i de andra områdena och även politiken nu:
1000 sådana tidvattenturbiner plus energilagring och en kärnreaktor kan ersättas! Fast bra de försöker lösa problem i alla fall.
Det var klokt av NZ att vara emot det vansinniga Irak-kriget, men att släppa in Kinakommunister är en fruktansvärt dålig idé. Se avsnittet om psykopater ovan!
Vill du i resten av ditt liv äta skitgod mat i stället för skit som gör dig sjuk? Du kan börja redan innan din första hjärtoperation! Undvik färdigmat och ät mindre kolhydrater, men i övrigt ägg, mestadels kött och stinkande fisk för omega-3. Mycket promenader och Hög-Intensitets-Intervall-Träning (HIIT). Eric Palmer slipper nu 4 mediciner: