No extra election in Sweden. FDA admits vaxx problems. DeFi. Face recognition app. ADE scare data
Extraval=trams. Vaccin orsakar hjärtproblem. Oro för ADE-vaxxproblem. DeFi. Ansiktsigenkännings-app
Swedish opinion piece first today, and then English
Extra val är trams
Ni som tror Annie Lööf metvetet ljuger om skon: Nej, sådana här vanföreställningar är regel bland fragila narcissister.
Sverige har ingen demokrati, utan politikerna fjäskar för kompletta idioter som vissa kallar “journalister” som sedan tilldelar folket åsikter och grupptillhörighet. Att gå till vallokalen för att flytta runt papperslappar när utgången redan definierats av andra processer är meningslöst förutom att alla narcissister ni ser i media och på sociala media vill ha extra val för att deras egon och karriärer gynnas. Visst skulle det kunna bli bättre med en M+KD+SD-regering, men vi har sett Åkesson förespåka covid1984 och Tuffe Uffe verkar mest intresserad av att trycka ner pedofilpropaganda i ungerska barn och styra vädret, för det har media sagt åt honom att göra i stället för att försöka lösa svenska problem.
Media är mer intresserade av att skapa problem att rapportera om, men vi i folket kan lösa problemet på riktigt, men då måste vi stödja plattformar och media som kan peka på riktiga lösningar på de värsta problemen i stället för att strutta runt som påfåglar och skrika “See på mig!!!”.
No extra election in Sweden
Former prime minister Stefan Löfven has abdicated, but did not declare an extra election just like I expected. The Greens in the former government are unlikely to keep their place in the parliament, and the Liberals are even in worse shape, which would ensure a strong rightwing nationalist government, and that would mean a lot of careers for the Social Democrats being lost. And Sweden will still have an election next year (extra election or not). What will happen now is a lot of horse trading in the parliament where a few non-affiliated members of parliament might become the king-makers.
I argue that an extra election is pretty useless even if the new government might be less bad, but the real big problem is that all Swedish politicians are kissing the arses of the media, and then media assign opinions to the people and put them in groups. That is a horrible system as the journalists are a bunch of peacocks who just run around and scream “Look at me!!!”, and they are more interested in creating problems to report on, than helping to solve anything.
But we can see it from the bright side:
Well… Stefan Löfven’s government is still acting government, but… at least a little less government.
FDA: 50% increased risk of heart inflammation after vaxx
For males between the ages of 12 and 17, the expected number of cases of heart inflammation following dose one using a 21-day window were two to 21. The observed number of cases was 32 through June 11. For males between the age of 18 and 24, the expected number of cases using the same parameters were three to 34. The observed number of cases was 47.
DeFi will change society
Imagine a world in which no bank, no government nor anyone can stop you from doing financial transactions. You don’t have to imagine anymore, and while the DeFi growth has slowed in June, the decentralized finance markets will grow even faster later this year. Right now there is a lack of knowledge on how to use the platforms, but as the tools keep on getting better, it will become simpler:
Free face recognition?
This is a FREE Microsoft (Apple) app for blind and visually impaired people. They update it pretty regularly, so it keeps getting better. The document reader and face recognition are especially helpful. An android version is on the way.
Apps like this should benefit from using blockchain solutions, so that you pay (extremely little) for updates, while you get paid for training the face recognition and other features. Similar to how Odysee/LBRY is working.
ADE might have started to appear
Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) is when antibodies start to help the virus replicate, which means that a benign virus infection suddenly becomes deadly because the anti-bodies help the a new virus variant to get into cells instead of destroying it.
But: You can not compare fully vaccinated people with non-vaccinated, as the fully vaccinated are older and probably in less good shape than the non-vaccinated. These vaccinated also had some problem with their immune systems so that the vaccination didn't work.
Still extremely few who die after catching covid in UK with way less than one in a million per day:
So while we can explain away these numbers, if ADE eventually starts to happen, it would be catastrophic. Previous attempt on making a vaccine against a corona virus resulted in that ALL lab animals died when getting a similar virus compared to the virus the vaccine was made against. Maybe ivermectin and new treatments can save the people who get ADE, but that would be something worse than anything we’ve seen in historiacal times.
Notice that these are very few people though! Only 63 people have died after covid on the Seychelles, and that is about half of people dead in EU per capita.
Arizona hopeium
Rumours about that there were way more ballots counted than in existence. A lot of people need to go to prison if this is true, and can the system handle that?
Automatically find Youtube videos elsewhere
If you install the browser extension Tubeshift, you automatically can get to the creator’s same video on another platform so that you don’t have to support the evil of Youtube: