No live today. Mengele bill killed in Germany. How to handle those victories? Tips for the crisis
Oresnolighet emot de oresonliga. Politiker backar - Låt dem inte komma tillbak! Kris-tips
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s English video.
The German Bundestag voted on Thursday against the draft law requiring vaccination against covid-19 for all residents over the age of 60.
378 MPs voted against and 296 voted in favour. The bill was supported by Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. The German government has a majority, so many of "their own" politicians did not want to join the train towards the abyss of insanity.
Now it's important that the people start to realise how much better things can be if we systematically weed out all the sadistic bastards who just want to destroy as much as they can get away with. So now we people should do stuff like 5 months to flatten the fuel prices as we the Swedish people promise our tyrants before we replace them and make this permanent.
The choice the people have to make now is to settle for the tyrants backing down somewhat, but then they will come back with another attempt at tyranny, or we will make the rulers digging themselves into their positions so deeply that they can never change their positions, which will lead to their loss of both power and sanity.
I personally see no reason whatsoever to give those who have only been interested in destruction a comfortable way out and I want to see them completely stripped of power and wealth, but on the other hand we need the knowledge of a few of those who have run governments, businesses and other organizations but have been reasonable.
You need to be boosted every 30 days to stay "protected"
Just tell the vaxxers to get jabbedi-jabbedi-jabbed every month because otherwise they are anti-vaxxers! They don’t listen to reason in their insane support for Pfizer, so let’s try to see if they listen to insanity.
There is a systematic war against cheap food, raw materials and energy right now. Here are some tips for you
1) Understand how profitable it is for every politician, media person or government official to destroy everything they can get away with - Someone will profit from this and then help them. I call it anti-karma on my Substack.
2) Buy bulk of good and cheap stuff! This is prepping with negative cost to you!
3) No one should eat wheat or cooking oils because it is toxic food for all animals even if some can tolerate it better. But when people stop eating that crap, prices for other things go up. But if you want more vegetables for less money, red cabbage (either made into sauerkraut or run it through a blender to make it easier for the body to absorb minerals and vitamins) and frozen spinach cost a fraction of other vegetables, at least here up in the north. Tomato products are also often more mineral-rich than the tasteless tomatoes you buy fresh.
Eggs from well-fed hens and small fish if you can find them are good, as are, of course, intestines, which you need to learn how to cook properly.
I am against eco-certification because it finances lawyers and advertising people, but if we can find good farmers who can also produce food efficiently without industrial malnutrition of both crops and animals but through biodiversity, then we should help them - perhaps preferably with knowledge. You can theoretically produce good food more cheaply with biodiversity than according to the handbook you get from big agro, but it is more complicated.
Some foreign fighters stuck in the steel plant in Mariupol
At the moment not much news from Mariupol at the situation is pretty stalled, but suddenly the steel plant should fall, and we might get to know who or what were so important that they sent helicopter after helicopter in desperate tries to get them/it out:
No Oscar to Ursula, but she does need a slap
The EU-doll Ursula van Der Leyen, the former catastrophically bad defense minister of Germany, is equally bad at acting. Here pretending to look at bodies that have been kept outside for 10 days without anyone taking care of them?!?
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Ingen Oscar till Ursula, men hon behöver en örfil.
EU-dockan Ursula van Der Leyen, Tysklands tidigare katastrofalt dåliga försvarsminister, är lika dålig på skådespeleri. Här låtsas hon titta på kroppar som har legat utomhus i 10 dagar utan att någon har tagit hand om dem?!??
Du måste bli boostad var 30:e dag för att vara "skyddad".
Säg bara till vaxxarna att se till att de vaccinerar sig varje månad, för annars är de anti-vaxxers! De lyssnar inte på förnuftet i sitt vansinniga stöd till Pfizer, så låt oss försöka se om de lyssnar på vansinne.
Den tyska förbundsdagen röstade på torsdagen nej till lagförslaget om krav på vaccinering mot covid-19 för alla invånare över 60 år.
378 parlamentsledamöter röstade mot och 296 röstade för. Lagförslaget stöddes av förbundskansler Olaf Scholz och hälsominister Karl Lauterbach. Tyska regeringen har majoritet, så det är många av “deras egna” politiker som inte velat följa med på tåget emot vansinnesavgrunden.
Nu är det viktigt att folket börjar inse hur mycket bättre allt kan bli bara vi systematiskt rensar ut alla sadistiska skitar som bara vill förstöra så mycket de kommer undan med. 5 månader för att platta till bränsepriserna som vi i svenska folket lovar våra tyranner innan vi byter ut dem och permanentar detta.
Valet folket har nu är att nöja sig med att tyrannerna backar lite grann, fast då kommer de att komma tillbaka med ännu ett försök till tyranni, eller så får vi makthavaran att gräva in sig i sina positioner så hårt att de aldrig kan ändra på sig, vilket kommer att leda till att de förlorar både makten och förståndet.
Jag ser personligen ingen som helst anledning till att ge dem som enbart varit intresserade av att förstöra någon bekväm väg ut och jag vill se dem helt fråntagna makt och välstånd, men däremot behöver vi kunskapen ifrån dem som lett myndigheter, företag och andra organisationer men ändå varit resonliga.