Consequences of Facebook payments. Inflation chaos. Vaccines=eugenics? US hospitals are butchers
Vad innebär Facebooks betalningssystem? Inflationshot. Vacciner=Rastvätt? SD&M farligaste partierna
Dagens svenska kattlunch-video.
Huge demonstration don’t create revolutions
So let’s work, network and plan strategically on removing shitheads that just don’t want to do the their jobs:
Distributed money for everyone soon:
Facebook, Diem and Novi wallet, as a start
Novi is a Facebook company will work with the Diem stablecoin platform. You can only get the Novi wallet in USA and Guatemala:
The press release from Novi explains that right now the Novi wallet uses USDP (Pax Dollar) through partnerships with Paxos and Coinbase, but plan to also use the Diem platform in the future.
So why is this important for you? This means that it will be simpler to send money using the same system all across the globe or to your neighbour, but Diem, Novi and all other crypto assets like them will be able to interact with each other. So you are and even more will be able to exchange your US regulated crypto assets to some other more free crypto asset.
One example: Imagine that you’re a tailor, and now can suddently someone in India compete with you without paying any fees or learning a lot about crypto currencies. Now instead imagine yourself competing back from your office on Manhattan! Some of that Indian tailor’s customers are willing to pay for your stuff, and same goes with programming, design, and someone will sell a haircut to the other side of the planet.
The US Congress is doing everything it can to stop this unregulated, because if money is suddenly free to flow everywhere, it will be extremely hard to tax a population that ever more hate their governmental parasites. Of course the ones really in charge do want total distributed ledger control of your every transaction, but any change is more scare to the ones in power than the ones without it.
Expect this to take some time though, but eventually you will be able to buy stuff and pay rent with crypto assets. If Facebook with friends go first, then a lot of smaller companies will dare to start to both pay and charge digital cash.
Turkey is having even more problems:
But also roaring inflation in USA, and even if it’s relatively OK in Sweden (the Swedish Krona i going up against the Euro), the frozen raspberries I use to buy have become 50% more expensive! A lot of shit is hitting fans here and there.
Be warned though that the inflation might go in different directions at the same time! This is not the time to take a big loan and think that you’ll be OK because of inflation. You maybe will, but unless you’re involved in the corruption, destruction of the supply chains and public health, you will likely be tricked.
SHOCKING (Well, you knew, didn’t you?)! Polio Vaccine 'Hero' was into Eugenics and Depopulation!
US hospitals are deliberately killing patients
I trust Peter McCullough. I might be wrong but I find it unlikely that he is shorting stocks in healthcare providers. But make me a tzar of Sweden, and I’ll totally short Big Pharma before I wipe them out!
The text is from an email from
Trump got poor by being president, but now he is richer again
Getting cheated out of office is good for business.
DeSantis again: Rewarding and attracting good honest people?!?
When you can attract drug lords, banksters, child traffickers, drug addicts and gangs!
DeSantis keeps making these small "offensive" but sensible things. But why isn’t every non-corrupt ruler? It seems so simple when DeSantis does it.
Vanguard propaganda… This is how people in huge organizations who haven’t done honest work think:
If we just have good enough propaganda, solar power starts to work? This is how clowns think. There are a few regulations against solar power, but that isn’t what is stopping it.
Bitch love 🐶 🥰 😘
I just wanted to turn some Twitter bullshit into a message of love… of bitches. The bitch is back tomorrow!
🇸🇪 SD = Big Pharma
Gör som Louise Erixon och dumpa 🤡-Jimmie! Ja, jag förstår varför Jimmie gör detta för att spela ett politiskt spel, men det är just precis detta vi har fått nog av! Det går uppenbarligen inte att lita på SD-ledningen och de verkar skita i att tänka själva utan i stället låter de media och propaganda styra hur de ska “positionera sig”. Ynkligt!
Jaha… Enligt den patetiska SD-propagandan är det Aftonbladets fel att SD-politiker måste säga bu eller bä om giftsprutorna?
SD och M är de största hoten emot Sverige. De är de partierna som skulle kunna ta Sverige direkt emot fascism, och då menar jag globaliststyrd fascism, och inte något trams om stöveltramp och 30-talet. Genom att delsvis fixa ekonomi och rättsväsende bättre än regeringen nu gör, så kan några få korrupta skitar i toppen på dessa partier befästa “sin” makt, och sedan införa vaccinpassen, övervakningen och den förslavande icke-demokratin som deras herrar vill ha.
Vårt hopp är Knapptryckarna, men än mer det gemensamma valsamarbetet Folketsröst, där vi väljer in folk med olika åsikter och kompetenser som alla svurit ed på att styras av folket. Jag är tveksamt optimistiskt, men vi måste få in högerpartier i samarbetet också.
Jag ska försöka få ihop en dskussion:
Det gick inte lika bra som det brukar gå för mig. Himla stor skillnad beroende på vem som väljer ut orden och hur vaken jag är tydligen, men jag fick alla rätt andra gången i alla fall: