Taking the jabs was child abuse. Russian vs Czech propaganda. Reptilians don't like osmosis power
De injicerade stöttade barnplågeri. Rysk vs tjeckisk propaganda. Reptiler ogillar osmosis-kraftverk
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska steniga soliga video
Today’s stoned and sunny video
The bioweapon: Ryan Cole says government’s policy is “Don’t tell, don’t look! Jab the children!”
Dr Ryan Cole says that he doesn’t want another young injected human’s death to investigate. The Daleks are saying “These are not the droids you’re looking for! Keep on jabbing those children!”. This video has been posted by the Swedish Läkaruppropet (The medical doctor declaration / call to action) and also features Dr Robert Malone.
This utter bullshit dissected by Robert Malone (or as a short video) is what evil satanist demons from hell use to inject bioweapons into children. That injection should only be used on people in the agencies, politicians and writers that deserve it.
Robert Malone ends the interview with: "The book The lies that our government told us" "You can buy that book from Tony..." WHAT?!? 😱 Aha, Not Tony Fauci, but Tony Lyons! 😂 I guess Fauci would be eager to get rid of that book, but he would rather burn it than sell it 😏
The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths
Pentagon ran bioweapons labs in 25 countries, including Ukraine
Yet no global outcry against the USA for funding covid gain-of-function crimes against humanity?
3 minutes Russian propaganda (RT) view on Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine
Is it really true that Russia doesn’t occupy anything? They do occupy Lugansk and Donetsk though? Russia did lie about not attacking Ukraine, and the fake supporters of Ukraine who just want to see the Russian military burn and are happily sacrificing all Ukrainians are even worse.
This is the “freedom” EU-tyrants are fighting for:
Czechs Could Face 3 Years In Prison For Supporting Russia On Social Media
Police warn they are monitoring Internet discussions about the war.
Osmosis power generation
“The researchers say a membrane just one square meter in size could produce 1 megawatt of electricity, enough to power roughly 750 homes.”
The biggest desalination plant produces 1 Mm³ fresh water per day. A “salination plant” that would take power from 10% of the fresh water flow from the Amazonas river which is 209 103 m3/s (18 000 Mm³/day), so it should at least be possible to generate 100 GW (100 big nuclear reactors) of power, and theoretically 1 800 TW) without any big disturbance to the wild life in the delta.
Just one example that there is an abundance of clean safe energy in the world, but the problem is that parasitic “humans” are working full time to destroy for others. That makes one start to ask: “Was David Icke Right About The Reptilians In Human Form After All?”. Why would otherwise some creatures that look like humans constantly work against humankind?
What? Saturday Night Live made something fun after decades of crap?
How awkward a discussion about the insane covid narratives can be among libtards.
The Youtube video is blocked in Europe (Copyright, I assume), so here on Odysse:
You want war? OK, then YOU fight it!
Why do all the cowardly selfish shits that want to fight Putin want the Ukrainians to do it for them for our money? Why do not we take every little hateful shit from the media and politics, give them some weapons and then we smuggle them to outside of Moscow, and then they can fix their grievances with Putin themselves?
🇸🇪 Varför vill alla fega själviska skitar som vill slåss emot Putin att ukrainarna ska göra det åt dem för våra pengar? Varför tar vi inte varenda liten hatisk skit ifrån media och politiken, ger dem lite vapen och sedan smugglar vi in dem till utanför Moskva, och sedan kan de fixa problemet de har?
Linköpings kommun oroar sig för barns oro
Jag frågar angående det: Varför injicerar vuxna barn med ett experimentvaccin som inte skyddar emot ett virus som inte längre är i omlopp som de redan är immuna emot? När barn förstår vad vuxna är kapabla till när de ser kejsarens nya kläder trots de inte finns så lär det bli svårt att sova 😨
Alla vuxna som låter sig hjärntvättas av vår folkfientliga media är skyldiga. Ni kunde ha frågat "Kan jag fått något fel? Kan jag missat något? Kan jag ha blivit ljugen för?", men ni offrar hellre barn än att ifrågasätta något.