Our attack on their democracy. Trump vax skeptic. Racism to stop their racism. Germany's self-terror
Vår attack på deras demokrati. ODS. EU dömd för vaxköp? Tysklands terrorattacker på yttrandefriheten
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏
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Goat willow… That is the plant, not Nancy Faecer
Leftist nut: JD Vance praised conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, claiming he is a better source of information than Rachel Maddow
Guano crazy is a good explanation of Maddow. Alex Jones might get stuff wrong, and he is hyping a little bit too much, but Rachel has lost contact with reality.
Just like most of the comments are saying.
Literal “former” communist and Christian Democrat toxic narcissist agree on that EU should end all law and order, because Hungary is mean to their feelings:
🇸🇪 Alla som säger att vi plötsligt ska ändra EU's regler för att de har "känslor" visar att "demokratin" har de noll respekt för, utan i stället handlar det om giftig sjuklig narcissism, eller något mycket värre. De där kläggen vill behålla deras demokrati, så du slipper få någon
SpaceX HQ and 𝕏 HQ will move from California to Texas
Newsom just signed a law to give the schools the right to change gender on children without even telling their parents.
And Elon Musk has had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building
Is this a big operation to empty California of people, and then take all the resources there? Or just normal Loxism, mental illness and corruption?
Trump and RFK JR phone call just after Trump was shot about child vaccinations
Notice: RFK JR said the release was a mistake and I think so: This is bad for RFK JR who might lose votes to Trump, which in turn is good for Biden that more clearly become the only anti-Trump. But I think Trump’s base loves that Trump isn’t that trusting in vaccines.
European Commission was wrong to redact Covid vaccine deal details: EU court
The commission has until late September to lodge an appeal before the European Court of Justice if it wants to challenge the ruling of the General Court.
So nothing will happen after doing a genocide while stealing billions. Compare to the speed and lack of caring about due process when the communists want to genocide free speech:
German Govt Launches Massive Crackdown On (Right Wing) Press Freedom
After the all-out assault on press freedom and the "show" raid by over 200 police officers wearing ski masks, legal critics are saying "Faeser's actions are clearly unconstitutional"...
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser bragged about their crimes against freedom of speech.
I will expose one of their narrative lies every time these communist unhumans do a terror attack (If that was true, I would be done in an hour... But I'm trying.):
You deserve to be deported to Gaza were you can fight for Israel's genocide and Gaza's LGBTQ rights.
Nancy Faser went to the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium, named after the fraud and Jewish supremacist:
Then her hatred for the German people just increased.
1) Germany's state media says Trump should have been killed.
2) The the Loxist occupation regime in Germany make a scene on taking down those who are against the slow genocide of Germans.
There will be more warnings about not be in Europe if you're a Jew, is my prediction.
Jews are the only ones allowed to criticize Muslim - Germans like most of Europeans are second class citizens of their own country.
🇸🇪 I en exceptionell åtgärd mot pressfriheten har Tysklands regering under dramatiska former förbjudit högertidskriften Compact Magazine.
🇸🇪Över 200 poliser genomförde på tisdagen en gryningsräd mot förläggaren Jürgen Elsässers hem, liksom hemma hos andra anställda och finansiärer.
🇸🇪Media hade informerats i förväg om razzian och var på plats för att fotografera Elsässer i nattrock omringad av maskerade poliser.
🇸🇪 Compact Magazines webbplats och sociala medier har plockats ner från internet – inklusive tidningens Youtubekanal med 300.000 prenumeranter.
USSS was about to blame Russia for the assassination attempts on Trump, but luckily they had one leftie in the meeting who shouted "But Putin loves Trump!!!", so they had to do as Israel says and blame Iran because Mossad is involved somehow - War first, not Israel first.
And some backing up by a MAGA Zionist Jew Laura Loomer (31 years old, so she might just be naive), who has been harmed and attacked unrightfully by the Bolshevik Jews, but still she is promoted:
The Jews use one simple trick, and that is being racist against everyone else, so when they are in a sector where merit isn’t obvious, they get a huge advantage. if others aren’t racist. And often they destroy for for Asians and Europeans, while they DEI-hire not great coloured people to make themselves look better, and if you say anything against that, you’re the racist, says the racist Jews. They destroy the schools and cultures of others, and then they come out of top.
🇸🇪 Judarna använder ett enkelt trick, och det är att vara rasistiska mot alla andra, så när de befinner sig i en sektor där meriter inte är uppenbara får de en enorm fördel om andra inte är rasister. Och ofta förstör de för asiater och européer, medan de DEI-anställer inte bra rasifierade för att få sig själva att se bättre ut, och om du säger något mot det är du rasisten, säger de rasistiska judarna. De förstör andras skolor och kulturer, och sedan kommer de upp på toppen.
Min svenska 🇸🇪 postning: Muslims are only allowed to be criticized if they are against Israel’s genocide, but Swedes and European’s are OK to mock, humiliate and threaten.
The only way to not be enslaved is to be exactly as racist as they are, and it’s morally right even if you think racism is totally wrong: One has to treat people as they treat you.
Compare: In some early French Parliament, the socialists always voted among themselves first, so even if they only had 30% of the seats, they always won, until the conservatives and liberals realized that they also had to hold the party line.
🇸🇪 Det enda sättet att inte bli förslavad är att vara precis lika rasistisk som de är, och det är moraliskt rätt även om man tycker att rasism är helt fel: Man måste behandla människor som de behandlar en själv.
🇸🇪 Jämför: I något tidigt franskt parlament röstade socialisterna alltid först sinsemellan, så även om de bara hade 30% av platserna vann de alltid, tills de konservativa och liberalerna insåg att de också måste hålla partilinjen.
Not only Jews, but most ethnicities (with the exception of Europeans brainwashed by Loxists) do for good or only racist reasons prioritize their people, but Chinese preferring to do business with Chinese, or Indian Tech people helping each other in industries where you will go our of business if you go woke, it is not as toxic as when Jews monopolizes power over government, the legal system, media, mafia, academia, insurance, central banking, culture, etc, because it’s so much harder and often extremely destructive to outcompete the government when it behaves badly.
🇸🇪 Inte bara judar, utan de flesta etniciteter (med undantag för européer som hjärntvättats av loxister) prioriterar av goda eller enbart rasistiska skäl sitt folk, men kineser som föredrar att göra affärer med kineser, eller indiska tekniker som hjälper varandra i branscher där du kommer att gå i konkurs om du blir woke, så är det inte lika giftigt som när judar monopoliserar makten över staten, rättssystemet, media, maffian, den akademiska världen, försäkringar, centralbanken, kulturen etc, eftersom det är så mycket svårare och ofta extremt destruktivt att konkurrera ut staten när den beter sig illa.
Men logik är ett uselt sätt att övertala någon; detta är bara för kul:
Propaganda, porn, junk culture, lawyering, big pharma, conspiring, financial monopolies and middle management seem to be more profitable than producing stuff:
Greg Reese 4 minute video about the Trump shooting, footage and facts
The ladder was 12’, not 5’ like CNN reported: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/15/us/thomas-crooks-trump-rally-shooting-invs/index.html Have you heard of a 5 foot high building?!?
Some secret service and state police had to battle a fence to be too lat to do anything useful, new video: https://x.com/amuse/status/1813313242841928096
Redacted: 2-3 witnesses say that there was a shooter in a water tower.
First thought of a crazy lone gunman before he goes crazy: “I should call all my friends on Wall Street so that they can profit from my act of insanity!”
The short-sellers lost a lot of money, so that is great though.
Now FBI (!!!) is cleaning the roof so that any gunshot residue isn’t left. Why FBI?!? And how can the roof suddenly be safe, when the unsafe roof was the main reason there were no police there.
HealthRanger has a possible conspiracy theory: The shots or some of the shots at Trump might have been from inside the building where Thomas Matthew Crooks allegedly was on the roof of and got killed after shooting.
Only problem: Why isn’t Trump dead then? More likely it was the shooter in the water tower that thought he hit Trump, and/or decided to run away anyway.
Elizabeth was in the water tower?
Video: Bad-hair-day "Trump” mocks the shooter
His ear will grow back bigger and better and he’ll hear like an owl. But the shooter sucked! Really bad, people say. He could have blown up my big beautiful, and moist, Elon Musk says, moist brain!
OK, lets see if Grok can do this:
Wow, folks, what a day! I was out there giving one of my greatest speeches ever when all of a sudden, BAM! Some loser takes a shot at me. But guess what? I'm so tough, all he managed to hit was my ear. My beautiful, perfect ear. Can you believe it? And the best part? My brain, the greatest brain in the world, was completely safe. I mean, come on, who else could dodge a bullet like that?
And let me tell you, this shooter, he's a real loser. A total disgrace. I mean, who shoots at someone's ear? What a pathetic attempt. If you're going to try and take me down, at least aim for the head, right? But no, this guy couldn't even do that. Sad!
Anyway, I just want to thank all of my incredible supporters out there. You guys are the best. And don't worry about me, I'm doing just fine. After all, I'm the toughest, smartest, most handsome president this country has ever seen. And with your help, we're going to Make America Great Again!
That’s how Trump would sound like when he has a bad day, but pretty good.
Some early hazel nuts in the Swedish video:
Det var brakved (frangula alnus, alder buckthorn)