Pectozyme. Farage to win. USS Liberty spreads. FBI did Jan 6. 5-minutes city. Samson. New career
Pectozyme. Farage to win. USS Liberty spreads. FBI did Jan 6. 5-minutes city. Samson. New career
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Create new ideas! They don’t have to be good, but you’ll be amazed how much money they made on the non-working idea of the mRNA platform…
(The dangerous mRNA platform might actually be useful, but for what? Obviously not for “vaccines” or cancer treatments that have better solutions. Making super-athletes maybe?)
I’m more concerned about your own platform.
But I get all my posts wiped out for saying the same thing with dark sarcasm?!? And the ones promoting mutilation of children aren’t wiped out from X:
These posts harm children - My post didn’t!
Thousands of X-users got their bookmarks and reposts deleted and this will not make people avoid writing posts that can be misunderstood!
And the wisdom of the last week (Syria) is that everyone who has been right about everything will be wrong!
TIME did select Trump as person of the year as they should instead of Wunderbaum, president of Mexico. So I was wrong about that.
'USA' Chants Roar As Trump Rings NYSE Bell After Being Named TIME 'Person Of The Year'
I might also become wrong about the antisemite of the year and Candace Owens just dropped an entire USS Liberty load of truth bombs: Candace Owens reads Phillip F Tourney. For those new to the attack on USS Liberty:
But I seem to be right about billionaire Nick Candy’s very promising entry into supporting the part:
Nigel Farage Leads Betting To Become Next British PM 5/2 over 3/1 Kemi Badenoch (Tory)
Reform UK has momentum...
I wonder how Swedish media covers this! Oh, not at all, of course!
The FBI had 26 confidential human sources at the Capitol on January 6, including four who entered the Capitol building and 13 who entered the "restricted area" around the Capitol, according to a just released DOJ Inspector General reporter.
J6: There were a LOT of undercover assets at the Capitol on January 6th. Of the 26 CHSs identified by the OIG, 17 violated the law and yet they have not been prosecuted. They were not authorized to violate the law or encourage others to violate the law.
Nordhavn - A 5 minutes city/suburb
It did not look good on Google Street view as that was from when they were building everywhere.
More images here:
Big Pharma is creating companies to destroy toxic assets in (Who followed me - until all my posts got wiped out, just as Brian feared - Let him know)
Not only are they moving around into another company, but the criminals themselves will flee to Israel if they have to. Let them all flee to Israel, and while the cancer will always be there, it is pretty safe as long as we know how to get to it.
Without giving Israel the reason to use the Samson Option (This strategy involves Israel's deterrence policy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against any country or force that invades and/or destroys much of Israel - or “ally”?!?) Israel will destroy itself - more on that tomorrow.
A new career in a new field might make you the greatest!
The military industrial complex’s engineers give better health advice than brainwashed, bribed and threatened medical doctors. If you have an education in journalism, farming might be just right for you (Clarkson's farm). And if you’re a former terrorist, why not seek a career as a politician and diplomat. As for diplomacy, he is already 8730% better than Assad who only secured his Asylum in Russia.
Trustworthy? No, I said he is a great politician and diplomat, so let me repeat that again.
You know what solved France’s and Britain’s problems in late Roman times? Massive Germanic immigration. Let’s do more of that!
I can’t tell him, of course:
It is not burning down an abortion clinic if it isn’t opened yet! My state = my right to burn down unused buildings!
Tell Roxanne Green that she can train her eyes to now have to have glasses - likely.
I have no opinion on her action, I just wanted to say that she has my respect. Except the fact that she doesn’t know that she can fix her eyesight by exercising her eyes!
I think I just live on eggs and beer from selected producers… All globalist toxin is toxic. If I eat another think like a tomato? Who knows what that is made of? I don’t.
MAKE MONEY FAST with this simple trick! Play poker against Meloni!
Meloni must be the worst poker player on the planet except a friend of mine who thought it was a good idea to play Texas hold'em with dark mirror glasses so no one could read his feelings, but we saw his cards in his mirror glasses.

Elon Musk did, and he won. And no, they did not have sex, she just really likes him. According non-anonymous source that still hasn’t unsuspended my X-account.
Video with Macron:
Yea, that Justina Castreau has some daddy issues, that’s for sure!
The new LGBTQI++-certified AI government of Syria wants to have a word with me for making non-inclusive jokes about women:
Meanwhile in drone infested New Jersey
New Jersey State Police report that unidentified drones are using a frequency that cannot be detected.
The expert physics and electromagnetic communication department of New Jersey tried shouting in most kinds of notes in an unknown octave, but the drones did not react like birds would. Lasers, directed radio waves and even sound - I assume that is unknown to the New Jersey State Police because everyone who know how space lasers work, are working for Space X.
And finally: People do make wine out of
Mrs Applebaum! (Crab apple)
Thanks strongaingel commenting in Bitchute!
The Pectozyme enzyme is the trick to make it possible for the yeast to digest these hard apples.
🇸🇪 På svenska heter det pektosym, men jag vet inte hur det skiljer sig ifrån andra liknande enzymer.
I had, again, have to remove some stuff from my hard drives as I’m too lazy to install the one I have here
So instead I uploaded this insanely absurd bloody wedding that was make after I made dragons cool, but before Game of Thrones made dragons look more like Glitch McConnell and never actually happen… (On Odysee, you have a download button at the dotdotdot so you can watch offline)
you made a mistake with the link to Candace Owens: