Persuasion trolling. Geography & history facts. China space solar panel. Fools. Where to honk?
Övertalningstrollning. Geografi & historie-fakta. Kinas rymdsolpanel. Pajaser. Var tuta?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video på Rumble
🇸🇪 SWISH: 0762361967
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🇸🇪 Alla delarna av Europa den Sista Striden med svensk text finns nu på Bitchute. (Europa with Swedish Subs, link to other versions here)
🇳🇴 🇩🇰 Some Norwegian and Danish gangsta cow memes at the end!
Today’s English video on Rumble
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Brian Roemmele is wrong: Wintering babies were a very common practice in the northern regions of Europe and many Native American tribes.
It’s still done! (As people tell him in the comments too)
Babies frozen to sleep, Norway
Reply from Alfred777: The Barnehage (Kindergarten) in Oslo where my son went kept the kids asleep outside until the temperature was below -10C. The kids slept soundly.
Financial advice
Pelosi Recovering After Hip Surgery In Europe
“Speaker Pelosi is enjoying the overwhelming outpouring of prayers and well wishes and is ever determined to ensure access to quality health care for all Americans...”
Nancy was doing some improving of your healthcare in Europe when she had some injury, likely when practicing jump kicks against health care bureaucracy.
40% of India's oil comes from Russia!?!
That is massive for two countries that aren't that close to each other. JetSetMilitary 3 minutes video.
Group names of races (Instagram link)
A klan of White people
A puncho of Mexicans
A stench of Indians
An auction of Black people
A wonton of Asians
A camp of Jews
A plane of Arabs Too harsh punishment for that one bad joke that I didn’t understand could be seen that way! I’m suspended media now, because I tried to protect the children with dark humor. No way Elon Musk can be OK with this, so if people tell him, I might get back.
I know I might might have been deleted for other reasons than the post X is blaming, but it definitely isn’t helping me to talk about it in public. Thousands of X-users who bookmarked, reposted, liked and commented on my posts are irritated at X, but only 2 spoke up as most don’t know what happened.
Having 9 fingers makes Kaifeng Jew want to cut dicks of boys and ban “@OfficialElftown” for posting about his history…
I can see why the Kaifeng jews is upset: Jews have a long history in China, running brothels and causing wars
After USS Liberty she was too much of a winner to stop. I called it, even if I guessed wrong before her USS Liberty interview. So I’ll take half a point.
Fidias will use EU money to research who is actually behind flooding EU with “third world immigration”
The ones in the comments know:
Ian Miles Cheong “debunks” Candace Owens’ interview with the USS Liberty survivor
Ian has 1.1 million followers and can live a good life posting stupid Zionist disinformation like this on X. Ian Carroll: On behalf of all Ians, we don’t want this one. He’s retarded. Someone else can have him. “Debunking” a government coverup using the government as their source. 🤦♂️
It isn’t the Judeophobes that create Judeophobia
jews faking a hate crime and commit crimes against the central bank of Australia
It is not possible to receive a banknote with graffiti on it directly from an ATM in Australia. The Reserve Bank of Australia ensures quality control of banknotes.
Also notice the graffiti on the notes are identical! So it’s likely just an image edit, but that account should get suspended from X, and the organization heavily fined and people go to prison for faking this.
Trolling: When your message isn’t what you write, but the real message is how people are reacting to it
Matt Gaetz does some high quality trolling
This is how you get out your anti-immigration messaging while also tricking the Zionists into showing that they do not give a shit about Ireland, only about Zionism.
Trolling, gaslighting, or just…
I wouldn't discard her opinion just because she is a black female...
And some people are still looking forward to new mRNA vaccines.
China Looks To Build The Largest Human-Made Object In Space
China is charging ahead with plans to build a prototype Space Based Solar Power (SBSP) device by 2030 that would become the largest human-made object in space.
Clown world: Where to honk?
Well, there is New York City also…
Destination Moon June 27, 1950 Full movie.
How a private consortium battles government, media and terrorist infiltration to reach the moon with a nuclear powered rocked. (Public domain)
🇸🇪 Gangsta-rap-mjölk!
Falköpings mejeri och Skånemejerier är det som verkar ge ”full fart” i Sverige, men Skånemejerier utvärderar fortfarande Boevaer enligt:
Beskattade danska kor föreslås kosttillskottet Bovaer
För danska lantbrukare är en av de största förändringarna den planerade CO2-skatten på nötkreatur, som börjar gälla 2030.
Lantbrukarna kan få betala mindre skatt om de lyckas minska sina utsläpp med Boaver, men boaver är kostsamt så utan ekonomiskt stöd kanske de ändå inte sparar in så mycket.
Ren och skär stöld ifrån bönder och konsumenter som borde göra bönder eller biobränsle av sina aktivistpolitiker.
Herr Ström
Herr Ström borde väl ha namnet att överföra en massa mer ström?!? Notera dock att Sverige har det mest extrema elnätet i världen när det gäller överföring, men ett HVDC-nät över landet borde ha planerats för 20 år sedan. Stabiliserar också frekvensen.
Inget annat land har så stor del av sin elproduktion så långt bort ifrån sin förbrukning. Nog finns det jättelika långa ledningar ifrån Himalaya ner till Indien, och ifrån dammarna i Kina, men den mesta elen produceras lokalt av kraftverk. Titta på överföringskapaciteterna på Nordpools karta, och SE3-SE2 är den högsta kapaciten av dem alla.
I really thought too that the joke about Gusenteit was also how the face screws up with a tight forehead, then snot. "When yer out w/ your honey & your nose is runny, you think it's funny but it's snot." Same time frame & we'd laugh so hard. ;^}>