Booster bragging bust. Pfizer military. Drug empire history. New mug coming soon
Booster-skryt snedtänder. Pfizer-militär. Knark-imperie-historia. Tidsandan ändras snabbt
Dagens svenska bevisvideo på att tidsandan ändras lika fort som en morot äts
Today’s English video evidence that the Zeitgeist changes as fast as a carrot can be eaten
Booster bragging bust
An observation from Facebook: The ones who are bragging about how good and brave they are for stealing tax-payer money to give so Pfizer to support evil medical experiments on children and media manipulation… They aren’t getting the comments they are hoping for, but people talking about the side effects from their shots. I’m staying out of commenting there, because it’s better that they figure it out without me. Maybe they need a hint to look at how bad their batch was?
The opium pedo-empire is alive and well - at least until February
Unlike even the military industrial complex and government contractors, the big pharma industry is 100% dependent on support from an oppressive government and lying media. Therefore they are the biggest lobbyists, and most evil pieces of shit in the universe:
Big thank you to for the link!
Any addiction from mobile phones, owning pretty things to opium is a threat to humanity. And insurance industry is still the second biggest industry as it has been for 400 years!
Just imagine how insane it was that the British East India Company had the biggest military in the world. That would be like Pfizer demanding military bases… Which is exactly what is happening.
Finally we seem to know who are in charge of USA… A little at least, but it’s good
Tucker Carlson commander in chief. He said no to war with Russia, and so it’s broadcasted and so it shall be done.
Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema: Dictators of interior. Just do as we vote!
Joe Rogan: Surgeon General. Fauci 🤡 gave the impression he was , but I don’t think even Politifact or The Atlantic agree on that. All non-murderer doctors that can write more than “LOL” on Twitter have a hard time coming with counter argument against Joe Rogan’s experts, and then all followers of Joe Rogan will only trust MDs and hospitals agreeing with Rogan’s experts.
And there are many more examples in different fields where just one or a few people’s opinions matter as they are such good persuaders and seem so credible. I think it’s a good thing as people can always stop listening to someone if they start to be corrupt, boring or wrong.
Convoy To Ottawa 2022 Compilation | This Will Move You To Tears
Everyone with a heart and brain is behind them across the globe:
YES!!! So much love for the Truckers 🇨🇦 #convoytoottawa #inspired
No small child injecting in Sweden
Sweden doesn’t start to inject young children with poison - FOR NOW. The evil demons in charge of this need to be removed because they will try again until they succeed with more fake data, satanistic narratives and controlled media.
Inga giftsprutor in i unga barn än - JUST NU. Men de alltigenom onda demonerna med sina befattningar kommer att försöka igen med mer förfalskad data, satanistiska narrativ och kontrollerad med, så vi måste plocka bort dessa skitar ifrån makten permanent.
Booster-skryt snedtänder på Facebook
Mina Facebook-vänner som tagit boostern idag får nu kommentarer ifrån deras vänner som blivit väldigt sjuka av den. Men de postade FB-inlägg i hopp om att de ska få beröm för att de tar sitt ansvar att stjäla skattepengar och ge till medicinska experiment på barn!?!
Det är över. Vi ska förbereda oss på nästa strid som är att bygga upp ny media, nya strukturer och nya rättsväsenden. De där som tagit boostern får diskutera med varandra tills de frågar vad batch-numret var... Svensk översättning av intervjun med professor Björn Hammarskjöld och advokat Reiner Füllmich, annan beskrivning, länkar och roliga bilder:
Men håll huvudet lågt emot fienden (som slåss inbördes) i två veckor nu, men däremot finns vi här för moraliskt och vetenskapligt stöd!