Is there a plan or just insanity among CCP & MDs? Most EU govs genocided. Deflation. Evolution math
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2000 Mules - The movie about the 2020 election cheating in USA
You can find the movie on Odysee and elsewhere, if you can’t support Dinesh D'Souza on Locals with a few dollars.
Why India is Better than China
serpentza explains:
He explains that the regime in China has made the Chinese scared and closed, compared to the very open Indians. But India has already gone through what the Chinese people are going through the last 70 years:
The British East India Company created the first modern communist state starting from 400 years ago, and since then the same kind of evil pieces of City of London have been financing every revolution since then, France, Russian and Chinese revolutions in particular. India had earlier in history always been equal to Europe and China, but the Opium empire put the worst possible rulers in charge in India and they continued to do so until Modi - Who isn't perfect, but he is the first Indian ruler, just like Imran Khan (Who said "Good for India that Modi cares more about India than sanctioning Russia" while the deep state criminals and media are pushing wars, and Pakistanis and Indians are supposed to hate each other, which isn't the case even if Indians really don't like single minded Islam) - was the first Pakistani leader. The previous Subcontinent leaders just worked for the deep state, drug trade and worse shit.
Germany made up with their Nazi history (except their political heirs still in Azovstal), Russia definitely did it, CCP are openly tyrants, but UK and their pedo-media, Wikipedia-editing MI6 and Assange hating satanists never admitted that Churchill bombed 6 million Jews to starvation, and they did worse things to other civil Europeans with their terror bombings, and Churchill personally is a monster to Indians.
But the great news is that the "Year Zero", "The Great Reset", technocrat retard-lords are always destroying themselves, and if people just pay a little attention of what @serpentza and I say, they will prosper and have some fun when the tyrants go bye-bye.
Are the Chinese leaders insane or do they have a smart lockdown plan?
It’s starting to look more and more like the Chinese leadership is just insane, even if we can’t rule out that there is some very smart plan behind the madness. Just a tiny spark could now trigger the execution of every CCP member - and no one would protect them if the new leaders aren’t tyrants.
A Midwestern Doctor explains how most medical doctors turn into human-hating vulnerable narcissist demons
One demon doctor had never ever seen any problem with statins because that deranged shit was refusing to see any problem. Terrible pain in the legs?!? No, that is just imagination or at least have nothing to do with the statins because the demon says so and all the brainwashed evil sadist insecure couldn’t be wrong and paid well to mistreat patients?!? Reminder: Statins only cause harm and should be given to no-one. If your MD doesn’t say that, get a new one! Asking about statins is a perfect test to see if you are having a monster as a doctor.
Even if there are great MDs, at this time I think that forbidding all MDs from practising medicine would be a huge health benefit for humankind. We would see that other healthcare workers, engineers and big data analysis do a way better job, and totally re-imagine what doctoring even means.
A Midwestern Doctor also talks about how the monster-doctors only define themselves as MDs and have no sense of worth outside of that, while the freethinking MDs have faith or other things to believe in so their sense of self is not dependent on that they have gotten everything medical right and are never wrong about that.
We can see the same thing with politicians or journalists. If that is all they can do for a living, then they mostly turn into monsters.
Life Expectancy Continues To Fall In The EU
The largest decreases have been estimated in Slovakia and Bulgaria (-2.2 years compared with 2020), followed by Latvia (-2.1) and Estonia (-2.0). Compared with the pre-pandemic year of 2019, the overall effect on life expectancies is still negative in all EU Member States except Luxembourg (+0.1), Malta and Sweden (same level)."
If your government caused the people do die 2 years earlier, it should be put to sleep. That is genocidal numbers! So Sweden’s useless government has on a scale from Australia to Magufuli succeeded with covid as well as a covid infected sheep shit (most of coronaviruses’ spikes are actually for infecting gut bacteria and the spikes for infecting mammal cells are more like a side-gig), and that unfortunately put Sweden at the top of the class as no one, not even me when I came home to Piike’s mistress with the dog covered in sheep shit, has died of sheep shit. The governments could have used covid to teach you about better health like I’ve done (And look at Trump and Pompeo!), but…
Deflation: Used car prices crashed
I warned against used car prices in particular due to self-driving taxis in 2025-2027, but all kinds of asset prices are continuing to fall despite high food and energy prices.
McCullough & Hedgeye Called This Market Downturn:
Quad1: Inflation slowing, growth accelerates
Quad2: Inflation and growth accelerate
Quad3: Growth slowing, inflation accelerates - Stagflation
Quad4: Growth slowing, inflation decelerates <= We’re here
If you bet against these macro trends, like most investors do, you will get wrecked. Even if you aren’t someone who is close to the financial markets and just want to buy a used car at the wrong moment.
Note: I haven’t gone through all of Hedgeye predictions, and they might be hiding the ones that were totally wrong. This isn’t advice, but notifications about that you might have missed something.
More math: Common ancestry and/or interbreeding?
Kayleigh explains Neanderthal Misconceptions very well, but yet again I see lack of imaginations and people jumping to conclusion (Like most geneticists did and said that there was no Neanderthal DNA in modern humans just because there are no male nor any female genetic tracks back to them: That is: No-one living today has a straight line of fathers or a straight line of mothers back to a Neanderthal.).
You jump to conclusion if you think that Neanderthals and homo sapiens have a common ancestor some 600 000 years ago. It might be true, but there is no proof of that. What also could have and more likely happened is that there where different lineages of humans with their distinctly different characteristics since 10 million years back, but that they constantly interbred with each other so that genetically Neanderthals look like cousins, but if you look more closely the genetic similarities are mostly due to interbreeding and not ancestral. The math of interbreeding will hide the fact that there were different species much further back in time.
To get an understanding of this one can look at the Scandinavian languages. 1200 years ago, there was only one Danish-Swedish language, but Norwegian was distinctly different, although pretty understandable. But now Norwegian is closer to Danish and closer to Swedish, than Danish and Swedish are to each other. So if you only look at the modern languages (or only DNA from the last 100 000 years), you would come to believe that Norwegian split from Danish and Swedish at the same time as Danish and Swedish started to differ. But the Norwegian language's similarity to Danish and Swedish is due to interbreeding, not a recent common origin.
Icelandic is what Norwegian was 1000 years ago, and Danes and Swedes can't understand that, but Icelanders usually understand us.
The reason I find this important is that it yet again reminds us that you will come to the wrong conclusion if you lack imagination of how things could have happened.
How horrible can it be underground?
The Hang Song Doong cave doesn’t exactly look like a coal mine:
This can be extended deep underground with electric lights, good ventilation and of course there is no shortage of nutrients and water there - the problem is the opposite as it has to be removed.
What you might not know is that there is already an UltraDeep Biosphere kilometers underground. The bedrock is alive!