Fun Friday. Curry Stew part II. Child vaxxing. Doctors to follow. "Magnificent pig!". Trump quiet?
Flams-Fredag. Currygryta del II. Barnvaxxande. Läkare att följa. "Praktsvin!". Mogge leder S?!?
Dagen svenska video - Svensk fråga om Mogge på slutet
I do science, propaganda, and ALL that other stuff, but I don’t make the most amazing curry garlic stew look good, but it’s the most amazingly tasting curry garlic stew ever.
You got the recipe yesterday:
Zinc and ivermectin seem to work (unfortuantely no calcifediol / vitamin D used), while “invasive MV” (putting people on a ventilator) killed of 97% of these unlucky Indian patients. In Sweden that figure was about 50%, so this looks worse than the figures from early in the pandemic in New York when they really mistreated the patients with the wrong settings on the ventilator.
Good keto diet doctors to follow
Dr Eric Berg has very many short videos with great tips and solutions for specific problems.
Dr Ken D Berry has good tips on exactly what to eat and especially if you poor, and his wife has a cooking channel.
Former athlete Dr Sten Ekberg (which means Stone Oak-Mountain) sadly has no Swedish accent that I can spot, but I like him because he speaks more clearly than most native English speakers. And as a former athlete, he knows about that stuff.
For covid stuff, Dr Mobeen is great, and he is great at drawing:
As you notice, all the great video doctors are on Odysee!
Crying girl force vaxxed to get sterile, heart problems and clotting, and basically no useful protection against covid at all, but possibly an addiction to booster shots. Sooner or later these people will have to pay for this:
Today’s Swedish lesson
“praktsvin” = “ magnificent pig/boar”
A perfect insult on for example a little Jew like Fauci. Just the right amount of racist, and funny because he is everything except magnificent. Do not call big Germans or Danes this, because they will just take it as a compliment…
About the histamines:
Today’s quiz:
Why isn’t Trump showing himself so much in the media? Something big coming?
Dagens fråga:
Varför verkar det som om det är Morgan Johansson som styr Socialdemokraterna och inte Löfven? Jag kan själv inte sätta fingret på varför jag inbillar mig detta.