Motivation tip. Prigozhin double? Community Notes. Burning e-cars. Feeling-warmth. Scam ad alt media
Motivationstips. Prigozhin-kopia? Community Notes. Brinnade elbilar. Känslovärme. Samnytt-gnäll
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
Motivation Tip:
Don’t tell people what you are about to do!
Most people think that if they tell their friends and public about that they will start training, do that great project or manage their addiction, they will use the group pressure to actually accomplish this.
This turns out to be false: If you haven’t even started and but starts bragging, then your mind might think “Now I just wait for that peer pressure to make me motivated!”, while your friends just shake their heads as you never do what you say you are about to do.
So if you are really excited about telling people about your project, use that as a motivation to get started!
But it might be good marketing to talk about something before you release it. But then you should be able to deliver really well on release date so that you don’t release something like Threads like a Zucker.
I have so many shits that I could use to care about people pretending to feel offended, but I think my tomato plants need the fertilizers more.
Wagner Boss Prigozhin Seen Hobnobbing At St. Petersburg Summit Hosted By Putin
And still some people will babble about that Prigozhin is locked up and this is a body double… Prigozhin is pretty impossible to find a double for, I would say, as he is quite a character. There are clearly things behind the mutiny that we don’t understand, but it’s also worth noting that Putin seems to be obsessed with doing things legally and keeping deals. If he kills an enemy it should be approved by 3 committees and stamped with 17 stamps.
But I might be wrong, and there seems to be no one who understands Putin, so the only expert on Putin I would listen to is Putin himself.
I am trying to find unpublished community notes to rate
To be able to write Community notes, I have to rank others first, but so far, I’ve only seen potential community notes about stuff that I’m not sure about. But it’s time to fact check the hell out of Swedish liars.
Electrical cars burning
The risk ICE cars start to burn is about 8-10 higher than for electrical cars, but the data is scarce:
“while thermal runaway in EVs is difficult to extinguish, ICEV fires pose the hazard of a high intensity pool fire which can easily spread.”
Havila Kystruten, a Norwegian ferry company, banned electrified vehicles from its ships. These include not only EVs but also hybrid and fuel-cell vehicles. says:
Clarification: The body heat map I’ve talked about is created by people descibing where on their body a feeling affects them, so it is not an IR image:
"The Quran burnings in Sweden is a Russian PsyOp"
Mossad broadcasts in the media that the quran burner Momika has links to Iranian militias.
Iran's intelligence service says Momika is working on causing rift on behalf of Mossad.
Iran's leaders still willingly allow Mossad to create a rift between Sweden and Iran and incite against Sweden because they think they can profit from it.
Turkey, on the other hand, uses the Koran burnings (and the NATO application) as an excuse to force better relations with Sweden through increased trade and cooperation.
On the whole, the normal blaming of Russia is not themost crazy thing... But what about the climate, Trump and the anti-vaxxers? And Netanyaho is really evil because of the judicial reform, but you can't criticize Israel without being pro-Palestine like a good sheep on the other side...
Swedish alt media- Evasion of responsibility, fake ads and victimization
Swedish alt media Samnytt:
"MSM is stupid and deceives its readers, so we can do it too.".
If you look at Samnytt's articles, they are about making people angry and resigned instead of showing solutions.
Note also that Samnytt has accused LM Ericsson of possibly giving money to ISIS via a subcontractor Cargo Iraq, i.e. possibly helping criminals via an intermediary as Samnytt has demonstrably done.
So avoid alt media with scam ads - They are not good at telling the truth, and don’t care about their readers.
Watching tip: Equatorial Africa, Geography now
Berätta inte för folk vad du ska göra!
De flesta tror att om de berättar för sina vänner och allmänheten om att de ska börja träna, göra det där fantastiska projektet eller hantera sitt missbruk, så kommer de att använda grupptrycket för att faktiskt åstadkomma detta.
Detta visar sig vara felaktigt: Om du inte ens har börjat och börjar skryta, kanske du tänker "Nu väntar jag bara på att grupptrycket ska göra mig motiverad!", medan dina vänner bara skakar på huvudet eftersom du aldrig gör det du säger att du ska göra.
Så om du verkligen ser fram emot att berätta om ditt projekt, använd det som en motivation för att komma igång!
Men det kan vara bra marknadsföring att prata om något innan du släpper det. Men då bör du kunna leverera riktigt bra på lanseringsdatumet.
“Koran-bränningarna är en rysk påverkansoperation”
Mossad kablar ut i media att Momika har kopplingar till iranska miliser.
Irans underrättelsetjänst säger Momika jobbar på att slå split på uppdrag av Mossad Irans ledare låter ändå villigt Mossad så split och hetsar emot Sverige för de tror sig tjäna på det.
Turkiet använder däremot koran-bränningarna (och NATO-ansökan) som ursäkt för att tvinga fram bättre relationer med Sverige med ökad handel och samarbeten.
På det stora hela är det normala skyllande på Ryssland inte det stolligaste... Fast klimatet, Trump och antivaxxarna då? Och Netanyaho är jättedum pga rättsreformen, men man får inte kritisera Israel utan att vara pro-Palestina som ett duktigt får på andra sidan...
Samnytt – Ansvarsflykt, Bluffannonser och offerrollen
Samnytt: “MSM är dumma och lurar sina läsare, så det kan vi också göra.”.
Tittar man på Samnytts artiklar så handlar de om att göra folk arga och uppgivna i stället för att visa på lösningar.
Notera också att Samnytt beskyllt LM Ericsson för att kanske via en underleverantör Cargo Iraq gett pengar till ISIS, dvs kanske möjligen hjälpt brottslingar via mellanhand så som Samnytt bevisligen gjort.