"Protect the farmers from the state!" A-Soros. RoR? 2023-videos. Immigration & climate end in Sweden
"Skydda bönderna ifrån staten!". A-Soros. Narrativkrigen. MacGregor om Sverige. Putins klimatvirus!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 Javier Milei’s engelskdubbade tal textat på svenska.
🇸🇪 Inte allt översatt till svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
All my 2023 videos in a spreadsheet
Huge CME
Directed south of the Sun, not against Earth
The black thing at the top of this image is the Sun that is blacked out so you can see what is happening in this coronal mass ejection. The Earth isn’t as close to the Sun as in this image, but only a tiny fraction of this stuff could fry the Earth quite badly.
A propaganda tip for the farmers:
I have been bothered by "we need to support the farmers" - No, we don't, because the people we buy our food from are usually multi-millionaires and more capable than us.
But here's the propaganda tip for farmers: "I want the state to stop harassing the farmers so they can sell us healthier and cheaper food!" 🥰👍
Compare with Elon Musk who never asked us to fund 𝕏 even though he has a good argument why it would be good for humanity, but instead he points to the value that 𝕏 brings to both users and advertisers, and that governments and the media are acting like thugs against 𝕏.
"We need to support the richest man in the world" wouldn't work.
Don’t blame the Supreme Court for the useless Congress?
Movies make you as insane as Alexander Soros!
Preemptive programming. This movie from 2015 will be remade?
This plan to murder Trump with a massive PsyOp is not thought up by Alexander Soros, unless he is also the best actor and liar the world has ever seen. It’s more likely that it is just as it looks like, Alex is a patsy and a moron.
George Soros heir, Alex Soros, delivers breathless temper tantrum about Trump in front of Davos elite: "One man, Donald Trump, literally came in and just took that, took that, took that all away. Ehm, you know so, ehm, you know so, ehm, you know.”
But between the ehm and word salad about things Alexander Soros strangely doesn't seem to be aware of, there is a good point there about that you have to have the right people. If you want war, open borders and unlimited corruption you have to hire Victoria Nuland, Adam Schiff and Joe Biden.
The Democrat leadership are such scum that they lied about The Patriot Front that were protecting their lives and sent them to prison, new footage shows. And the J6 Committee erased over 100 encrypted files right before Republicans took the majority that likely contained even worse proof of treason. The party should be declared a terrorist organization because it is a terrorist organization.
How to get millions of repost
Elon Musk is good at marketing, but MrBeast is a Beast. Maybe 25 million people will retweet that, which means that your average ROR (Return on Repost) is $1 cent.
These German demonstrations are reported in propaganda media
The US dictatorship in Germany calls for the sheople to defend the treasonous puppet rulers against the ever more popular AfD.
Supporting actual fascists that are pro-war, against medical freedom and even against food, low taxes and free trade, against AfD that is called fascist because they don’t want to sell out Germany.
Swedish Social Democrats and Liberals are blaming each other for the immigration
While media is blaming other media for the mass immigration. So the discussion of mass immigration is definitely over.
Anonymous sources:
Turkey and Sweden’s NATO membership…
Orbán also invited Ulf for a NATO Sweden membership meeting. Nothing actually happens.
Swedish media:
Coffee and cookies = climate shame!
Swedish “fika” (coffee and cookies) should be almost as shameful as meat according to sadist narcissists in Swedish media. This will break the narrative, as it’s clear that they just hate people.
The media class think you and I and all productive people will live in misery, while the sadistic virtue signallers who know nothing will live in luxury.
The problem is that they know nothing except increasingly bad propaganda, so they will become biofuel.
Putin, climate and pandemic!!!
Russian scientists have been drilling mammoths out of the melting permafrost. A Putin virus!!!
If I were a mammoth, I would be very happy if I got sick from Putin's climate virus! It's much better than being very dead.
My 2023 videos, spreadsheet
Demix8015 made a spreadsheet into a webpage of my 2023 Bitchute videos:
You can now go on there and explore my old output and perhaps (using the CTRL F on their browser) use search terms to find what they are interested in.
But then
Demix8015 picks a fight with Grammar Nazi Cat:
17:30 I have caught you there... 'less' (a lot of people will say this) 'problems' should of course be 'fewer problems'. There can be 'more problems' but there can only ever be 'fewer problems' because problems come in one or twos, not (for example) in kilograms. (Don't worry, this is a pet hate if mine - everyone gets the same 'fewer/less' snarky comment)
I meant "less problems", not "fewer problems". Grammar Nazi cat approves, and sees this as "less problematic and maybe fewer or even more problems". Breaking grammar is allowed if it makes it more clear, and I was not counting problems, because Elon is probably producing more problems for himself, but less problematic ones now.
In Swedish we have two words for "more": "mer" and "fler" (bigger in numbers), just like "less" (mindre) and "fewer" (färre). Maybe I should use "flore" to become superior to Grammar Anglo Cat...
EUROPA: The Last Battle - Full Documentary (2017) by Tobias Bratt
Now Interpol is trying to get this removed as it contains malinformation.
Might be easier to watch on X in 1-hour episodes:
MacGregor correct: Way too many Swedes and Finns trust the government
2 minut video: https://twitter.com/MResearchacc/status/1749382532074745964
How many US tanks does to take to conquer Canada?
I guess around 1, so Justina Castreau should be scared and take the message from the commander in media seriously.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Enorm CME
Riktad söder om solen, inte mot jorden
Den svarta saken längst upp i bilden är solen som har mörklagts för att man ska kunna se vad som händer i denna koronala massutkastning.
De tyska bönderna ger sig inte. De fortsätter blockera vägar och göra sina röster hörda: inga bönder - ingen mat!
Lite propagandatips till bönderna:
Jag har stört mig på "vi måste stödja svenska bönder" - Nej, det måste vi inte alls, för dem vi köper maten ifrån är oftast mångmiljonärer och mer kapabla än vi.
Men här är propaganda-tipset till LRFsverige: "Jag vill att staten ska sluta jävlas med bönderna så att de kan sälja oss nyttigare och billigare mat!" 🥰👍🇸🇪
Jämför med Elon Musk som aldrig bett oss stödja 𝕏 trots att han har ett bra argument för varför det vore bra för mänskligheten, men i stället pekar han på värdet som 𝕏 ger både användare och annonsörer, samt att stater och media beter sig som kräk emot 𝕏.
"Vi måste stödja världens rikaste man" hade inte fungerat.
Alexander Soros’ ehumande…
Men mellan ehm och ordsallad om saker som Alexander Soros konstigt nog inte verkar vara medveten om, finns det en bra poäng där om att du måste ha rätt personer. Om man vill ha krig, öppna gränser och obegränsad korruption måste man anlita Victoria Nuland, Adam Schiff och Joe Biden.
Dessa tyska demonstrationer är rapporterade om i media
Den amerikanska diktaturen i Tyskland uppmanar fårfolket att försvara de förrädiska marionetthärskarna mot det alltmer populära AfD.
Att stödja faktiska fascister som är för krig, mot medicinsk frihet och till och med mot mat, låga skatter och frihandel, mot AfD som kallas fascistiskt eftersom de inte vill sälja ut Tyskland.
Putin, klimat och pandemi!!!
Ryska forskare har borrat upp mammutar ur permafrosten. Ett Putinvirus!!!
Om jag vore en mammut skulle jag bli jätteglad om jag blev sjuk av Putins klimat-virus! Det är mycket bättre än att vara jättedöd.
Mediaklassen tror du och jag och alla produktiva kommer att leva i misär, medan de sadistiska godhetssignalerarna som inte kan ett dugg kommer att leva i lyx.
Problemet är att de inte kan något förutom allt sämre propaganda, så de lär bli biobränsle.
Är det här Miljöpartister med något som motsvarar privata jetplan? Så de är nästan lika goda som John Kerry på sin privata jet när han sniffar kokain med småbarn?
Sluta tramsa nu! Vi vill ha hetare Heta Greta! Fika mer!