Omicron vaccine works despit the bioweapon injections. BoJo is a sadist. The US Republic didn't fall
Omikron-vaccinet fungerar trots biovapeninjektioner. USA-Republiken föll nästan. Sadister i reträtt
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska gran-slaktar-video. Svensk text på slutet.
Today’s English video during which no spruce was seriously injured (See images at the end of what happened during the Swedish video recording). Only a carrot got severely hurt during this recording.
The first working corona vaccine, the live vector vaccine omicron, saves lives among the bioweapon injected people very efficiently too
The normalized data from the United Kingdom shows the ones injected with the bioweapon get COVID-19 around twice as much as the unvaccinated during the Winter wave:
So the world's first successful corona vaccine Omicron seems to work great, and with only minor side effects, but we do not know the long-term side effects yet. I think the long-term side effects of the live vector vaccine Omicron for people with underlying conditions such as vulnerable narcissism, sociopathy or common stupidity might be:
Lost head
Cracked neck
Death by suffocation
Lead poisoning
Getting stuck in a concentration camp
Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema voted with Republicans to keep the filibuster rules
Without the filibuster rules, the US Republic would have ended. Even if just the voting rules filibuster was suggested to be removed.
Santa Clara County to mandate covid injections by Jan 24, 2022
Dr. Sara Cody is a vulnerable narcissist, or a sadist manipulative shit, to use common language. These Daleks in human form can only be dealt with by avoiding them, manipulating them or use force. You can't reason with them, and most people can't negotiate with them as they even hurt themselves just to get that sweet narcissist supply by making others comply.
Manipulative tricks to use
What you can do is to demand that “people” like her signs a paper to promise that she will take a booster every 3 months for the rest of her (short) life. If she doesn't, she is clearly an antivaxxer.
If any sadistic shit thinks it's OK to impose a poison injection on healthcare professionals, then these "people" should only receive healthcare from non-healthcare politicians.
England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
...and just like that, it was gone! With an approval rating that makes Joe Biden look popular Boris Johnson just couldn’t continue his sadist path.
But the little Dalek shit just couldn’t help himself, and refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”. EXECUTE!
This is a retreat, not a capitulation! Do not fall for it, and DO NOT CHEER FOR A SADIST SHIT JUST BECAUSE HE ONLY CUTS OFF HALF OF YOUR FINGERS!
The Last Days Of The COVIDian Cult
This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is...
Document for injection pushers to sign
Reminder: More harm than good
Keep on sharing this presentation to everyone:
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
🇸🇪 Dokument att underteckna för sprutpåtvingare
Mer skada än nytta!
Påminnelse: Skicka den här genomgång till all sjukvårdpersonal, myndigheter, media, alla som känner någon där och alla andra! Denna förklarar hur Pfizer’s data som visar att sjukdom och död AV ALLA ORSAKER bara blir värre för de besprutade:
Tips om manipulativa trick
Om någon vill tvinga andra att ta en covid-spruta så måste de själva skriva under på att ta en covid-spruta var tredje månader i resten av sitt liv.
Om någon sadistisk skit tycker det att OK att påtvinga sjukvårdspersonal en giftspruta, så ska dessa “människor” endast få sjukvård av icke-sjukvårdsutbildade politiker.
Omikron-vaccinet väldigt effektivt även på dem som injicerat biovapnet
Den normaliserade datan ifrån United Kingdom visar att de besprutade får omikron omkring dubbels så mycket som de obesprutade under vinter-vågen:
Så världens första lyckade corona-vaccin Omikron verkar fungera utmärkt, och med små biverkningar, men vi känner inte till de långsiktiga biverkningarna än. Jag tror att de långsiktiga biverkningarna av levande-vektor-vaccinet Omikron för folk med underliggande sjukdomar så som sårbar narcissism, sociopati eller vanlig dumhet kan bli:
Tappat huvud
Knäckt nacke
Död genom kvävning
Fastna i arbetsläger