I come out as a pro-vaxxer. I defend genocide? Thanks to Wallenberg, I can post this
Varför blev jag för vaccin? Kan jag försvara folkmord? Tack till Wallenberg som håller mig obannad!
Today’s English live stream failed because I became too late, and now there is no time. I pushed the wrong buttons and stuff… I’ll do the reporting with the dog tomorrow instead.
Dagens svenska direktsänding på Facebook kl 21:00: https://www.facebook.com/HenrikWallinPage/posts/3079712005643106
Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former vice-president of respiratory research division, Pfizer
Mike Yeadon presents the most compelling evidence of deliberate injected genocide so far. Anyone who think they have an opinion about anything covid related, belongs in a concentration camp until they have listened to Yeadon, Dr David Martin and Dr Robert Malone. Then they might come to different conclusions which is fine, but if they don’t even want to hear this side, we are totally justified to manipulate the triple jabbed and the double boosted to kill each other.
Live vector vaccine = Omicron
Geert Vanden Bossche has talked for quite some time about the benefit of of creating a virus that is extremely transmissible, which he knows how to do in a lab with gain-of-function, mice and so on, but does not contain the bioweapon spike protein. I do understand that what we know about “viruses” are just a model, as Yeadon explained, and that “the terrain” (the condition of your body) is more important, but that said: As Dr David Martin has shown, there are patents of self-replicating bioweapon (that we can call “viruses”).
So of all of the thousands of virus experts and labs in the world, would one create a live vector vaccine that is a self-replicating anti-bioweapon that gives you a sore throat and immunity to the corona virus vector of the bioweapon spike protein? Yes, that is 99.99% likely because this variant - they do find different DNA in many different labs even if they haven’t isolated the virus, and the PCR tests are bullshit. I might be wrong though.
A joke from the gates of Hell
Some executives were bragging to each other about how evil they were while waiting in line outside of the gates of Hell.
The oil baron said “I’ve poisoned lands, killed competition, but mostly I promoted insane climate lies to crush my smaller competition and distract people from the actual pollution I could do freely while people tried to hold their farts in.”
The military industrial complex boss says: “That is what child magicians do! I’ve been a part in manufacturing every war and conflict the last decades!”
The big pharma boss says: “You sold weapons to people so they could defend them from oppressions, so you are basically Jesus. I’ve pushed dangerous drugs and procedures, while lying about nutrition so hard that I’m responsible for more than half of the premature deaths.”
The media mogul said: “I don’t even understand why I’m not waiting in line for Heaven, because I’ve never ever done anything bad, but instead always made others do the evil for me.”
UK ITU Doctor Confronts UK Health Secretary
I want to get in contact with UK health secretary Sajid Javid. Unlike he who steals his money, I'm a professional beggar (donations for my writing/videos). So unless he’s some sort of money-denying anti-giving banker-nutjob, he would listen to my professional advice on how much he should give me, wouldn't he?
Pandemics end when the people have had enough
Vitamin B12 & D deficiencies cause depression
Epoch Times seems to be heavily invested in shorting big pharma stocks…
I wonder what science denying vaccine fanatics will say about the link between Vitamin B12 & D deficiencies and depression, and that garlic can save lives? “I need another booster", I guess because they have no brain left.
Scott Adams about how to talk about the US election if you want to win
Scott doesn’t get viruses and vaccines that well, but damn: He gets the mass formation!
This is the best ever explanation of the mass formation psychosis, media manipulation, persuasion and people saying obviously insane shit like “people use data and reasoning to form their opinions” - Only a hypnotized professor would believe such an insane thing:
Genocide is better than the alternative?
In Sweden they gave retards (term of the time, not to be confused with the French “in retard” which means “belated”/”afterwards” so if a French person says happy birthday a day late to you, they aren’t calling you a retard…) a lot of sugar to see if sugar caused dental problem which it did, so they tortured massive amounts of retards to death and destroying their teeth with horrible sugar experiments.
But… Thanks to these Mengele style experiments we know that your teeth will be fine if you just avoid sugar and a bat in them (Fact-checkers claim this is false. Ozzy Osbourne bit off a bat’s head with no dental damage.).
So what if some people are testing out how much 5G people can handle?
What if they see that this mass formation and vulnerable narcissism, that has ALWAYS happened to every civilization can be “cured” peacefully by letting everyone who is in the mass formation kill themselves without hurting too many others? Most alternatives seem worse than this!
My alternative is this to tell every vulnerable narcissist to keep repeading these lines:
I can be wrong
I might have been lied to
I will not value the narrative of high status people above my close ones
I will work more with nature and engineering instead of against other opinions
I will not try to separate my loved ones from their best friends and family
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Är folkmord bättre än alternativet?
I Sverige gav de idioter (den tidens term) mycket socker för att se om socker orsakade tandproblem vilket det gjorde, så de torterade massor med idioter till döds och förstörde deras tänder med hemska sockerexperiment.
Men... Tack vare dessa Mengele-experiment vet vi att dina tänder blir bra om du bara undviker socker och ett slagträ i dem (slagträ och fladdermus heter “bat” på engelska, men skämtet är skämt på svenska).
Så vad händer om vissa människor testar hur mycket 5G-användare kan hantera?
Tänk om de ser att denna massformation(dårskap) och sårbara narcissism, som ALLTID har hänt varje civilisation, kan "botas" fredligt genom att låta alla som är i massformationen ta livet av sig utan att skada alltför många andra? De flesta alternativ verkar värre än så här!
Mitt alternativ är detta att säga till alla sårbara narcissister att ständigt upprepa dessa rader:
Jag kan ha fel
Jag kan ha blivit lurad
Jag kommer inte att värdera narrativet ifrån personer med hög status framför mina nära och kära
Jag kommer att jobba mer med natur och teknik istället för mot andras åsikter
Jag kommer inte att försöka skilja mina nära och kära från deras bästa vänner och familj