We are the leaders now. Avoiding cognitive dissonance. Propaganda you can use. Organic pureblood
Vi är ledarna nu. Hur undvika kognitiv dissonans. Propaganda du kan använda. Ekologiskt purblod
Dagens regniga men inspirerande svenska video
Today’s English tug of war inspiring video.
Heute unten ein Text in deutscher Sprache. Svensk text i slutet.
This is not about “saving the children” or even “the great reset”. This is mass hysteria and mentally sick people who have watched too much MSM and they eat really badly. Some of them can be cured by getting actual information, but something else is needed for the rest.
All these children could have been save with proper treatment and food unless they had other conditions and didn’t die of covid at all.
We are the leaders now
Stop focusing on the “leaders”! They are not the leaders! Start building new networks, knowledge and power. Is there anything I can do to help you?
How to not get cognitive dissonance
Get immune to embarrassment - Train yourself to be wrong in public
Do reframing and think about stuff from other angles
Learn other fields and build your talent stack. Working the reality like in engineering, farming, crafts is good because nature will not accept any cognitive dissonance, emotional reasoning or personal attacks when you fail
Remind yourself that you might be wrong, especially if you are very sure about something
Cognitive dissonance seems to happen when people are so afraid to admit to others that they are wrong, than they can’t admit it to themselves either.
Create fear and then cure it 👍 😁
All organizations use fear and crises to test propaganda, or they aren’t doing their job:
RussiaToday’s German channels banned from Youtube
Is evil Russia’s German speaking Russia Today spreading anti-nuclear and climate propaganda in Germany so that they can sell more gas? Yes, but the globalists like that.
Is RT trying to free Germany from the 40 000 occupying US troops? Not successfully, at least, and the US troops buys gas, so good business.
Is RT trying to push massive immigration to sell more gas? Not really, and all globalists love that.
Is RT exposing the hideous crimes that the allied committed against Germans during WW-II? Of course not, because that would make Russians look bad too.
No, RT’s crime was to give helpful live-saving medical information to the Germans just to sell more gas. No wonder the genocidal German leaders forced Youtube to end that!
🇩🇪 Deutsche RT auf Youtube verboten
Die RT des bösen Russlands verbreitet Anti-Atom- und Klimapropaganda in Deutschland, damit sie mehr Gas verkaufen können? Ja, aber die Herrscher mögen das.
Versucht RT, Deutschland von den 40.000 US-Besatzungssoldaten zu befreien? Zumindest nicht erfolgreich, und die US-Truppen kaufen Gas, also ein gutes Geschäft.
Versucht RT, eine massive Einwanderung zu forcieren, um mehr Gas zu verkaufen? Nicht wirklich, und das lieben alle Globalisten.
Enthüllt RT die abscheulichen Verbrechen, die die Alliierten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs gegen die Deutschen begangen haben? Natürlich nicht, denn das würde auch die Russen schlecht aussehen lassen.
Nein, das Verbrechen von RT bestand darin, den Deutschen hilfreiche lebensrettende medizinische Informationen zu geben, nur um mehr Benzin zu verkaufen. Kein Wunder, dass die völkermörderischen deutschen Politiker Youtube dazu zwangen, das zu beenden!
Skunks and their sounds 🇸🇪 Så… skunkar 😍
Or here: https://rumble.com/vn3r99-skunks-their-sounds-and-how-cute-they-are.html
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid! Unless…
Why you should not confuse people with an arguable graph, but you should totally do that if you have a the heavy artillery ready.
I don’t just hate on Twitter, but I also do want to make sure thought leaders are thinking about some stuff that they just don’t think about, like curry:
The tech giants are listening to everything, so now it’s up to us to make them not understand anything of what they see:
The Museum in Ljusdal has a good section about a drog store from over 100 years ago, and what they sold and what information they provided. Many things that only now are being rediscovered.
🇸🇪 Ljusdals (apotek-museum har bra information om tiden FÖRE apoteksmonopolet.
Hur du undviker kognitiv dissonans
Folk som blivit överbevisad om att de har fel, men ändå inte kan släppa sin gamla uppfattning lider av kognitiv dissonans, vilket är uppenbart för andra, men de som lider av det kan själva inte inse det.
Bli immun mot att känna att du gör bort dig - Träna dig själv att ha fel offentligt
Se saker ifrån nya vinklar och tänk på dem annorlunda
Lär dig andra områden och bygg din färdighetsstack. Att arbeta emot verkligheten som med ingenjörskonst, jordbruk, hantverk är bra eftersom naturen inte accepterar någon kognitiv dissonans, känslomässiga resonemang eller personliga attacker när du misslyckas
Påminn dig själv om att du kan ha fel, speciellt när du är mycket säker på något
Kognitiv dissonans verkar hända när människor är så rädda att erkänna för andra att de har fel, att de inte ens kan erkänna det för sig själva.