Happy health minister in love with omicron-lockdown. How many more deaths before arrests?
Expressen & Aftonbladet: Hur många barn tycker ni ska sprutas ihjäl innan ni stoppar detta?
Dagens svenska arga deprimerande video. Länk till Cecilia Bergs video längst ner.
Today’s English angry depressing video.
Dr Andreas Noack KILLED 4 DAYS AFTER POSTING THIS VIDEO (mirror, English subs)
Dr Andreas Noack is an expert on carbon, and he saw how the graphene hydroxide that for unknown reasons was found in the jabs acts like razorblades in the blood, and basically will slice up the body from within, especially during high intensity work, and this would explain the athletes collapsing, not the spike protein.
Update 2021-12-21: They are trying really hard to debunk this, but… “There is no proof that” isn’t a debunk: https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2021/11/fact-check-there-is-no-evidence-german-chemist-dr-andreas-noack-died-from-unnatural-causes.html
And they find all sort of shit in these jabs:
A group of South Korean doctors have banded together and now call themselves the "Korea Veritas Doctors for Covid 19." They have secured partial vials of the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines, and upon close observation they claim to have observed "moving organism." Dr. Jane Ruby joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss.
Remember that the poison jab companies can put whatever experiment they want in the syringes as they don’t have to take responsibility for it. But if people realize and understand what they are doing, I think that the mobs will ignore the legal details.
It might be that the moving stuff and the Dr Andreas Noack story are fake, but as some people just do not care about any warning about the jabs, these people need to prove that the jabs are safe and effective or face something close to the death penalty.
The question is: Who are the bravest ones? The ever increasing amount of whistleblowers or people working in the government and media who will lose their job and will lose the fight sooner or later.
The question is how many children will be murdered until then.
Pfizer Pushes Third Vaccine Dose For Kids 5 And Under
Because health?
The UK Health Minister seems to really enjoy the prospect of force vaccinating children to death while blaming omicron:
Even in Sweden the politicians are mad sadist pieces of shit that just do not listen to experts or the people as the lung MD Hans Zingmark explains below. The politicians want their vaccine passports, children jabbed to death, and people warning then and the constitution can piss off.
🇸🇪 Cecilia Berg intervjuar specialistläkaren Hans Zingmark:
Speglat här: https://odysee.com/@heddahenrik:b/HansZingmark:b
Death penalty is way too mild for "Team Mengele"