Connecting freedom-lovers. Vaccine fails&insanity. German gov's war on Germany. Sweden's CIA news
Nätverka frihetsälskare. Vaccin-misslyckande&galenskap. Tyska regeringens krig mot Tyskland. SäPo
Today’s English video from Ljusdal
Register in the vaxcontrolgroup if your unvaxxed
Here vaxxed and pureblooded can find employers and employees that don’t like vaccine tyranny
What if covid would have killed only 1% of the children, but not the adults?
From what we can see in the world now, no one would have cared except for pushing vaccines just as massively as now, but no one in voting age could have been locked up. But SARS-CoV-2 and the media strategy were designed for attacking elderly easy-to-scare voters so that politicians would have to obey them.
Millions of children with stupid parents will die
19 times higher rate of heart problems after vaxx
Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group.
“What are we injecting? We have no clue, but some jabs are magnetic and some aren’t. Journalists suck”:
“Safe and effective” in Singapore
Not just cases, but also deaths, and Singapore data seems pretty trustworthy:
Having a highly vaccinated population without natural immunity is worst case scenario as the virus then quickly will mutate around the vaccine, and the vaccine will only weaken the sheople
Geert explains why vaccinated are more dangerous for vaccinated:
Everything is corrupted, so you can see the globalist cabal and their minions clear now:
Amazing Polly, just one example:
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH speaks at the 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021:
Guess what evil media is warning about:
Adverse reactions registered in VigiAccess (WHOs DB) for all Covid-19 vaccines (data for 1.5 year) and for ivermectin (data for 30 years, blue bars). Obviously you should not take ivermectin for safety reasons but a covid vaccine is fine!
Gas war, or just CCP with friends trying to divide EU and Russia?
Putin is cutting off EU’s gas just because he wants to kill as many Green morons as possible?!? Nah, of course not. Russia wants to sell as much gas as they can, but wants to use their own pipeline
Sweden has a new “CIA director”
SäPo, Sweden’s security police, has gotten a new boss on the 1st of October, but almost no one is talking about it. One would think thatthis would be a big thing with all the bombings and human trafficking, but that media is quiet about it might mean that it’s a big thing.
Sparkad vaxxad fick skadestånd. Nog bra?
En bra poäng, men jag tvivlar på att alla som hotats till att förlora jobbet pga sprutan kommer att få rättsäkerhet, men å andra sidan blir det då helt klart att rättsväsendet saknar all legitimitet, och redan nu är ofta inställningen att det är synd om brottslingarna, medan man pissar på brottsoffren.
Matti Sällberg får helt oemotsagt göra reklam för sina farliga produkter och ljuga om tidiga covid-behandlingar i en kanal du betalar för:
Notera hur överbödeln Per Brolin ☝️ SKITER i om barnen lider och dör, sanningen, och allt utom #vaccin! Och mördarmedia visar enbart ena sidan, medan de hånar opartiska expert och oss som följer dem och har tittat på studierna.
“Fuck Ulf Biden!” (Det är bara åldern som skiljer Kristersson ifrån tyranndockan?)
Fårpamparna klarar inte av att lära sig grundläggande näringslära, men när det gäller att hantera spridningen av virus så försöker de inbilla oss att de är experter för de bara älskar att kommendera andra att lida. Ren sadism.
Ny chef på SäPo, en jurist
Egor Putilov har skrivit skräckpropaganda om covid, men verkar ha skärpt till sig på sistone så vi får väl förlåta honom. Oavsett så är blir det intressant att se vad som händer i korruptionen i skuggorna, och om den blir lika tydlig som mördarmedias dödsljugande, men det är talande att media är så tyst om det. SäPo-chefen borde vara viktig nu med alla bombningar och terrorhot.