Reframing exercise. My Substack/tomato problem. The left invents, but can't run things? Infiltration
Bästa träningsformen? Mitt Substack/tomat-problem. Vänstern uppfinner, men styr uselt. Infiltration
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Today’s English video
Which is the best form of exercise?
I have suggest low intensity training like long walks or bike rides, combined with high intensity training where you use as many muscles as possible for only 5-20 seconds.
But: The best form of exercise is the one you do. If you don’t exjoy doing it, figure out something else that you will actually do!
Yesterday's Substack?
Yesterday's Substack suffered from a tomato plant problem. I know I should cut the tomato plants down a bit, but I just don't do it because it feels wrong.
Similarly, yesterday's Substack became too long, boring and messy, and I didn't have the heart to cut away everything I spent so much time on, so I couldn’t finish it before I fell asleep.
England waking up:
Get the English a parliament in York!
As a Swede, allied to England for 1000 years (sorry about those Viking raids, but they were 98% Danish and Norwegian), an English parliament has my full support. 😍🇸🇪❤🏴🏴🏴
I doubt this is happening “now”, but the idea is out there, and in a few decades the English will feel more honour in themselves than in the island they are living on - The Scots and Welsh should totally love that!
And I as another Europeans will not have to see City of London trying to start another war between Europe and Russia, or China and USA, or etc.
I want to give my conditional support for City of London though: I think it’s a great idea to have a free financial market microstate! Let them do their stuff, maybe build a wall around it, but if City of London is shut down, they will only do their stuff from another place. Better to keep your enemies close!
Russian diplomacy winning big
Anger From Ukraine's Backers After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights 'Human Shields'
Russia is winning the propaganda war after a slow start. But most people in the know see this as Amnesty is working for CIA to shut Zelenskyy down in a controlled demolition, so that they can blame the debacle on him.
Epoch Times: ‘WEF Deepens Relationship With the CCP’
OK, The Epoch Times sees CCP in everything, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong… I think it’s safe to say that China isn’t an alternative to WEF, or that we should view CCP as something nice just because some really horrible people are against CCP.
I think it’s safe to say that CCP cares more about the Chinese people than the Western tyrants do, but they are still “oppressing them for their own good”. China’s big problem is lack of freedom of speech, but the CCP leaders really ask about the people think about things, while the theatrical western leaders only cares about looking good in media.
Inspiration for political/promotional ads
Mindy Robinson has some serious skills in making a genuine campaign ad
People may say I’m not taking my campaign seriously with the commercial I made myself for $0… but I beg you to find a more informative, devastatingly honest, anti-government corruption political campaign ad than this.
That’s one way to frame it:

An omen?
Yes, that really happened on the 24th of June 2022. (more) Heavenly Trump is a gelding though, if that means anything…
DeSantis Sends Cops To Physically Remove Suspended 'Soros-Backed' State Attorney
More and more are waking up and realizing that these “people” are forever toxic: Fire the demons! Fire their companies! Fire their NGOs! And topple their governments!
Be smart about it, but the aim is clear: Destroy all their power! These demons will never stop hunting you: DOJ Sues Ex-Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Over White House Emails
They are not asking for a civil war: They are demanding it.
Compare with NL and Canada where the governments are much more powerful and are using that power to really destroy the nations. In most of the other “western” countries, the governments are retreating from woke anti-Russian ESG technocracy, Japan considers buying more Russian gas, EU is quietly walking back the sanctions, insane immigration policies are walked back in Sweden, etc.
But retreating from insanity is not enough! They need to stop killing people with bad food, and demon media.
Senator Ron Johnson sums up the Covid corruption in 20 minutes
Jordan Peterson:
”The left invents, the conservatives run things”
Interesting idea. Maybe some truth to it, and a useful frame to have.
Viktor Orbán: 'Globalists can all go to hell'
No invitation to Davos for Orbán… Orbán is doing more damage to EU's technocrat aspirations than 17 Brexits would do. At the moment, it's Turkey that is messing up NATO, unlike Serbia that got caught smuggling weapons to Ukraine.
So don't get fooled by the black-and-white thinking of in or out. Things are never that simple.
When was the last time you thought about infiltration?
How can you, your friends and contacts become better versions of yourselves? You might think it's a "fight against cancer", but if only your body, what you do and how you think improve, you won't get cancer, viruses, or Klaus Schwab. You learn how to infiltrate the enemy, you've learned all about propaganda ploys, you've learned how to avoid taxes, and we dominate the media.
But we need more ideas, and preferably with people who can enforce them. A little more on that tomorrow.
Vilken är den bästa formen av motion och träning?
Jag har föreslagit lågintensiv träning som långa promenader eller cykelturer, kombinerat med högintensiv träning där du använder så många muskler som möjligt under endast 5-20 sekunder.
Men: Den bästa formen av träning är den som du utför. Om du inte tycker att det är roligt att göra det, kom på något annat som du faktiskt vill göra!
Gårdagens Substack?
Gårdagens Substack drabbades av ett tomatplant-problem. Jag vet att jag borde klippa ner tomatplantorna lite, men jag bara gör det inte för det känns fel.
På samma sätt blev gårdagens Substack för lång, trist och rörig, och jag hade inte hjärta att klippa bort allt jag spenderat så mycket tid på, så jag hann inte avsluta den innan jag somnade.
Jordan Peterson had en intressant inramning
Jordan: “Vänstern uppfinner och hittar på saker, de konservativa ser till att saker blir gjorda väl.” Kanske lite sant, och gör att man ser någon nytta i vänstertokar, samtidigt som det är dags att inse att de inte ska leda stora organisationer.
Viktor Orbán i Dallas
Orbán talade på en träff för konservativa i Dallas, och bad bl a globalisterna att dra åt helvete. Vänsterliberalerna blir allt mer hysteriska bara hans namn nämns, så idolbilder överallt…
När tänkte du på infiltration senast?
Hur kan du, dina vänner och kontakter bli bättre versioner av er själva? Man kan tro det är en "kamp emot cancer", men om bara din kropp, vad du gör och hur du tänker bättre så drabbas du inte av cancer, virus, eller Klaus Schwab. Du lär dig hur du infiltrerar fienden, du har lärt dig allt om propaganda-knep, du har lärt dig att skatteplanera, och vi dominerar media.
Men vi behöver fler idéer och helst tillsammans med folk som kan genomdriva dem. Lite mer om det i morgon.