Reframing marriage. What is needed to be charismatic. Status, drugs and sex are more than money
Ominramning av äktenskap. Vad krävs för att vara karismatisk? Status, droger och sex mer än pengar
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån Viagra-parken vid Linköpings universitet. På svenska längst ner.
Today’s English video from Linköping University
Reframing marriage
A good marriage is when both partners swear to be the protector of the other. Then love is unavoidable at least until one part stop being a protector.
Reframing charisma
Charisma is power plus empathy.
Apparently this episode cured a ton of people from mental problems
The video is also here:
I already told you that you should think of the future in the present tense (“Tomorrow I am writing another Substack” instead of “Tomorrow I will be writing”), and then the future becomes now, and you can think of it more vividly.
From the book "Legal Systems Very Different from Ours":
Bellingcat - MI6 as its best
MI6 can also edit Wikipedia. Hire them for your next opium war!
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Ominramning av äktenskap
Ett bra äktenskap är ett äktenskap där båda parter svär att vara den andres beskyddare. Då är kärleken oundviklig, åtminstone tills den ena parten slutar vara beskyddare.
Ominramning av karisma
Karisma är makt plus empati.