Remove call to violence?!? Thank the Jews! Music makes you dumb? Remember Nixon! Divine antisemite
Avlägsna hot om våld?!? Tack till judarna! Musik förkorkar? Minns Nixon! Mer än alla är antisemiter!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute, Swebbtube
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute (processing)
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Cyprus Youtuber elected to the EU parliament explains the salary and benefits
They are getting plenty of money for attending the world’s most powerless parliament.
This is why Lucas Gage got banned for 6 months
“removing” people who are destroying society with poison ideologies, fabricate wars via media, pushing big pharma poisons and infiltrate governments and other organizations with wokeness is not a a call for violence.
Many even better arguments in the comments to Elon Musk. Much worse things have been written by the Zionist demons than this from the brain-washed Ben Shapiro puppet:
Aiden Hunter writes: A jew just threatened to open fire on Lucas Gage's house. Gage has had to evacuate his wife and children. This follows weeks of jews inciting violence toward him, and lying to law enforcement to get him 'SWATed.' Thousands of jews submitted fake reports to X to get his account suspended so that he can't let his followers know what's happening. These jews now pose a clear and present danger. Despite this, Elon Musk has not reversed the suspension on Gage's account. Video
Lucas Gage interviewed by Stew Peters
Mosa Mazroui Sebdani asks deceptively: The West owes its prosperity to the Jews. They are undoubtedly the minority that has contributed most per capita to cultural, economic and technological development. Yet it is precisely the group we repeatedly throw under the bus. Why is that?
I can answer that: Jewish contributions to western societies: War, toxic media that starts the war, big pharma and illegal drugs, false flags, usury, Kalergi's Loxist genocidal mass immigration, slavery, porn, transsexualism and much more.
But there is also Einstein: A total fraud who just stole others' ideas.
Spain's golden age started in 1492 - When they did what 109 wise countries have done 1030 times.
🇸🇪 Mosa Mazroui Sebdani frågar bedrägligt: Västvärlden har judarna att tacka för sitt välstånd. Det är tveklöst den minoritet som per capita bidragit mest till kulturell, ekonomisk och teknologisk utveckling. Ändå är det precis den grupp vi gång på gång kastar under bussen. Varför?
🇸🇪 Jag kan svara på det: Judiska bidrag till västerländska samhällen: Krig, giftiga medier som startar krig, big pharma och illegala droger, falska flaggor, ocker, Kalergis loxistiska folkmordsmassinvandring, slaveri, porr, transsexualism och mycket mer.
🇸🇪 Men det finns också Einstein: En total bedragare som bara stal andras idéer.
🇸🇪 Spaniens guldålder började 1492 - När de gjorde vad 109 kloka länder har gjort 1030 gånger.
The Weimar Republic is what you get with Jews in total control, and the failing countries in 5eyes aren’t far behind now.
Intelligence and Music: Lower Intelligent Quotient Is Associated With Higher Use of Music for Experiencing Strong Sensations
The smallpox vaccine was never proven to work
Where is your vaccine God now? Does it have heart problems? Flu? Cancer?
Dr Aseem Malhotra video: We have a pandemic of vaccine harm
🇸🇪 SwebbTV: Läkare säger att vi har en pandemi av vaccinskadade
3 minutes video: Tucker explaining Nixon
A lot of US presidents have been taken out by the cabal-CIA-Mossad-MI6, so being sure that Trump wins is just wrong. Trump needs to be even better, which I think he can do, but it isn’t a giving.
No, this is not a 3000 year old space craft
A space craft wouldn’t even look like that. The “artifact” is 25 years old.
China-Russia relations are great, but
Russia-India relations are amazing
Please support my work, as I've spend years completing this list of why Russia and India should have bad relations with each other:
Darn, he died, so there is no reason I guess.
Well done debunk video: RFK JR trying to convince his dogs that he only ate a goat, not a dog
David Sacks continues to stand up for the sacred right to do elderly abuse!
President Biden is being treated like a piece of trash by Democrat elites who are only out for themselves. They have no respect for the office, no loyalty to their friends, no honor of any kind. It’s disgusting to watch.
Video: Whoopi Goldberg is voting for poopy pants
Delicious! 😋
Joe Biden deserves this elderly abuse, the Democrats deserve Joe Biden, and the media (who started every damn war for hundreds of years) deserves to be forced to use their snake tongues to lick Joe's butt-brain! (as I said yesterday)
AOC is being delicious 😋 too: AOC is rejecting the DNC's insurrection against the president. She's staking her reputation on the president's mental acuity. She claims he's fit for duty and is supporting him.
What to do when you already have called every Goy and every Jew an antisemite?
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach knows!
He will have enough material for decades if he takes a look at Hinduism! 😆
A wild service tree, a torminalis:
The Swedish name for it is “German Swedish whitebeam”
🇸🇪 En tyskoxel, men engelska Wikipedia skriver: Torminalis är ett släkte av växter i rosfamiljen Rosaceae.[2] Släktet Torminalis ingick tidigare i släktet Sorbus, som sektionen Torminaria, men de enkelbladiga arter som traditionellt klassificerats i Sorbus anses nu bilda en separat monofyletisk grupp
Omg! That rfk video is wonderful💜
watch this before they take this down